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S5 E17 A Credible Threat

I was driving with Stiles, Liam, and Scott to the school where Parrish was headed to the school

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I was driving with Stiles, Liam, and Scott to the school where Parrish was headed to the school. "Why's Parrish headed to the school", Liam asked. "It's not Parrish. At least not right now", I said "Okay, why's a Hellhound going to the school", Liam asked. "Cause he's got a yearning for higher education. Liam, Hellhound's at the school, so, we're going to the school. Okay", Stiles said. Once we got there we saw a trail of dead bodies. I went up to the dead bodies and entered his mind. "Apollo what are you doing", Stiles asked. "I'm trying to see his memories so I can see what happened", I said. "He's dead Apollo", Stiles said. "The brain still functions  several minutes after the body is dead", I said. After that I started following the trail of blood. "It came from the bus", I said. The night revealed the beast. 

Liam grabbed hand and held it tightly. "Ow Liam that hurts", I whispered.  He let go. "Sorry", I said. Then Parrish came and ran after the beast. "What the hell's happening", Scott asked. "It's getting smarter", Chris said. "Mason said it's not just to transmit frequency. It's high powered. Like a strong signal. And that's causing it to shift", Liam said. "No. I don't think it's just that. Last night Argent said that it's getting smarter. 

What if the Dread Doctors are trying to make the Beast grow faster", Scott said. "With frequencies", I asked. "No, by shifting. The frequency is just the trigger. The important part is when it shifts into the werewolf", Scott said. "Like Peter", Lydia said. "Right", Stiles said. "Yeah, when Peter was an Alpha, he got stronger every full moon. Eventually, the burns healed and he was back to normal", Scott said. 

"So the Dread Doctors don't want to wait for the full moon. They want the Beast to be as strong as possible, as fast as possible" Scott said. "Because of Parrish", Lydia said. "So if this is happening tonight, what are we going to do", I asked. "Uh, we've got one clue to go on. This came from the hospital", Stiles said pulling out a picture of a blood footprint. "Whoever's lurking inside the Beast is wearing a size 10 of indeterminate make", Stiles said. "Indeterminate", Lydia asked. "Means, it's a partial print. Basically, it was all we were able to get considering all the fire, blood and carnage", I said. "How many size 10s are out there", Liam asked. "Only one with Parrish's blood on the sole", Stiles said. 

"So are we going to try to get the game canceled", I asked. "No, no, we're going to play, but we're just going to hope really hard that it doesn't turn into a blood-soaked massacre", Stiles said. "Okay, but, um...Aren't we kind of missing out on a chance to catch this thing? We don't have the "who," but we have the "where" and the "when.", Liam asked. "There's too many people. And we still don't actually know if it's going to happen. It just might end up being a regular lacrosse game. It's possible, right", I asked. "That's absolutely possible", Stiles said. "So we're still getting the game canceled", Liam asked. "We're getting the game canceled", Scott said as we all ran out the library.

-Later Night-

I was walking the field with  Scot and Liam. Later we met in the science room. "Mason you know your part...", Scott asked. "Corey and I break into the Devenford Bus and search their shoes", Mason said. " I take out the TV vans. Right before the whistle, Coach forfeits the game",  Malia said. "The rest of us are looking for a size 10 with a bloody sole", Scott said. "Just out of curiosity...What if it doesn't work? What if we have to go up against this thing? I mean, I hate to bring up bad memories but Scott's still healing from what Theo did to him', Malia said. "No, he's not", Lydia said. "She's right. It happened the night we got Lydia out of Eichen House. I healed. When were all together again, when we were a pack. The Beast doesn't have a pack. Not like us. We can do this, guys. No one dies tonight", Scott said.

I  provided water to the lacrosse players that night. We were losing badly. A few minutes later Liam had gotten off the field. When Hayden had tapped him. They started talking then he stood up and they shared a kiss. I had mixed feelings. I was happy for them but I was also jealous that Liam has Hayden. And I don't have Theo by my side. But then I was also upset that I wasn't the one kissing Liam. Once Liam got back out there we started winning. It became overtime and a loud siren came over. Then I heard a growl. I headed to the back of the bleachers. The was about to attack when Liam and the beast clawed him. Panic ensured and everyone started running.

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