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S5 E6 Required Reading

S5 E6 Required Reading

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-A Few Days Later-

I signed up for taekwondo classes two days ago and I've been progressing really fast. I've been careful ever since Donovan attacked me. I don't really go out by myself anymore. 

-That night at Lydia's House-

We all had a copy of the dread doctors book. "My mom's book club usually has more wine", Lydia said. "Well I hope we don't have to do a book report after this", I said sarcastically. "Well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations", Stiles said. "That's why Malia's here", Scott said. "So none of us go running into traffic", Kira said. "Or worse", Scott said. "Like what happened to Judy", Malia said. We all looked at her weird. "Chapter 14", Malia said. "Maybe I should have my mother read it", Lydia said. "She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone", Kira said. "Yeah, if it works", Stiles said. "It has to", Lydia said. "What's that mean", I asked. "I think I saw them during my surgery. When I look at the cover of the book...It's almost like...", Lydia said. "A memory trying to surface", Theo replied. "Yeah", Lydia said. "Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it? If they did something to me, I want to know what it is", Kira said. We started reading the book. Theo and I shared a book together. "I'm going to get some water", I said. I walked into the kitchen. I gripped my leg. "What did you do to your leg", Malia asked me. "What are you talking about", I asked.  "I can smell the blood. What happened", Malia asked. "I scraped my legs really bad. I'm fine though", I said. I went back to reading with Theo. Kira went to sleep and eventually we all went to sleep.

-The Day Next At School-

I had a bad headache that day and my shoulder was killing me. I heard about Scott's asthma attack. Theo was walking me to class and my head was killing me. I start hearing whispers. I ran into an empty class. Theo walked in with me. "Hey are you ok", Theo asked. The whispers got louder and louder. "Stop", I said. "Stop what Apollo your scaring me", Theo said. "Stop stop stop", I said. "Apollo stop what", He asked. "Stop", I yelled as I closed my eyes. When I opened them I wasn't in my classroom anymore I was on the streets of New York at night. I walked around and heard someone calling my name. "There you are Apollo you shouldn't be out on the streets at night", I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw my old friend Kelsey. "But your...", I said. "She passed right through me. When I turned around to see who it was I got a familiar feeling. I turned and saw me but younger. I followed them and I know just how this story was going to end. A robber stopped in front of them and demanded money. And when he wasn't happy with the result he shot Kelsey. And he almost shot me until cops cars came and I woke up. When I opened my eyes there stood Scott, Theo, and Stiles. "Apollo are you ok", Scott asked. "I'm fine but my head is killing me", I groaned. "What happened", I asked. "You kept yelling stop and when you closed your eyes and said stop a force pushed me back and you blacked out", Theo said. "I had a dream or a vision", I said. "What was it about", Scott asked. "The real reason why I came back to Beacon Hills", I said. 'What do you mean", Stiles asked. I explained to them what happened. "I was so traumatized I locked myself in my room and wouldn't leave until my dad came and packed my stuff then drove me back here", I said.

-Later that night-

Scott, Malia, Theo, and I went to the hospital to help Stiles and Lydia. Theo told me he heard something on the roof. So we both went up there and found Stiles fighting a Chimera. Theo ran into and started fighting the Chimera. Theo started choking the Chimera. "Apollo now", Theo said. I came from behind the Chimera and put my two fingers on the sides of his head. "Lets see if this will shock you enough", I said. "Pain", I said. The Chimera started silently screaming in pain. Then Theo clawed his throat then dropped him shock. I also became shocked. "Stiles...Apollo...You can't say anything. Please, don't say anything", Theo said. "Why not", I asked. "Because I never said anything about Donovan", Theo said to me. 

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