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S4 E6 I.E.D

-The Next Day at School-

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-The Next Day at School-

I saw Liam on the field alone and practicing. I ran up to Liam and yelled his name. I hugged him very tightly. "I was so worried about you", I said. "When I saw that you and Scott were gone and the window was broken I just got so worried that something happened to you", I said. "I feel so stupid I shouldn't have fallen asleep", I said. I stopped hugging him. I looked at him and again I could see his aura. It was pink. I could feel his emotions. Closed my eyes and shook my head. At that moment all I could feel was him. I knew how he felt about me. It filled me up with butterflies and uncertainty. "It's ok Apollo I forgive you", Liam said. "You were already tired from school so I got it", Liam said. He could almost see tears in my eyes. He giggled. "Don't cry it's ok I'm safe", He said. 

-Hours Later-

I was in the equipment room with Kira, Stiles, and Scott. We started taking off the toppers on the bottom of the sticks. "This is pointless. Most of the team plays with their own gear", Scott said.  "Maybe instead of trying to find a lacrosse stick with a hidden dagger in it, we should be trying to get the game canceled", Kira said. "The game's the best way to catch him red-handed.", Scott said. "Or Liam. Well, we don't have the whole list and he could be on it", Scott said. "We don't know anything about that list", Stiles said. "How it's made, how it's updated. I mean, who's been out taking a supernatural census anyway", Stiles said. "How do they even know about me", Kira said. "They know about everyone", Scott said. Stiles sighed. "I think Kira's right. I think we should stop the game", I said. "I'm not afraid", Scott said. "Neither am I" Kira said. "Well, I'm terrified. And I'm not even on the list. Guys, these are professional Killers. It's their profession. One of them's got a thermo-cut wire that cuts heads off. Who knows what else they have", Stiles said. 

-Outside of School-

Liam stormed out of the school once he found the Davenport school bus was outside. "Brett", Liam said. "I just wanted to say... Have a good game", Liam said trying to calm down. Brett laughed at him. "That's cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in Anger Management? Apologize and everything's fine? You demolished Coach's car", Brett said. "I paid for it", Liam said. "Yeah, you're going to pay for it. We're gonna break you in half out there. And it's gonna be all your fault", Brett said. I got in front of Brett so Liam could look at me and calm down. Stiles and Scott quickly grabbed Liam. "Hey, what's going on prep students? Welcome to our little public high school. How you doing? That's a firm handshake you got there. Uh, we're very excited for scrimmage tonight. Uh, but Let's keep it clean, all right? No rough stuff out there. All right, see you on the field. Go", Stiles said. I turned around and Brett tried to stare me down and I stared back. "What are you looking at freak", Brett said. "I'm looking at a sorry ass rich white boy", I said. "Oh yeah", He said. "Yeah", I said. He pushed me. So I stared at him. In my head I really wanted to hurt him. But then Brett's head started to hurt. "Dude I think I'm having a migraine", He said in pain. He kneeled down, he was in so much pain. He started throwing up. His team mates picked him up and walked him to the nurse. When I realized what I had done I tried helping him but one of his team mates pushed my back. A few minutes later I saw Stiles. "Hey Stiles I need you to do me a favor", I said "What is it", He asked. "I need you to do some research", I said. "What research", He asked. "Supernatural Research", I said. "Why do you need some supernatural research your not...", Stiles said. Stiles thought about it a little bit. "In less you are", He said. I pulled him into an empty classroom and closed the door. "Look all I know is something is going on with me", I said. "Something not normal", I said. "What kind of not normal", He asked. "Being able to give people headaches with my mind", I said. "What kind", He asked. "Really bad ones like the ones that will make you throw up", I said. "So a thunderclap headache", He said. "Yeah", I said. "Alright I'll see what I can do", Stiles said. "Thanks", I said as I walked away.

-Later That Night-

I was handing out water to all the players. I was told of the situation prior to the game starting so I kept a close eye on Garrett. But he could tell I was watching him. Then out of nowhere on my way to the bathroom. My vision started turning blurry and then I started seeing things. I saw a thermal cut wire, then a locker room with two bodies on the floor, and last I saw Scott being choked by the thermal cut wire. Then my vision returned back to normal and someone shook me. "Hey are you ok", I heard them say. I turned around and saw Violet. "Oh hey Violet", I said. "Yeah I'm doing fine", I said. "Are you sure because you don't look so good", She said. "Yeah I'm fine", I said. I walked back to the field and tried finding Scott but he was already on the field. I eagerly waited for Scott to get off the field so I could tell he was in trouble. I was told  to get some stuff out the equipment shed and when I got back. I saw that Scott was gone. He wasn't on the field nor on the sidelines. I ran to Stiles. "Stiles where's Scott", I said panicking. "He left to go check on brett like five minutes ago", Stiles said. "Where's brett", I asked. "The locker room why", Stiles asked. "We need to go now", I said. "Why", He said as he started to panic. "Scott's in trouble", I said. We ran to the locker room and when we got there Scott was being choked by a wire. "No", I shouted. I focused on Violet and how I wanted to make her stop. I gave her a headache. She dropped her wire and then Scott grabbed her and knocked her out. "I think you need to call your dad", Scott said to Stiles.

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