Chapter 17: The Storm

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"Hey," Adam stopped walking, holding my arm to stop me too. "I gotta go talk to Julie about something, I'll come sit next to you later, yeah?"

"Um, yeah, sure." I said, not sure what to do. Adam seemed nervous and on edge. I couldn't think of what would make him nervous that he would need to talk to Julie about.

I went to sit at my usual seat anyway and watched as Adam started to whisper with Larson.

I rolled my eyes with a scoff, before turning to Guy. I was about to crack a joke about his sad and kind of anxious face, but then I noticed Connie wasn't next to him.

"Dude, where'd Con go? Did you forget to meet her at her dorm up this morning?" I asked.

Guy normally woke Connie up to go down to breakfast. She was not a morning person, but he knew how to wake her up without causing World War III, so he was always the one to do it, so she wasn't late.

Guy met my gaze with a shrug. "She has the flu." He said with a sigh. "She says she hasn't been feeling well all week, I guess, but didn't go to the nurse. She threw up a couple times last night and finally went." He looked down and added,"I don't know how I didn't notice before. She was really tired after the game."

"It's okay, Guy. You couldn't've known." I reached over the table to pat his arm. "Is she okay?"

"I guess. Jules said Nurse Julie gave her medicine to help with her fever and the throwing up. She's sleeping now, I think."

"That's good. You gonna stay the day with her today?"

"Yeah, I think. It's the least I could do."

"You're a good boyfriend, Guy."

"Um, Charlie?" A voice said behind me. I turned to see Larson, tray in hand. "Adam asked if we could switch seats for a couple minutes and I sit next to you, that cool?"

"Sure," I grumbled, picking at my food dejectedly. He set his tray down and sat beside me. I attempted to fix the sour expression I knew was on my face.

I know I promised Adam I wouldn't be an asshole to Larson -and to be fair, I was keeping that promise- but that didn't mean I wanted to sit next to him.

I didn't want to be friends with him. I could be nice to him, sure, if that's what Adam wants, but being friends with him... no. He was a Hawk.

Look where that got him.

Look where that got Adam before us.

But I also knew, that if Adam asked I be friends with Alex, I wouldn't be able to say no. I could never say no to him. I could try but just like Goldberg can't seem to get a girlfriend, I couldn't say no to Adam.

That was mean... but sadly true. Sorry, Goldberg.

My gaze left Jules and Adam and my eyes found the boy in question. I was drawn back to my two conversing friends quickly however, as Julie said in a slightly loud sympathetic whisper, "Oh, Adam..." and hugged him tightly.

"What's up?" Averman asked.

"Um..." Adam froze up.

Too Scared To Say Something Sooner - TMD [Mainly Chadam]Where stories live. Discover now