
Lydia, Malia, and I were all in the library studying while trying to learn more about Stiles. Lydia was telling us about the vision she saw. I wasn't paying much attention because I was trying to find someone who could help me with whatever weird stuff was happening to me. As I was browsing the web, I stumbled upon a website for a psychic called Madam Celeste. "What are you doing?" Malia asked, noticing I was distracted. "I'm just... looking at something," I replied, trying to be vague. She turned the computer screen towards her and read, "Madam Celeste's Psychic Readings? Why would you need a psychic?" "Because I've been experiencing some supernatural stuff happening to me," I admitted. "What do you mean?" Malia asked, sounding concerned. "I don't know, I can't explain it," I said, feeling frustrated. "But look, she's just outside of Canaan. Maybe after our field trip to Canaan, we could stop at her shop." "I don't know, Apollo. She doesn't seem legit," Lydia said skeptically. "Look, I don't know how to explain it, but I can sense she's different," I insisted. I just had this gut feeling that Madam Celeste could help us figure things out. "Meanwhile only thing I could find about Canan is where it is", Malia said pointing to it on a map. "That's all we need to know", I said. Lydia, Malia, Scott, and I hopped into the car and rode to Canaan.


After a super long ride that felt like it was never gonna end, we finally rolled into Canaan. Stepping out of the car, was like stepping into a ghost town. "Yeah, this isn't giving me the creeps at all," I muttered to myself. We started walking around, and it was eerie silent. "I can't hear a single sound," Scott remarked. "And I'm not catching any smells," Malia added. "I've got a seriously bad feeling about this," I said, my nerves jangling. Scott scratched his head, puzzled. "I wonder why Stiles would send us here."This is the place I saw in the mirror," Lydia chimed in. We decided to split up, which seemed like a terrible idea in hindsight. As I wandered deeper into the town, whispers started echoing in my head, and I could almost hear screams in the distance. It was like whatever was happening to me could feel the bad vibes of this place too. Then, I saw him. My dad. But it wasn't a joyful reunion. His body was torn apart, and I couldn't help but scream. The others rushed to me, concern etched on their faces."My dad... he..." I stammered, pointing to where he had been, but now there was nothing."It's okay, Apollo. Your dad's not here. You're safe," Lydia reassured me.

"But I saw him," I insisted."It wasn't real," Lydia said gently."Yeah, but it felt real," I muttered, still shaken. Lydia analyzed the situation. "The energy here, it's messing with our heads. We need to get out of here."But we can't just leave. Not until we figure out why Stiles sent us here," Scott argued."Who are we gonna ask? There's nobody around," Lydia pointed out."We can ask him," Malia said suddenly, pointing to a boy in a blue shirt and khaki shorts."Hey!" Scott called out, but the boy bolted."What do we do?" Lydia asked, panic creeping into her voice."We chase him," Scott declared, and we took off after the kid. We ended up at this creepy house, and just as we were about to bail, the curtains moved. We jumped back, spooked out of our minds. But for some reason, we decided to go in anyway. Inside, there was this woman who looked like she was stuck in a time warp from the '50s. "Visitors!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement. "Caleb will be thrilled to have someone to play with."Yeah, thanks, but no thanks," Malia whispered to us, clearly not feeling this woman."She's the lady from the mirror," Lydia whispered back. The woman sat us down and brought out lemonade, going on about how it was her mom's recipe and how they used to serve it to guests."This just keeps getting weirder and weirder," I muttered under my breath. "We didn't come to visit. We're looking for someone," Malia said, her eyes scanning the room cautiously. "A friend of ours. Maybe you've seen him. His name is Stiles," Scott added, his voice tinged with worry.

"It's been a while since anyone came through Canaan," the woman replied cryptically, her gaze piercing through us."How long?" I interjected, feeling a shiver crawl down my spine."Since April 8th, 1987," Malia answered, reaching into her pocket to pull out a crumpled receipt she had found."Why would you disturb those things? They don't belong to you," the woman snapped, her expression contorted with anger."We need to know what happened," Scott insisted, his tone firm yet empathetic."There was a picnic. A community party," the woman began, her voice tinged with sadness. "It seems like everyone left in a hurry." People have been leaving Canaan for a long time. That's the day the last of them left," she continued, her words hanging heavily in the air."All at once? They all just disappeared?" Scott pressed, his brow furrowed in confusion." I didn't say they disappeared. I said they left," the woman shot back, her anger palpable."Did they leave in a cloud of green smoke?" Malia questioned, her skepticism evident."She knows more than she's letting on," I whispered to the group, my suspicions growing."They just left!" the woman screamed suddenly, her voice echoing off the walls. "We didn't mean to upset you. We'll go now," Lydia said quickly, attempting to defuse the tension. We all rose from our seats, preparing to leave, when suddenly the door slammed shut in front of us."No one is leaving. No one is leaving Canaan ever again," the woman declared ominously, her eyes blazing with an intensity that sent chills down my spine. I tried to turn the doorknob, my heart pounding in my chest as Malia's urgent voice filled the room. "Scott, open the door, you're a werewolf," she exclaimed. "I'm trying," I replied, frustration creeping into my tone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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