Chapter 8: Just Some Normal Gambling On People's Love Lives

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I swear I didn't mean to... but I think this chapter makes up for the past shorter ones. Whoops-


Fridays were my favorite days usually, since Fridays were game days during hockey season. Games full of energy and adrenaline that made you feel alive...

Or enraged, depending on what goes down.

"Welcome to the first game of the Eden Hall Mighty Ducks!" I could hear the sports announcer from last year over the mic all the way from the locker room. It was followed by faint cheering from the crowds in the stands and I smiled, remembering that my mom was cheering along with them.

It was like I was a little kid with how excited I was to see Mom for the first time in almost a week. Of course I talked to her over one of Eden Hall's pay phones a couple times throughout (she was very happy me and Adam were back to normal again), but it wasn't the same.

"Tonight, our beloved - now Varsity - hockey team is facing the Bears from Blake Academy!" He continued, but I didn't catch the rest. I figured I should focus back on Coach Orion's instructions because if I did something stupid for a second time this week - oh, I would be right on the pine pony. I'd probably also loose my 'C' again.

"Okay, we all know whose starting?" Coach gestured with his clipboard toward each of his players. We all nodded. "Good. Now, remember. Defense. We only need one point to win. We don't have to kill this. If you see your shot, take it, but don't be stupid. What do we want to be?"

"Have confidence," we started in unison Orion's main rule, other than defense. "and be careful, but not too careful."

"Yes, alright. Game time, people! Let's get out there!"

_ _ _

Kenny ducked around our net and under the arm of an offensive player on the Bears' team. He kept control of the puck and Goldberg, Fulton, and Portman immediately backed him up, shielding the players from him. Kenny was on a breakaway and flying down the ice, Luis a little in front of him to his right in case he needed support.

"And that is Kenny Wu on a breakaway, people! Kenny Wu, former Olympic figure skater might have something up his sleeve to break this 4-4 tie!" That was one thing the announcer was right about.

Orion had asked Kenny at Wednesday's practice if he wanted to try a new play. Everyone was confused because Coach had been so adamant about leaving all their "Duck Tricks" in the past last year and now, here he was letting Kenny do a big jump turn thing that none of us could remember the name of after two days of practice.

Though, he had learned to somehow keep the puck in his control over the short amount of time he had to practice the jump. I decided I should have faith in him.

Us Ducks on the bench watched in anticipation as Kenny skated closer and closer to the other goal, protected by his teammates. Time was running out with just seconds left.

Right as Ken was passing the blue line, Luis skated around the back of the net, turning out of his sprint as Orion instructed him to. It was a better way to stop or at least slow down, and seemed to work wonders with Luis' troubles. He couldn't always turn out of his sprints, but he was saved a lot of slams into the boards once showed this technique.

Kenny dodged two defensemen and started the trick. He landed right by the post of the net, puck still with him. The goalie barely had time to react before Ken shot it in. Right as the horn sounded his goal, the buzzer to end the game rang out.

Too Scared To Say Something Sooner - TMD [Mainly Chadam]Where stories live. Discover now