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S5 E7 Strange Frequencies

"Your Lying", Stiles said grabbing Theo and throwing him up against a metal gate

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"Your Lying", Stiles said grabbing Theo and throwing him up against a metal gate. "I was there", Theo said countering it and throwing Stiles against the gate. "Wait guys stop", I yelled. I was at the library. Liam found the book. He was texting us to see where he was. Liam said he left Apollo at the club.  I told him I was close. When I got there, he wasn't there. As I was driving by the school I saw a shadow running into the school. I ran in and noticed the scent was Apollo's so I followed it. When I got to the Library there stood Donovan's body impaled by a broken book shelf", Liam said. "You saw him", I asked. "Just the body", Theo replied.  "I watched him come out. I was gonna say something, but then I saw a cop car. And the body was gone. I don't know who took him. I only saw what he saw, and I didn't say anything because he didn't", Theo said as Stiles let him go. Police Siren started wailing "That's not an ambulance, is it? We should get out of here", Theo said. "We can't just leave him", Stiles said. "Fine. All right, let's take him. Someone's stealing the bodies anyway, right? Here's our chance to find out who", I said. Stiles just stood there looking at the body. "Stiles, come on We gotta do something", Theo said. "You killed him", Stiles said. "In self-defense. He was going to kill you, Apollo, and me. If we stay, we're either going to have to tell the truth or we're going to need a pretty convincing story. It's your choice. I'm not going to ask you to lie to your dad", Theo sighed. "Don't worry. I've had plenty of practice", Stiles said. Theo and Stiles both picked up the body and rushed him to the Animal Clinic. 

-Animal Clinic-

Scott met us at the Clinic. "Do you know him? His name is Josh. He was a junior. Which one did it? The one with the cane?", Scott said. Stiles and I looked at Theo. "Yeah", Theo said. "What are we going to do with him? We can't just set the alarm and leave. That's how Tracy disappeared", Stiles said. "All right, someone's got to stay here with him", I said. Theo sighs. "I'll do it", He said. "It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned", Theo said. Then my vision got blurry and I had a vision. In my vision I saw Josh getting experimented on, Hayden turned into a creature, and Officer Parrish with fire surrounding his body. My vision returned back to normal. "Apollo what did see", Scott said. "My vision just raised more questions than answers", I said. "But we might have another Chimera on our hands", I said. Scott's phone started ringing. "What is it", Stiles asked. "Apollo's vision was right we have  another one", Scott said. "Another Chimera", Scott said. The four of us all headed to Hayden's house. Hayden was in the bathroom and Scott knocked on the door. "Hayden? It's Scott. I know that you're scared, but we just...We want to help", Scott said. I could sense she was very nervous. " I could sense she's really freaked out. What happened", I asked. "She was okay when we got here. I went to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in", Liam said. "Why", Scott asked. "I don't know", Liam said. "She's definitely a Chimera", Scott asked. Liam nodded his head. "She said she heard a voice saying, "Your condition improves", Liam said. "Okay, that's unsettling", Stiles said. Stiles tried to reason with Hayden and she opened the door.

-School Library-

I was going over tonight plans for protecting Hayden. We had a map of the city in front of us. "We're back to telluric currents", "If the Dread Doctors didn't like coming into Eichen House because of them, maybe we can use them to protect Hayden", I said. "Okay, so, besides Eichen, where's the strongest convergence", Stiles asked.  "We're standing on it", Scott said. "You want to hide her in the high school? For how long", Stiles asked. "If we have to, all night", Scott said. "Liam convinced Hayden not to say anything to her sister yet. She's working a double tonight, and she thinks Hayden's staying at a friend's", Scott said. "But it's just a school though. You know, it's not exactly a fortress", Stiles said. "Lydia's got an idea for that. Remember how Valack quoted Tesla? Frequency and vibration", I said. "She thinks he wasn't saying that just to sound smart. She thinks maybe it was a clue", I said. "To do what", Stiles asked. "Disrupt their frequency", Scott said.  "Parrish took three cell phone jammers from the station. He thinks he can broaden their range of frequency. It's a long shot, but it's the best we've got right now", Scott said.

-Later That Night-

Hayden, Liam, Scott, Lydia, Parrish, Malia, and I met at the school while Theo and Stiles stood watch at the Animal Clinic. I was in the School locker room with Hayden, Liam, Scott, and Lydia. "So what are you", Hayden asked me. "Some are you a were-something", She said. "No, I'm something way cooler", I said. She let out a giggle. I explained to her what I am. "Wow that is way cooler", She said. Hayden and Liam went in the bathroom to go talk and Lydia sat next to me. "Hey, whatever happened between you and Liam", She asked. "I started to notice you and Theo getting really close", She said. "Things between Liam and I were difficult when we were together" I said putting quotes around the word together. "After we stopped Kate he told me that we were better off friends so I did what was right and let it go", I said. "Well, I think you and Theo are great together", She said. "I still really care about him though", I said. Then Liam realized that Hayden was bait so Scott could catch one of The Dread Doctors. Scott and Liam started arguing and I told them to stop. "Wait I forgot my pills", Hayden said. "I have a bottle in my locker. I can get them, but...", Hayden said. "I'll get them. What's your combination", Scott asked. "Hurry. I'll keep watching", Lydia said.  I stood behind Lydia. Minutes went by and Scott didn't come back. Lydia called out for Scott. She went to see where he was while I checked on Liam and Hayden. The Dread Doctors entered the Locker Room. "Liam and Hayden get behind me", I said. "No you and Hayden get behind", Liam said. "Liam my job in this plan is to provide a last resort in case they got Scott and Lydia", I said. "So you're the Supernatural posers", I said. "We are on a frequency you can't possibly imagine", The Dread Doctor said. "Oh yeah let's test that theory", I said. I used my psychokinetic and threw a bench at The Dread Doctors.  Then The Dread Doctor started snapping and I started Whispers. They only got louder and louder and louder. "Stop Stop it", I said. They kept just getting louder. "Stop", I said. "Shut up", I yelled. Then a Psionic wave not only knocked the Dread Doctors back but me also. I hit my head on the locker and before I shut my eyes I saw the Dread Doctors get back up. "No...don't take...them...away" I said as I shut my eyes. I had a vision or dream about how my life was going to turn out or how I wanted it to turn out and then everything faded to black.

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