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S5 E5 A Novel Approach

I realized it was Donovan who was trying to kill me

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I realized it was Donovan who was trying to kill me. "Told you I will make you wish you were dead", He said. He put a syringe in my leg and inserted something in my bloodstream. "What did put in my body", I asked. "Moonflower Wolfsbane so I could kill you easily", I said. I grabbed a broken bottle and stabbed him on the side of arm. He let me go and I started running. I ran all the way to the school. I ran into the library. He came in and suddenly my phone buzzed. I started panicking, "You dropped your phone", He said. "It's Liam. Should I text him back", He asked. "You don't really know who I am, do you, Apollo? Maybe you heard about my father. Did your dad tell you about him? Did Sheriff Stilinski ever tell you about the time he was still deputy and how his partner got caught in a shootout? Did he tell you a bullet shattered my dad's T-9 vertebra? Went right through his spinal cord? Know what that means? It means everything below his waist is useless. And not just his legs. I bet he told you some of it. But I bet he probably left out the part where he was sitting in a car calling for backup while my dad was going in alone. Did he tell you that he was too scared, too much of a frightened little bitch to go in after him? 

Or do scared little bitches not tell their little bitch sons about their failures?About how they put their partner in a wheelchair for the rest of his life", He said. I got some mad I wanted to hurt him. He went into another direction and I tried to sneak over to the exit but grabbed me and pulled into a shelf. breaking the shelf in half. He grabbed a sharp piece of wood and cut my legs and sides with. He laughed as I tried to get up but couldn't due to my cut up legs. I pushed a rolling chair toward and he fell. I fought the pain and got up and pushed the broken shelf with all my might. I ran when I looked back Donovan was impaled with a large piece of wood. He died with liquid silver coming out of him. I went into another room and panicked. I didn't know what to do.  I tried calling 911 but froze when they answered. They said they were sending a car out I hung up. Before I left the library I took my phone from Donovan's body. My phone started ringing. it was Liam I hung it up and ran out of school as fast as I could. I hid behind the tall bushes in the school parking lot. I kept panicking. My legs were still hurting and pretty much couldn't use my powers. I didn't mean to kill Donovan. All I wanted to do was to get him off me so I could run. The Police Office I saw his memories. And saw that when he checked the Library nothing was there. Once the Office left I ran back into the school and saw that Donovan's body was gone. I snuck back into my house and tried falling asleep. I couldn't fall asleep.

-The Next Day-

I was extremely tired and drained from last. Liam came up to me. "Hey I tried calling you last but you didn't answer", He said. "Yeah, I went to bed early last night", I said. "Hey are you ok you don't too good", Liam asked. "Yeah I went to bed early but didn't get any sleep", I said. "Can you still get through the day", Liam asked. "Yeah I'm fine", I said.

-Stilinski House-

Lydia came to pick up Stiles to go to Eichen. I came into Stiles's room. "I'm coming", I said. "I thought you said you were tired", Lydia said. "I'm slightly drained", I said. "You don't have to come", Stiles said. "Yeah Liam's not going either", Lydia said. "Liam's not going because he knows that place is a nightmare asylum of insanity and death, okay", I said. "Let's go", I said as I winced at my legs. "What was that", Lydia said. "What was what", I said. "You winced", Stiles said. "I have a bad knee", I said. "It was your legs", I said. "Pain radiates. It does that", I said. I tried to get out of the door but they both blocked. "You are not going without me", I said. "You remember what happened to Deaton when he talked to Valack", I said. "Scott and Kira are going to be there", Lydia said. "Okay. I'm not letting you go to a place where one of the orderlies almost killed you two", I said. "He almost killed you too", Lydia and Stiles said. "And we're all still alive. See? Teamwork", I said. Pushing them out the way and getting out the door.

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