
I was in the Library to help devise the plan...or somewhat. "The K-index quantifies disturbances in the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field", Liam said. "What's a "K-index", Liam asked. "It's a scale that meteorologists use to measure thunderstorm activity", Mason said. "So, a K-Index value less than 20 means no activity, and above 35 is severe", I said. "Well, how bad's "severe", Liam asked. "Well, your average storm has about 1,000 lightning strikes", I said. "In the past three months, the average storm in Beacon Hills had 5,000," I said. "And what's it reading now", Liam asked. "Uh, 14. We're clear", Mason said checking the computer. "Okay, so if a spike in the K-Index means more lightning, then we can tell if they're coming", Liam said. "Yeah", Mason. "This is good", I said. Then the computer started beeping. "Actually... This is bad", Mason said. "Well you guys figure that out I have to call and convince him to let me go to the Argent bunker", I said. "See ya", I said walking out.


Liam, Hayden, and I were leading everyone to the bunker. "Why are we underground", Jayden asked. "This is the way to the bunker", Hayden reassured her. "You guys have a bunker? Who are you people", Nathan asked. "We're the people who know things about the things that most people don't know about", Liam said. "What", Nathan said. "We're people who are not like most people", I said. "Just keep moving", Hayden said. "Liam...Apollo...Where's Gwen", Hayden worried. "Aww shit", I said. "You guys go find Gwen I'll stay here and call you if she comes back", I said. They both nodded and I ran to catch up with the others. We got everyone into the Bunker and Scott closed it. "Hey, we're missing three, plus Gwen", Liam said. "They're all lacrosse players. They were at the party, so they know what's coming", I said. "People see what they want to see" Chris said. "Guys, we're running out of time", Scott said. "Scott, we have to get them", I said. "I'll go. The rest of you stay here", Scott said. "We couldn't fight off one Ghost Rider. Who knows how many are gonna be there tonight? We're going with you", Liam said. "You're marked", Scott said.  "So am I", Mason said. "I Practically pissed one off so I me too", I said. "Yeah, me too, but at least I can see them coming", Cory said. Scott let out a sigh. "All right. But if you see them coming... Run", Scott said.


All five of us went up to the school. "What's the plan" Liam asked as we headed to the locker room. "Convince Okafur, Steinbach, and Wallace that playing tonight is a bad idea", Scott said. Scott and turned to Mason. "You've read everything there is to know on the Ghost Riders", Scott said. "Yeah", Mason said. "And you're the only one of us who's figured anything out. Have you come across anything that could stop them", Scott said. "Not yet. But I can try", Mason. "Do that", Scott said. "You got this", I said. We entered the Locker Room.  "You're late, McCall! Why aren't you people dressed? Get your asses moving", The Coach said. I tried to sneak but he caught me. "Stilinski get dressed now", He yelled. "But I don't know how to play", I said. "Your not playing you'll be handing out water, water boy", He yelled. "Everyone on the field! Hustle! Hustle! Hustle", He yelled. "We'll never get them back into the bunker now", Liam said."Get dressed. "Because there's only one way to keep them safe", Liam said. "Play the game", Scott said.


Everything was going great until everyone started arguing and then it started raining hard. Then the ghost riders came. I yelled for everyone in the stands to run from the thunderstorm. Ghost riders surrounded me. In the distance, I could see Scott and them. The ghost riders got off their horse. They clocked their guns at me and shot it. I covered my face preparing to get hit but it never happened. I looked up and it seemed the bullets had stopped in mid-air. I had a feeling it had something to do with my new powers. I ran away after that.

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