Chapter 19.5: Bombay Has A Hot Date?

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I know you probably hate me for that last cliffhanger... I apologize. BUT I swear I had a reason! That chapter was already really long and I wanted to put the next part in Charlie's point of view.

Though, I did promise a half-chapter which is why I'm uploading twice today (also, this and Chapter 20 are fucking late).


But, without further ado...


The door to apartment 8B opened in response to my knock and before I knew it, a smiling Michele stood in front of me in the doorway. She looked beautiful as ever in the light blue dress she wore.

The bodice of the fabric seemed to hug her before it continued down in flowy folds, tied by a neat bow right above her waist and ending just above her knees. She'd paired it with a pair of simple black heeled boots and an open button-up, white knitted sweater.

Her hair hair fell down a little past her shoulders in soft blonde waves. The front pieces were held back from her face in tiny braids that were pinned in a crown-like fashion. Her lips were glossed and sparkly, matching the little bit of shine to her eyeshadow.

"I..." My voice faltered, my jaw slightly agape. I knew I was probably being rude by staring, but I couldn't seem to bring myself to look away. I couldn't get over how perfect Michele seemed to be in every single aspect of anything and everything. "You look... amazing." I finally managed to say before pulled her into a quick hug.

A small bit of color bloomed across her face as I pulled away. "You think so?" Michele asked and stepped back to make a slow turn around.

"Definitely." I whispered, mind still distant and distracted from her -literally- stunning looks. I blinked hard to break my daze and come to my senses. I offered her my arm which she looped her hand through after closing and locking her door.

"Where are we going?" She asked once we were both in the car. I strapped my seatbelt and turned on the ignition before answering. 

"You'll see." I said with a small smirk.

"Should I be scared?" Michele asked, eying me.

"No," I said, dragging the word out a little. "You'll like it, I promise." Actually, I couldn't really promise that, but I was definitely hopeful.

"Okay. And I'm only trusting you, by the way because most of your surprises have been good ones."

"Most?" I asked, mockingly offended. Michele just shrugged. "Oh, I see how it is." I said, but there was no real heat to my tone and I couldn't help the smile forming on my lips.

Michele talked about her students the rest of the way and how much she liked them this year. She looked so happy when she talked about her passion of teaching and guiding kids like she guided the Ducks (and others). It made it hard not to watch her instead of the road to get to see the moments her face would light up with a new thought.

Almost ten minutes later I pulled into Hans and Jan's Skate Shop and drove around to the back lot.

"The skate shop?" Michele asked, confusion obvious in her tone. I could tell she was starting to lose hope in the surprise, but I quickly explained.

Too Scared To Say Something Sooner - TMD [Mainly Chadam]Where stories live. Discover now