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A little Intro-My brother and I were always close but when my parents noticed I was a child prodigy intelligently and musically they sent me to a private school in New York

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A little Intro-My brother and I were always close but when my parents noticed I was a child prodigy intelligently and musically they sent me to a private school in New York. We became distant often writing me little to no letters. Living by myself in a private school was stressful but refreshing. But like always all good things must come to an end and due to my father's overprotective ass I was forced to move back to Northern California.- Intro over

Once I got home I was already rushed off to school by my father. I spent the whole day being the talk of the school. I didn't like all that unnecessary attention it freaked me out. After the lacrosse team I needed an extra waterboy so I volunteered. I saw one boy that was done practicing so I went up to him to offer him some water. "Nice, Liam. You might just be our first ever freshman captain", I heard one of the boys say. "Here some water you must be parched after all that practicing", I said. "Yeah thanks", He said as he drank the water. "No problem", I said. "Hey what's your name", He asked? "Apollo,  Apollo Stilinski", I said. "What's yours", I asked. "Liam", He said. I walked away and then we met later in the locker room. "So I'm kinda new so do you mind if you give me a tour", He asked. "I'm just as lost as you", I said. "So what school did you come from", I asked. "Davenport Prep", He said. "What about you", He asked. "St. James Gifted Program for Boys and Girls", I said. "Oh so you're a smarty pants huh", He said. "Intelligently and Musically", I said. "I could play Winter I. Allegro Non Molto by the time I was five", I said. "Don't know what that is but it sounds great", He said. "Maybe you could show me sometime", He said. "I'd be open to that yeah", I said.  I was looking in my bag for something when I heard a familiar voice. "Hey, Liam. You want to explain what that was out there", They said. It sounds like my older brother Stiles. I turned around. "Stiles", I said. "Apollo", Stiles said confused and surprised. "Big brother", I said as I ran up to him. I ran up to him and gave him a hug so fast and tightly he didn't get time to process. When his feelings caught up with him he got so excited. "What are you doing here", He asked with a smile on his face.  "Dad wanted me to come home", I said. He turned me around. "Apollo you remember Scott right", He said. I looked at Scott immediately and started blushing. I instantly shy and the butterflies came in. "Yeah he looks kinda familiar", I said in a soft voice. "Nice to see you again Scott", I said. "You too Apollo", Scott said. "Dude your brother doesn't look so good he's turned red all over his face", Scott said.  Stiles turned me around. "Yeah your right Apollo maybe you should go to the nurse", He said "Yeah sure", I said. "Goodbye Liam", I said . "Bye", He said waving. 

-lacrosse Field-

I watched Tryouts and I was rooting for Liam all the way. But Scott caught my eye so I cheered for Liam out loud while I cheered Scott in my head. But these two girls just looked at me weird but I shook it off. I ran to the field when Liam got hurt. Scott and Stiles held Liam while I opened up every door until we got to the nurses office.

-Nurses Office-

Liam sat one of the Nurse beds. I kneeled down. "Down worry Liam I'm sure it's not that bad", I said. "Nope it's broken for sure", Liam said. "No say that I'm sure it's just a sprain", I said. We took him to the hospital. I fell asleep in the waiting room but I was woken up by a scream.  I ran toward the sound and then heard Liam. I ended up running into him. "What are you doing out of bed", I asked? "I thought I heard something", He said. "Yeah same here" We turn the other way and saw a boy covered in blood with sharp teeth. He dragged us both up to the roof and had us both in a headlock. He pushed Liam over the edge while Scott ran after him. Then he ran to Scott and tried pulling him off. I tried looking for something sharp. "I can't hold on any longer", Liam said. I finally found something sharp. I ran toward the Guy and started stabbing him. I heard Liam scream and when I looked over the edge I saw that Scott had bit Liam. And then I helped Scott pull him back up. I looked behind us and there stood a guy with no mouth and he told me to shush. I hugged Liam tightly. "Liam are you ok", I said. "The bite broke the skin", He said.

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