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S4 E4 The Benefactor

S4 E4 The Benefactor

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-Later that night-

Stiles checked on me that night. "Stiles what is going on here", I said. "In this town", I said. He explained to me what was going on.  "So thanks to a magical tree supernatural things just happened on the regular", I said. "Basically", He said. "You know if you didn't want to tell me the truth you could have just said so", I said. "It's not a lie it's the truth", He said. "How am I supposed to believe that every halloween myth and fables that ever existed just lives here", I said. "Did you not see a Wendigo just tried to kill you and your friend", He said. "That wasn't a wendigo", I said. "Wendigo's are supposed to be like a demon deer according to myths", I said. "Ok so what did you see", He asked? "Human eating cannibal", I said. "He had multiple teeth Apollo", He said. "Bad case of shark teeth syndrome", I said. "Look all I gotta say is you'll see tomorrow tonight during this full moon", He said walking out of my room. "Oh wait", He said coming back into my room. "You'll be hanging out with me and my friends all day. You know to keep you safe", He said. "Do I have to", I said. "Don't worry your boyfriend will be there", He said. "He's not my boyfriend Stiles", I said throwing my pillow at him.

-The next day-

I was getting ready that morning when I walked past Stiles's room. I noticed a girl in his room and she had  leather cuffs with metal chains on her hands. I looked at him weirdly. "It's not what it looks like", He said. "She's a Werecoyote so it's not that", He said. "I just don't wanna know" I said.


I saw Liam so I went up to him. "Hey Liam", I said. "Hey Apollo", He said with a sigh. "What's wrong you don't look too good", I asked. He pulled me aside. "Do you believe in the supernatural", He asked. "No, Liam not you too", I said. "Look there is a logical explanation for all of this", I said. I noticed he started getting dizzy. "Are you sure you're ok Liam do you know you need to go to the nurse", I said. "Yeah I'm fine", Liam said. "Are you positive because the nurse-", I said but he cut me off. "I said I'm fine Apollo", Liam said getting angry and walking away. Later that day I met up with Stiles and his friends. I got to meet the rest of his friends. They started to discuss some supernatural plans. "Ok so what about your brother", Malia. "He's coming with us", Stiles said. "Stiles I don't think it's safe for him", Scott said. "I'll be fine on my own plus I don't buy any of this stuff", I said. "Yeah he says that now", Lydia said.

-Later that night- 

I went to a Lake House with Stiles and his friends. Stiles didn't want me to be out at night alone. I didn't know what the plan was so I was surprised when Liam walked in. "What is Liam doing here", I asked. "You see this is why you shouldn't ignore us and listen to the plan", Stiles said. "What the hell is going on", Liam asked? "Think of it like an intervention . You have a problem, Liam", Stiles said. "And we're the only ones that can help", Scott said. Scott explained to him what was going on. "So let me get this straight. Werewolf? Werecoyote. Banshee. Fox", Liam said "Kitsune. But fox works", Kira said. "What are you", Liam asked Stiles. "Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil", Stiles said. "What are you now", Liam asked. "Bet-", Stiles said but I cut him off. "Human", I said. Liam let out a little chuckle. Liam looked down at the metal cuffs. "Those for me", Liam asked. "No, they're for me", Malia said as her eyes turned blue. "How did you do that", Liam asked."You'll learn. But first, you need to get through the full moon", Scott said. "The moon's already out", Liam said. "And you're starting to feel something, aren't you", Scott asked. "I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs. You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don't know how you did that eye thing and I don't care. I'm walking out the door right now! If any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I'm gonna...", Liam said yelling and getting angry. Liam fell to the ground screaming in pain. " What's wrong? Liam", Scott asked. "You don't hear that", Liam said as cars started pulling up. "Did you tell someone about this", Lydia said. "My friend Mason", Liam said. "You said it was a party", Liam said. "Who did Mason invite", Stiles asked. "Everyone", Kira said. Liam started turning into something. "The floors! Get him off the floors"Lydia said. Liam started roaring. "We need to get him to the boathouse. Now", Scott said. Scott, Kira, and I start getting him to the boathouse. Once we got there they tried tying him up but he kept trying to claw Scott. I got in front of Liam and kneeled down. "Help Kira tie him up", I said to Scott. I touch both sides of Liam's face. "Hey Liam look at me", I said. "Just calm down", I said softly.  "We can help you but I need you to calm down", I said. He started roaring. "Hey just focus on me", I said. He started calming down. At first I could see his aura and it was red. It just surrounded him. I tried closing my eyes and shaking my head but it didn't work and I could still see it. Then as he calmed down it started turning blue. Then Liam fell asleep. "Oh maybe I overdid it a little", I said. "You know how to calm Werewolves down", Scott said. "No dogs", I said. "My friend's mother was a vet and he knew how to calm dogs so he taught me", I said. "So now do you believe us", Scott said. I let out sigh. "Yes now I believe you guys", I said. Minutes went by and I fell asleep.


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