Chapter 14: Everything Is Philip Banks' Fault. Thanks a Lot Mr. Banks.

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(TW: Blood, injury)

- I shot the puck at the net and watched as it buried itself in the back corner. The goalie had tried to stop it, but ending up sliding across the ice on his stomach as the puck sailed over him.

I whooped, the buzzer sounding for the goal and then the end of the game.  Everyone else was cheering too, until it went silent. Soft murmurs started to swim throughout the crowd.

I looked around, trying to find what was wrong, until my eyes landed on a player on the ground.

A scream caught in my throat once I realized who it was.  Number 96 was embroidered on the sleeve.

"Charlie!" I finally found my voice, but it was slurred by my mouth guard. I threw my helmet and attached to it, my mouth guard, to the ice and sprinted over to my best friend's crumbled form. "Charlie..."  I whispered as  fell to my knees beside him.

I looked around frantically, but everyone was gone. The stands were empty. The refs and trainers were no where to be seen. Couch Orion wasn't behind the bench and neither was the rest of the team.

"Somebody help!" I yelled, taking off Charlie's helmet and throwing it behind me. "HELP!" Blood was dripping from his nose and a gash on his forehead. It shouldn't have been possible with his helmet, but when I swiped at it, it coated my finger tips, proving it was there. And it was a lot.

"HELP!" I sobbed. My only answer was my echoing voice. I turned Charlie gently from how he lay on his side to his back, careful not to move his neck or head too much. His breathing was shallow and I noticed blood starting to come out of his parted lips. I quickly turned his head to the side to prevent him from choking.

I opened my mouth to shout for help again, but Charlie's voice caught me off guard. "Adam...?" He said, barely audible.

"Charlie!" I shouted, relieved he was awake. I almost hugged him, but his eyes stopped me. They blazed with anger and his jaw was tight. "Char- Charlie?"

"You did this." His tone was angry and accusing too. "This is your fault."

"I-What?- Charlie, no-" I stuttered, panic building in my gut.

"You were so focused on winning -scoring the winning point yourself, you weren't paying attention to anyone else. This should've happened to you." Charlie was sitting up now, despite his injuries. They didn't seem to be bothering him.

I scrambled backwards, sliding a little on the ice. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Charlie," I was crying.

"You're selfish and stupid. Everything is your fault. You should have gotten hurt."

"I'm sorry!" I sobbed, tearing at my hair and rubbing my head in my hands. "I'm- I'm sorry!" My breathing became choppy and quickened even more.

"Adam!" A quiet voice called, but I paid it no mind.

"I- I..." I tried to speak, apologize again, but my lungs constricted. I gasped for air, but my lungs refused to breathe. I gripped at my throat, my eyes bulging. I was dizzy too.

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