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A/N: Hello! This chapter is dealing with death. Triggers will be posted if gone into specifics on death, but please read at your own discretion!

He couldn't process any of this. How could this have happened? You said you would be careful in the mines so what happened! When Harvey had called Sam about you being there and that it was an emergency, he still thought you were going to make it out ok. But you didn't. Maru kept Sam out of the room while Harvey was desperately trying to keep you alive.

It was hours before Harvey came out. A grim expression in his face. Sam barely heard him say that you didn't make it. You were dead, that's all he knew. How was he supposed to go on knowing you were dead.

His eyes were dull and lifeless as they buried you by your grandpa. His friends and family tried to comfort him, but all of it was just white noise in his head.

Why did this happen? He knew you were careful. You always were. How could this happen? He stopped playing music, video games and skate boarding brought him no comfort. All he did now was take care if Vivi and the farm. He would not let the farm die with you. He just went with the motions. He didn't even leave to buy seeds. No. You had left him what he needed.

After all, what was he supposed to do now?


TW: Drowning

The waves were crashing. "___!" Alex tried swimming toward you as you failed in the ocean. "A-Alex!" A riptide pulled you under, pushing you farther away from Alex. "No!" You popped back and gulped in much needed air. Even in the distance, Alex could see the terror in your eyes. "I'm coming babe! I'm coming!" He kept swimming, but the tides wouldn't let him. "Alex!?" You yelled out before being pulled under again. "No!!" He kicked with all he could. You didn't come back up. "No! No! NO!!!"

Alex bawled at your funeral. The whole town was crying, but Alex was the loudest. Your dad had his arm around Alex. "You tried Alex..you tried.." Alex continued to cry. He didn't save you. He tried and he failed. "You tried..." Your dad's ears were ringing in his head, but all Alex could think about was how he couldn't save you, and how you weren't even in the coffin being buried. Your body was lost, just like him.

He couldn't look your dad in the eye. He didn't blame Alex, but Alex blamed himself. He lost all the spark he had in him. Without you, color left his life, and nothing was the same.


TW: Cancer

Harvey held your hand in the hospital. Not just his little Pelican Town clinic. An actual full hospital in Zuzu. You had been diagnosed with colon cancer, and it had taken its toll. You didn't have much time left. You were so frail and small, not the fiery way you were when Harvey met you. "Mocha.." "It'll be ok Harvey. You're going to be fine yeah..?" You mumbled, feeling very weak. Harvey blinked back tears, "I-I know but...what am I supposed to do without you?" You smiled weakly. "Please live on..for me doc..I love you so much..." "I love you too Mocha..." Your heart rate flat lined.

Harvey had to be practically dragged out of the hospital room. Doctors tried to revive you with no luck, pronouncing you dead.

Your dad tried to comfort Harvey at the funeral, as did Maru. Harvey appreciated their gestures to no end, but nothing helped. You and he both knew it was coming, and he had tried to mentally prepare himself, but he wasn't ready. He couldn't ever have imagined this level of heartbreak.

He tried to respect your dying wish, and move on with his life. Damn he tried, but it was hard when everything reminded him of you. Eventually he couldn't take it, and sold the farm. The animals went to Harvey, and the crops were Har est and plant beds left empty. He moved back into his apartment above the clinic and brought Isis home. The only other thing he had kept was the framed picture of the two of you from your wedding.

He hopped on his motorcycle and didn't turn back. He was leaving Pelican Town for good, how could he come back? The only thing that kept him there was you, but now you were gone. Harvey said you had fallen off a cliff by the forest when you were looking for spring onions. The fall killed you.

Sebastian stayed for the funeral, before packing his things and putting Tomato in a cat carrier and taking off. He may return someday. When he forgets you. When he forgets the bright smile on your face. When he forgets the image of you singing and dancing in the living room. When he forgets they way you looked in his hoody gazing up at the stars.

When he forgets every thing you did to him and how much he loved you, then he would return to Pelican Town. Until then, he would ride around with Tomato, going from town to town, trying to forget.

Elliot ripped another page out of his writing journal. It's been months since everything happened. Months since he had written anything down. Almost a year since he published anything. The money well would run dry sooner or later. Especially without you. You were no longer around to run it. Your death had had such a butterfly effect on everything. Everyone in town was distraught by the news, you had touched everyone's lives, and now you were just...gone.

Elliot had taken the biggest toll. Bis appearance had degraded. He wasn't taking care if himself. The only thing he took care of was Huckleberry. You would be crushed if anything happened to that dog, so Elliot took great care of him. But he had lost his muse. He had no one to write about, write for, read to, cook for. Leah tried to bring him comfort, as did Gunther and Penny, but to no avail. Elliot himself did not know what to do anymore.

The last thing he had ever written for you, was your eulogy. Without you, he was lost.


TW: drunk driving

Shane wouldn't even look at alcohol again as long as he lived. He was holding Jas in his arms, crying and trying to comfort her as well. "Uncle Shane, are you going to leave to...?" She asked with tears in her eyes. "W-what?" "Are you going to leave too..? Like mommy and daddy did? And now ___..?" She sobbed. Shane held her tighter. "No...no I'm not going anywhere Jas..." He cried. He hadn't cried like this in so long. How could this have happened? You were just in Calico Desert to drop something off with Sandy. It should have been quick. You only needed to cross the fucking road once. But that was enough time for a drunk driver to come by. Pam had panicked when she saw your body practically go flying. The car had missed her, bur kept driving after hitting you. She had the license plate and reported it, but that still brought little comfort to Shane.

Jas had moved into the farm house with Shane for awhile. Frankly they needed each other. They slept in your old bed together, and Marnie would visit once in a while. The other townsfolk would pitch in and help Shane out on the farm until he got the swing of things.

"Shane...why not sell it? Isn't it a lot?" Gus asked. Shane drank his Joja Cola. "That place meant the world to them Gus...and I ain't letting it go without a fight..." "They would be proud of you Shane.." Emily added, placing a hand ontop of Shane's. "I hope so...I miss them so much..." He finished his drink and walked back home. "I miss you so much ___..."

A/N: I'm only slightly sorry for this chapter. Stay tuned for the next one!

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