Chapter 2: Mrs. Conway Knows What's Up *Cue The Bi Panic*

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Mom drove slowly up the Banks' driveway. We came only because Adam had to get his suitcase. His dad had to work again today and his mom went to the store, so the house was empty.

I got up to go with him while Mom waited in the car. I poked fun at Adam over something he'd said earlier, distracting him as he struggled to unlock the front door. "Ahhh, look at you, blushing. Haha-"

"Will you shut it, Conway? I will kick your ass," Banksie glared at me, but the glint of humor in his eyes gave away that he wasn't really mad.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled, my smile fading as Adam poked his head cautiously into his own house, looking to double check his dad wasn't home. I felt an abundance of feelings bubble in my stomach, but I only really recognized the rage and hatred.

I hated how his dad made him feel so unsafe; unwelcome in his own home. How he caused his innocent son so much pain, physically and mentally. But I hated even more how I couldn't do anything about it. I was stuck helpless, just watching the situation.

I couldn't understand why or how he could be so shitty to Adam. The boy who wore polos for and with almost everything and tried to hide when he was feeling depressed or stressed as to keep other people from feeling the same.

The boy who justifies everything he's ever done to everyone because he's afraid if he's misunderstood like he is at home, they would hate him.

Adam wasn't perfect, no one is, but he was one of the kindest and most talented people I've met.

"C'mon," Adam bumped my shoulder, pulling me in the house, down the hallway, and out of the mini-rage inside my head. "I only need a couple of things."

"You gotta be quick, Banksie. Half the team is probably already on the road." I warned while he started to rummage through the color coded clothes in his closet.

"And who didn't set the alarm for this morning?" Adam retorted, glancing over quickly to give me a playfully accusing look, before going back to his task.

"Uh..." I scratched the back of neck sheepishly.

"Yeah," Banks said, a sweatshirt in his hands and punched my shoulder, smirking. "Don't worry, Captain Duck, I'll be quick." He proceeded to stuff a couple of extra things in his hockey bag and added another book or two to his suitcase.

Adam swung the strap of his hockey bag over his shoulder, hockey stick in hand. He had his suitcase in the other with his sweatshirt draped over his arm. He claimed it was too hot to have on now, but it would make a good pillow or extra blanket in the car.

I claimed it just gave him another thing to hold.

"Ready?" I asked. Adam nodded. "Got everything?" Adam nodded again. "You sure?"

"Yes, Char," he chuckled, nudging me lightly to get going. "Weren't you just telling me to hurry up?"

"Yeah..." I said, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"I thought you weren't nervous," Adam raised a questioning brow.

"I'm not." He gave me a look as he shut and locked the front door. We started our way down the steps and I let out a sigh, "At least for me... Do you really think we can get away with you coming to my house over break without your dad finding out? I don't want you to get in trouble."

Too Scared To Say Something Sooner - TMD [Mainly Chadam]Where stories live. Discover now