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S5 E18/19 The Beast of Beacon Hills

A/n I merged some of episode 18 and 19

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A/n I merged some of episode 18 and 19

Stiles, Hayden, and I helped Liam to an empty classroom. We threw him on the desk. Hayden and Stiles started arguing about how Liam was going to heal. I pushed them both out of the way. I ran up to Liam and our lips touched and as that was happening I was healing him. We stopped and I checked his wounds and he was healing. "Ok, he's healing", I said. Hayden gave me a look and Stiles was shocked.

-The Next Day-

We all came circled around Scott's Kitchen. "My dad's got an APB out", Stiles said. "For a 5'8" 16-year-old", Kira asked. "I recommended nine-foot tall rampaging werewolf", Stiles said. "It still might not be him. But, Hayden's at the school looking", Liam said. "I can keep checking the woods", Malia said. "My mom can check all the hospitals in the county", Scott said coming downstairs. "We can find him", Scott said. "What happens if we can't save. I mean where do we even start", I said. "Let's ask Corey", Scott said. He grabbed something and Corey revealed himself. "Wait. Wait. It's not my fault. They took him and I couldn't do anything. They took him...", Corey said as we all looked at him confused. "Who", Scott said. "The Dread Doctors", Corey said.

-At School-

Scott had a plan to meet with Theo and his delusional fling Tracy. "How stupid are we to be doing this", I said. " We're not stupid. We're desperate", Scott said. "How desperate", Liam asked. "Incredibly desperate", Scott said as he opened the locker room door revealing Theo and Tracy. "I told you we'd end up on the same side", Theo said. "How about I punch you in the bills to remind you we're not", Liam said as I giggled. "I love this kid", Theo chuckled. "I don't", Tracy said as I gave her a look. "We know you're not on our side, Theo. You said you wanted to help Lydia, but you left Eichen with something else, didn't you", Scott asked. "You mean the mask? Are you worried about that" Theo asked. "Did you put it on? Who did you see", Scott said. "Not Mason", Theo said. "What's that mean? It's not him", Scott asked. "It probably means he's a lost cause", Tracy said."Can I please shut her up", I asked. "I'd like to see you try", Tracy said getting my face. I lifted her up and pushed back into the lockers. "You're quiet now aren't you", I said. "Apollo let her go please", Scott said as I dropped her. "We all want the same thing. We want Mason back", Theo said. "Okay, but the difference is that we want him back alive", Liam said. "Well, I'm open to compromise. You still got the map with telluric currents on it? Bring it to the operating theater in two hours", Theo said. We walked and closed the door. "How desperate are we", Liam asked. "Incredibly", Scott said.

-Dread Doctors Hideout-

"They called him Der Soldat. That's German for "The Soldier." I'm pretty sure he fought in World war II", Theo said as we walked in. "And he was a nazi", Scott said. "And an Alpha werewolf", Theo said. "The Dread Doctors were using him to prolong their lives. They've been doing it for decades. Actually, probably longer", Theo said. "How old are these creeps", I said. "Who knows. But wherever they go, he goes, too", Theo said. "So how do we find him", Scott asked. "Keeping him alive requires a pretty unique set of conditions. There's got to be a power source. It has to be underground...", Theo said. "And on a telluric current", I said. "Looks like we're going for a hike", Theo said as Scott gave Theo a map.

"Where is he", Scott asked. "I thought we were looking for him", He said. "You know who I'm talking about", Scott said. "Deucalion? You shouldn't trust him" Scott said. "And you're the one who let him live", Theo said. "I'm not a murder", Scott said. "You still think you're gonna get through all this without killing anyone", Theo said. "I didn't say that", Scott said. "We're close", Liam said as he walking in front of us. "You get his scent. Which way" Theo asked. Liam and I looked at each other then at Theo. "You think you're going to leave me behind", Theo said. "Liam...", Scott said. "Look, he wants to kill him", Liam said. "I just want his power. You want to fight someone that actually wants to kill Mason? Go fight Parrish", Theo said. "Well we don't exactly trust you", Theo said. "Still mad I didn't take you on that date huh", Theo said. "You know what", I  said as was about walk up to him. 

But Liam grabbed my wrist. "Apollo it's not worth it", Liam said. I jerked my wrist out of his palm and walked up to Theo. "I'm not mad that you didn't take me on a date or that we didn't get to become a couple", I said. "Hell, I don't even care to know if you really even loved me", I said.  "I'm angry that you manipulated all of us", I said. "You manipulate Liam into trying to kill Scott. You manipulate Malia into hiding things from stiles . And worst of all you manipulated me into not only being in a relationship with you but lying to everyone I loved and on top of that you killed me" I yelled. "You shouldn't have gotten in the way", Theo said. "Well I'm not like you Theo because when it comes down to it I will risk my life for each and everyone of my friends including my brother. So that's why I'm mad", I said. "So you can be delusional and think what you want to think but at the end of the day it's Fuck You Theo", I said. Look time's running out. Where is he, Liam? What direction", Theo said. "This way", Liam said going right. We followed Liam and found an entrance to a hideout.

I could sense somebody inside and so could Liam. Liam could hear a heartbeat. "It's him", Liam said. We entered the hideout and found mason attached to an incubator. "What is this thing", Liam asked. "I don't know" Theo said. "Liam, I can feel it", Mason said gasping. "It's in my skull", He said. "Don't move", Liam said.  "What are they doing to him", I asked. "I don't know", Theo said. "Guys, let's focus. Mason, we're gonna get you out of here", Scott said.  "Hold him still", Scott said to Liam. "Okay. All right. I'm going to try to pull it out", Scott said. Scott looked and I nodded. "Alright mason listen this gonna hurt. I can take away some of your pain. but you have to focus on my voice", I said. Mason nodded. Scott started trying to take out the tube but the pain was bad that me and mason started yelling in pain. Then my vision got blurry and I had a vision. In my vision I saw a beast impaled by a pike, Maila mom's in Maila's house, and Mason turning into a beast. My vision returned back to normal. "Apollo what is it", Scott asked. Mason is in trouble. "I have a vision of him turning...into the beast Gévaudan", I said. "How can we stop it", Liam asked. "We can't that's what I saw so that is what is going to happen", I said. "You can't stop my visions from happening", I said. Then the dread doctor showed up. "They wanted us here", Theo said. "Liam, Apollo, try to get that thing out of Mason's neck", Scott said. "Theo...Theo Raeken", The Dread Doctor said. "He's coming with us", Theo said. "Failure... Theo Raeken", The Dread Doctor said. "I'm not a failure", Theo said. 

"Liam... Apollo...Get out of here. Just go", Mason said. "No we're not leaving you", I said. "Not a complete failure. We learned from you", The Dread Doctors said.Theo, he's trying to get to you. "This is what they want, don't give it to them. We can't beat them", Scott said to Theo."The mark of a true failure. Repeating the same mistake again and again", The dread doctor said. "We're taking Mason. Then I'm taking what's mine", Theo said. "Let him go", Theo said. "You have the entitlement and narcissism typical of your generation. In that, you are a profound success", The Dread Doctor said. Liam and I tried to get the tube out of Mason again but we couldn't. "Scott, I... I can't get it out. I don't know what to do", Liam said. "But your failure taught us one thing. The banality of evil. That you were and would always be an ordinary evil", The dread doctor said. "You think I'm ordinary", Theo asked. "We believed that to resurrect the perfect k*ller we had to start with the perfect evil. From you we learned true evil only comes by corrupting something truly good", The Dread Doctor said. "Not something", Scott said. "Someone", Liam said. Scott, Theo, Liam and I started to fight off the dread doctors until Mason got the tube off of him and turned into the Beast of Gévaudan. The Beast started killing the Dread Doctors. We ran out of the hideout and saw Parrish and The Beast fighting. Then the beast turned into a man

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