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S5 E16 Lie Ability

There stood Parrish

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There stood Parrish. Theo grabbed Lydia and told Parrish to stay back. Then Theo's pack started fighting Parrish but they lost. Valack grabbed and tried running away but Stiles got in his way but Parrish threw Corey and it hit us both. Once we got Corey off of us we ran after Valack. But he closed the door behind him and locked it. 

We tried breaking the door down but we couldn't. Then Theo came and broke it down. We ran in and started looking for Lydia. We ran into a shower room and entered a tunnel system. We walked around for miles until Theo put his ear on the pipe. "I thought you had her scent", I said. "I lost it", Theo said. "So find it again", Stiles said. "What do you smell down here, Stiles", Theo asked. 

"Chemicals and fecal matter. Although, I'm pretty sure the fecal matter is you", Stiles said. "I smell it, too. It's all that I can smell. Which is why I'm trying something else. So can you shut up and let me concentrate? I'm gonna find her. You know you won't, Stiles. You're going to have to trust me", Theo said. "Trust you? The guy who murder his own sister when he was nine? Then murdered my brother on top of that", Stiles said. "Yeah, I was nine years old. I also believed a guy in a red suit came down the chimney to deliver presents. So when three people in leather masks showed up and said that my sister wanted me to have her heart, I believed them, too", Theo said. "So then together you gutted and killed her. 

That's a beautiful story", Stiles said. "I watched her fall into the water and freeze to death in minutes. Do you think I had any idea what was going on", Theo said. "I think you pushed her. And I think you liked it", Stiles said. Then we heard Lydia screaming. Then her scream triggered a vision. In my vision I saw talons in a jar, Valack dead, and Parrish embracing Lydia. Then my vision returned. "Apollo give it to me", Stiles said. 

"We need to find Lydia and we need to find her now or else we will all be dead", I said.  "Ok, so what direction was that? Where is it coming from", Stiles said. "Everywhere", Theo said. We started running. "Nothing", Theo said. "Great. You're just as useless as I am", Stiles said. "I'm trying to help save her life", Theo said. "Would you just drop the altruistic crap? You want Lydia because she gets you to Parrish, you want Parrish 'cause he gets you to the Beast", Stiles said. "So what? I want it dead, too", Theo said. "After you take its power, right? I know why you got the talons", I said. We know you're looking for Deucalion", Stiles said. 

 "I found Deucalion. You're right. I'm going to help Parrish stop the Beast. I'm going to take its power. And then I'm going to break its neck. So maybe I'm not the good guy in your eyes, but I might end up being the guy that saves all your asses", Theo said. "Break it", Stiles said. "What", Theo said. "The sound travels through the pipe. You'll hear better, dumb-ass. Break it", Stiles said. Theo broke it and put his ear to the pipe. Then I sat on the ground in the lotus position and tried to find Lydia via my aura sensing. "What are you...", Stiles said. "Shh", I said. "I'm trying to find Lydia", I said. "But Theo...", Stiles said. "I don't trust him", I said. 

"Look Apollo...", Theo said. "Everyone shut up", I said. I kept thinking of Lydia's personality. If I think of her personality I could track her. My eyes glowed and turned pink. I touched the ground and a psychic wave went under the ground and I was able to track her. "I got it", I said. I started bolting until I found her. Theo tried getting the door opened. 

"What the hell are you doing? Get the door", Stiles said. "I'm trying", Theo yelled. "Then Lydia let out a scream  and we covered our ears. We finally got the door open. "You came back", Lydia said to Stiles. "We're getting you out of here, okay", Stiles said. "You can't. It's too dangerous", Lydia said. "Lydia, please shut up and let us save your life", I said. We carried her until we couldn't take it anymore and she let out a scream. But Parrish came and covered her scream. Dust and smoke covered them. Parrish came out of it holding Lydia. Liam showed us to the gate. We ran to the front of the building. "Can you stand",  Parrish asked Lydia. "Is she okay", Kira asked running toward us. "No, we need to go. Give me the keys. We gotta get her to the clinic", Scott said. Malia, Kira and I went into Malia's car and drove to the Clinic. Once we got to the clinic Lydia was laid on to the table. "Hold her still", Deaton said. I put my fingers on the sides of her head and tried to take away her pain. The pain was so overwhelming that my eyes rolled back and I started shaking. "Woah woah woah Apollo are you ok", Stiles asked. "Deaton you needed to hurry I can't do this much longer", I said. I let out a scream and it broke all the windows. Then I blacked out.

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