Chapter 3: Scooter Takes A Hit

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A/N: for the sake of the plot and the amount of information on characters I have, I'm making up people who were on the Varsity Team in D3. So, the only characters I own as of now are Brian Cross and Nick Briar. Brian is a Senior and Nick is a Junior.


"Alright team," Orion shouted as the last of us got on the ice. "take a knee." We circled around him, following his directions without a word. I knelt between Charlie and Guy. Charlie leaned against me with his elbow on my shoulder.

I glanced at him quickly and he caught my eye, smiling. I felt my face flush and I prayed he didn't notice before he turned back to Coach Orion. Guy looked at me with a smirk.

I turned my focus back to Coach, too.

"We all know that you are now the varsity team," Orion started. "and most of the kids from last year graduated. But not all of them. So, welcome your new teammates!" He sounded as enthusiastic about it as we felt.

Because Coach Winston retired last year, Orion was to take over his job. He wasn't counting on getting more players, since most of the team last year were Seniors, but there were three Seniors or Juniors this year that still wanted to play hockey. Scooter, Nick Briar, and Brian Cross.

All of us turned and gave a half-hearted wave to the newcomers. Orion continued.

"Since this is our first practice with some of the other players, I thought we'd do a scrimmage. There is no need to go over rules because I'm sure you older varsity players already know my rules." Coach looked at the three older kids pointedly.

After the brawl last year during the unofficial  J.V vs Varsity match, the Varsity didn't dare cross Orion's bad side again if they could avoid it.

"Climb the ladder!" He shouted, dismissing us. We started counting one and two. Charlie motioned for Guy to switch with him and I pleaded with eyes for Charlie to stop.

It wasn't that I didn't want to be on Charlie's team, I loved playing alongside him. But it was the social pressure. I knew the Ducks were my friends, but I was still the "Rich Boy" and "Cake-Eater."

I knew that the latter had become teasing by now. Harmless. Only last year it wasn't, even though I hated being with the Varsity and betraying my old team.

But I was good, to be at that level by then, so I took the advancement as a compliment. I just felt like it put up another barrier to being really apart of the team.

Guy nodded though, seeing how Connie counted one. He would always switch to be on Connie's team. Charlie rolled his eyes as Guy shuffled forward to move around me, knowing he only did it for his girlfriend. I laughed lightly, clapping Guy on the shoulder before whispering a thank you.

"Two," I spoke when it was my turn. Kenny counted one after me then Averman counted two. The teams split to the different sides of the rink to regroup and make a game plan before we started.

"We got the Cap and Banksie?" Dwayne said. "Yeee-haw, we might win this."

"It's just a scrimmage, Dwayne," Julie reminded him, smiling at his enthusiasm anyway.

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