Chapter 15: The Almost Shit Show

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I sat at Adam's and my table with a sigh. I wouldn't admit it with Adam in front of me, but I was exhausted.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't regret helping Adam last night (I would never regret helping him. Plus, it gave me an excuse to cuddle with him, I had nothing to complain about.) but I was definitely feeling the after effects of waking up so early.

The coffee Guy got me this morning helped, though. I definitely owed him.

'I wish I had more,' I groaned in my head and flopped my head in my arms on the table. I stared at the door, watching as students drifted in and headed to their seats, waiting for Adam.

Life was boring without the team. And Adam. Especially him.

"Is our Captain Duck still tired?" Averman's voice quipped above me. I lifted my head only enough to be able to look at him.

"Little." I mumbled. Averman sat on the table in front of mine.

"Want some coffee?"

"Huh?" I immediately perked up, searching for any sign that he really had coffee and wasn't just teasing me.

"Coffee," Averman repeated andreached into the side pocket of his backpack, pulling out a foam cup. "There's about a third-ish left in this."

I took the cup from his hands and tipped it back against my lips without another word. It was still warm. I finished it in a couple of big sips. "Thanks, dude."

I could already feel the small buzz of the caffeine in my hands. I probably shouldn't have chugged it, but I wasn't tired anymore.

"Anytime, man." Averman punched my shoulder lightly. "Here comes your other half." He smirked and nodded his head toward the door.

Adam was walking in, talking with some kid. I couldn't see his face, and I didn't recognize the back of his head. Though, I didn't recognize most people who didn't have much to do with hockey. I hung out with the other Ducks and Linda mostly.

"Who's the kid with him?" I asked.

"Dunno." Averman said, turning back to me. I kept my eyes on Adam and the new kid. They were talking to Mr. Perez at his desk now. I still couldn't see his face.

Mr. Perez dismissed Adam, with a gesture towards me and a smile. He came over and sat down with a sigh. "Hey, Char. Averman."

"Who was that?" I asked, ignoring his greeting.

"Hi, Adam." Averman said before Adam could answer my question. "I think Mr. Conway here is a little bit jealous. Beware." He said, laughing slightly at his own joke.  He slid off the desk in front of us and headed back towards his seat behind us.

"I'm not jealous," I assured him, maybe speaking a little too quickly. Though I wasn't lying; I was just curious. "I just didn't recognize him. Who is he?"

"Um..." Adam avoided my gaze. "Promise me you won't go 'full Charlie' on him?"

"What do you mea-?"

"Alright class!" Mr. Perez spoke up and everyone went silent, their conversations, mine included, left unfinished. The boy who walked in with Adam, was standing next to Mr. Perez, a little awkwardly with the whole class staring at him.

Too Scared To Say Something Sooner - TMD [Mainly Chadam]Where stories live. Discover now