Chapter 9: Charlie's Totally And Royally Screwed

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"You got enough clothes there, Charlie?" Adam asked me with a smirk. I zipped up my backpack after stuffing my sweatshirt inside and turned to him.

"No, I think I need maybe, like, ten more shirts..." I said, grinning back at him.

We were going to my house for the weekend. My mom was picking us up in about ten minutes and I still hadn't packed. Adam insisted on helping me, claiming it would go quicker. He was right, but it also had given him the opportunity to make fun of me and my life choices.

"Maybe," Adam agreed, shouldering his backpack and nudging my arm lightly. "Let's go."

"'Kay, just gimme' one sec," I walked backwards toward the bathroom so I could keep his gaze. "I gotta get my toothbrush."

"Alright, but hurry up. It takes a bit to get from here to the parking lot."

"I'm comin'. Don't worry, Cake-Eater." I shot him a grin as he glared at me for the nickname, before turning into the bathroom. I was just reaching to grab my toothbrush from the cup beside the sink when I spotted a blue and white thing behind it.

It was a contacts case. And it sure as hell wasn't mine.

"Hey, Banksie?" I called, my question sounding more like a statement and I grabbed the contacts case carefully.

"What's up, Char?" Adam called back, confusion obvious in his tone.

"This yours?" I asked, my volume lower as I was out of the bathroom now and there was no need to raise my voice. Adam's face grew pink.

"Ummm," his mouth opened and closed as if he were a fish, no actual words forming on his tongue.

"Since when do you need contacts?" I finally asked after a couple more moments of Adam continuing his fish-like antics.

"Since I was eleven?" Adam's voice was small and squeaky with embarrassment. "I got glasses when I seven."

"How... how did I not know about this?" I gave out a breathy laugh. Adam shrugged in response, looking down at his shoes. "Why didn't you tell the team? Or me? Or anyone for that matter?" I touched his shoulder to let him know I wasn't angry, though he could probably still tell by the amusement in my tone.

"I was embarrassed..." Adam's voice was just above a whisper as he trailed the toe of his shoe in a small circle in the carpeted floor.

"Why? Averman wears glasses."

"Well, yeah, but Averman had you guys. I had the Hawks. And let's face it, none of them were ever my real friends. I guess I just didn't want to be made fun of. I cared about what they thought. And from that experience, I guess I brought that fear with me to the Ducks." He lifted his eyes to meet mine. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." His voice was quiet... Waiting.

He was waiting for me to blow up. Get angry. Maybe even hit him.

A strong urge to cry washed over me as I spoke. "You don't gotta be sorry, Adam," I pulled him into a quick hug. "I was only curious. This isn't anything for me to get angry over, but especially, it's not something for you to be embarrassed of. I'm sure you look adorable in glasses- Oh my god! I need to see you in glasses now!"

Too Scared To Say Something Sooner - TMD [Mainly Chadam]Where stories live. Discover now