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S6 E1 Memory Lost

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S6 E1 Memory Lost

-Outside of Beacon Hill-

Liam and I were out on a date but his car broke down. "What", I said."Nothin", He said. "We should have taken my car. Like I said", I said.  "Several times", I said. "It's a new car", Liam said. "Yeah keep telling yourself  that buddy", I giggled. He mocked me back. He checked his trunk to see if they had a jack. "There's no jack", I said. He nodded no. "Grab the spare", I said as lifted up his car with my powers. Check for a spare but he looked at me. "No spare", I asked. "No spare", He said. "I know. Worst date ever", Liam said. "We've had worse. Remember the double date", I said. "What about New Year's", Liam said. "Christmas with Stiles and my dad", I said. "That time your Dad", He said. "Please don't say it", I chuckled. "Actually, this could be our best date yet", He said. We both lean for a kiss. We both stopped and I looked at the sky. "It must be the Northern Lights", I said. Then a car pulls up but as it comes closer to us we noticed that there was no one in it. Liam checked the car and found a boy."Don't let them take me! Don't let them take me too", He said grabbing my arm. "Liam watch him while I call my Father", I said as Liam nodded. I called my father and he came to pick him up.

-The Next Day-

"So have you found out about your classes yet", Liam asked. "All AP per usually", I said. "You know if you want we could sneak off to the janitor's closet and I could help you study", He said. "Why don't you just help study right now", I said as we both went in for a kiss. 

-Mr. Douglas Class-

I had a free period since I was graduating early. So lydia's mom wants me to help out the new teacher Mr. Douglas. All the girls were crushing over him. I personally didn't think he was cute. He told everyone to break into groups of four. I had to copy some papers for Mr. Douglas. When I walked out of the classroom I saw Stiles and Scott. "Oh Apollo thank god yes", Stiles said. "What", I asked. "We need you to come with Scott and I to a house", Stiles said. "No", I said. "Why not", Stiles asked. "Because I have papers to copy and plus I have perfect attendance", I said. "Does that even matter" Stiles said. "If you want to get into good colleges then yep", I said as to walk away. "Wait stop", Stiles said. I turned around. "Please do it for your big brother", Stiles said. I thought about it and then rolled my eyes. "Fine but this better be quick", I said. I sat the stack of papers in hand down on the floor and walked out but Mr. Martin caught us. "Not on my watch", She said walking us back in. "Neither one of you are going anywhere", She said. "Thirty-eight classes, Scott. I had to beg the superintendent", Mrs. Martin said. "Mrs. Martin, Scott is the sworn protector of Beacon Hills", Stiles said. "He can protect it at 3:30", Mrs. Martin said.

-After School-

Scott, Stiles and I pulled up to the house. Stiles and hands us a flashlight. We walked and the house was dusty and old. "What the fu-", I said. "Apollo", Stiles said, "Sorry", I said. "You wanna split up", Scott asked. "Uh, absolutely not", Stiles and I said. We all walked upstairs. All the rooms were empty except for the boy. "Why didn't the cops say anything about this", Stiles asked. "They don't know it's here. They can't come here without a warrant, and there's no owner of record to serve a warrant to. So unless there's some kind of threat or imminent danger, they wouldn't come in", Stiles said. Scott and I headed downstairs and checked the dining room but the cups and plates were going.  Scott and I heard footsteps. I nodded to scott and ran to see who it was but it was only Liam and Mason. "What, what are you doing here", Liam asked. "This is Alex's house. What are you doing here", Scott asked. "This is where the compass led us", Liam said. "What compass", I asked. Mason opened his hand revealing an old compass. The compass started everywhere. "Why is it doing that", I asked. "I have no idea", Mason said. "They're all doing it", Liam said pulling out his phone. The compass broke and we heard something upstairs. We all ran upstairs. "What? What happened", Scott said. "He was here. He shot at me", Stiles said. "It was one of the guys you saw in Alex's memory", Stiles said. "The guy who took his parents", Scott asked. "No, no, no. They weren't just taken. They were, they were made to disappear. That's why there's no furniture, that's why they weren't in any of the photos. They were erased", Stiles said opening Alex's room and finding nothing.


Liam, Mason, Hayden and I were at school trying to fix the compass. "Hey, guys. Wait up", Mason said. "I fixed it", He said. "Uh, perfect. Looks brand new.", Liam panicked. "He's going to notice", Hayden chuckled. "Nah, he'll never notice. We'll just put the compass back and figure out a way to help Scott", Mason said. "Or just put the compass back", I said. "We can't leave it all to Scott", Liam said. "Why not? He's the Alpha", Hayden said. "Not for long", Hayden said. "Who's gonna take his place", Hayden said. "I mean Liam is kinda right. Our time with Scott is limited", I said. "Well I mean, magnetic anomalies and guys on horseback stealing people? We can't just stay out of it. What's gonna happen when Scott graduates? When there's no one here to figure things out", Hayden said. I turned around and looked at the floor. "Damn it felt like just yesterday I just moved back here and now here we are "all grown up", I said. I turned around and saw with a worried face. "What is it", I asked. "It's blood", Liam said. We all ran around but we could find the source. But Mason thought what if it came from the vent. We went to the boiler room. Once Mason opened the door and Liam rushed and fell. We walked and saw a door. Liam wanted to open it but I stopped him. I turned on my aura sensing. "There is someone in there alright", I said. "Who is it", Mason asked. "A man but he's dead", I said. Liam opened the door and found the dead man with a wound on the back of his head.

We reported the body to the police. The police showed up and I showed my dad the body. A few minutes him and I were starting in the hallway about what I saw when a guy came up to us. He was a lean young man of medium stature who had pale skin, brown hair, and honey-brown eyes. He also had moles all over his face, neck, and body, and his hair was gelled into a messy style. "Son, you okay", My dad asked him. "Oh, thank God. Thank God", He said. He hugged my dad and I. "Everyone's forgetting. Everyone is forgetting everything...", He said. "Okay, okay, slow down, slow down. ‭We'll figure this out together", My dad told him. "Now, why don't you tell me your name", My dad said. He looked at us in horror as he walked away. I want to walk up to him and ask him if he's ok but my dad stopped me.

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