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S5 E9/ E10

(I'm only going to do the ending of Lies of Omissions because I didn't know how to fit Apollo into the whole episode)

-Animal Clinic-

I rode my bike to the Animal Clinic because Scott asked me to come down. "Hey, sorry...I had to handle something before I came here", I said. "I couldn't get in touch with Malia, Lydia or Stiles", I said. Scott held up a broken bottle. The one I used to smack Donovan with. "Scott? Where did you get that", I asked. "This is yours? Why didn't you tell me", Scott said. "I was going to", I said.  "No, but why didn't you tell me when it happened", Scott said. "I couldn't", I said. "You killed him? You killed Donovan", He asked. "Well, he was going to kill my dad", He said. "Huh? Was I supposed to just let him", I said. "You weren't supposed to do this. None of us are", Scott said. "You think I had a choice", I said. "There's always a choice", Scott said. "Yeah, well, I can't do what you can, Scott. I know you wouldn't have done it. You probably would've just figured something out, right", I said. "I'd try", He said. "Yeah, because you're Scott McCall! You're the true Alpha! Guess what? All of us can't be true Alphas. Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human", I yelled. "So, you had to kill him", Scott asked. "Scott, he was going to kill my dad", I said. "But the way that it happened...There's a point when it's...It's not self-defense anymore", Scott said. "What are you even talking about? I didn't have a choice, Scott! You don't even believe me, do you", I said. "I want to", Scott said. "Okay, all right, so... So, believe me then. Scott, say you believe me. Say it. Say you believe me", I said.  "Apollo, we can't kill people that we're trying to save", He said. "Say you believe me", I said. "We can't kill people", Scott yelled. "Do you believe that", He said.  "Well, what do I do about this? What do you want me to do? Okay, just be...Scott, just tell me how to fix this, all right? Please, just tell me, what do you want me to do", I said. "Don't worry about Malia, Lydia, or Scott. We'll find them. Maybe...Maybe you should talk to your dad", Scott said walking back into the Animal Clinic. I rode my bike and headed into my house I stopped into another neighborhood. I got off my bike and thought about what Scott just said. I used my power and crushed the bike. I started yelling and started crying. I fell asleep and called Malia the next morning

-The Next Day-

Malia came to pick me up and threw my crushed up bike into someone's trash can. I got into the car and it became silent. "Am I taking you home", Malia asked.  "No. Sheriff station. I gotta talk to my dad", I said. We pulled up to the police station. "You want me to go in with you", He asked. "No, it's okay. It's probably going to take a while", I said. I let out a sigh. Are you going to tell him about Donovan", She asked. "You knew", I asked.  "I guessed. I saw the bite on your shoulder while you were sleeping. It didn't matter to me. That's why I never said anything", She said. "It matters to me", I said as I got out the car went to the station. "The sheriff left half an hour ago. He said he was on his way back", The Officer said. "Okay, thanks. I'll just wait in his office", I said. Then the fire alarm went off and I saw Officer Parrish walk out. I told the police officers to not shoot and get out of his way. Then I got a vision of two werewolf fight in the School Library. I ran out the door and ran to the School.  


When I got to the Library I saw Scott and Liam fighting. I used my powers to push Scott and Liam off of each other. I started to feel weak. I ran toward them and they both not only wanted to  fight each other but me as well. I kicked Liam back while I started dodging Scott's claws. "I need to find all of my strengths and stop both of them", I thought to myself. I push Scott back into a book shelf. Liam got up and started trying to claw me. "Liam listen to me, you need to calm down", I said. "Get out of my way", He roared. "No", I said. I threw a chair at him and knocked him back. They both got up and ran toward me. I used my psychic force and pushed them back again. I quickly blacked out. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Theo about to kill Scott. I ran so fast and pushed Scott out of the way. Theo's claws entered my chest and pierced my heart. "You will never be one of us", I said as I fell down to the ground. Then Theo left. Scott ran toward me. I start coughing up blood. "S-Scott I'm sorry...I really am", I said. "It's fine Apollo", He said. "Your going to be ok", He said. "Scott I'm...scared...I...don't want to die", I said. "Scott...promise me you'll save everyone", I said. "I can't", He said. "Promise me", I said. He nodded. "Tell...Stiles and my dad...that I...love them", I said. I closed my tired eyes knowing that I will wake up someday. 

-3rd pov-

Tears rolled down Scott's face. All those memories from when he lost Alison surfaced back to him. He just lost someone close to him. He thought about how he was going to tell Stiles. Meanwhile Liam felt it in his soul that Apollo just died. He start crying. Not alone did lose Apollo he lost Hayden aswhile. Later that night Stiles was worried about Apollo since hadn't come home. He was about to look for him when there was a knock a the door. When he opened the door he was ready to yell at Apollo for staying out late again. But when he open the door it wasn't Apollo it was Scott. Scott told him about what happened. Stiles busted into tears and started wailing. Deep inside Stiles blamed Scott for Apollo's death. Scott called Apollo's dad and told him. Apollo's dad was so mad and upset he threw things and yelled. There nothing nobody could do not even Deaton. Scott and the others buried him. 

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