Chapter 11: He's Back, Bitches

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"Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!" the team chanted as we rolled down the narrow sidewalk single file, Charlie in front and me right behind him. I wasn't paying attention to the order behind me, but I'm pretty sure Julie was after me. I could hear her voice the closest after all.

Well, kinda.

As per usual, my thoughts were getting the best of me. Particularly, how good Charlie looked in his Ducks jersey, that somehow still fit him. I'm convinced Gordon bought him a bigger size for Christmas last year, though.

Charlie had changed into his jersey specifically for this, which I found adorable. I mean, I had also changed into my Ducks jersey, but only because Charlie had insisted. It was his love for the team and for Gordon that I admired; that I found adorable..

It was one of my favorite things about him, even though his wonderful passion has gotten him in plenty of trouble. And don't get me wrong, no matter how adorable, he still looked hot in his jersey.

The Ducks reached the bus stop right as bus 8B opened its doors. We gathered in a clump at the side of the bench, straining to look over each other's helmets, and waited rather impatiently for any sign of our old coach.

Finally, Bombay stepped down the stairs of the bus. He wore a maroon sweater with well-worn blue jeans and a smile that grew wide on his face once he spotted the team he created. "Hey, Ducks!" He dropped his duffel bag to meet us halfway as we all surged forward to surround him in a big group hug.

"I missed you guys, too," he said, laughter dancing in his tone. We finally pulled away and made a little more than half a circle around Bombay, me and Charlie standing on either side of him.

"It's been since. Christmas, Bombay!" Fulton exclaimed. "What took you so long?"

"Work, Fulton," Coach answered patiently, then smiled again. "Though that may change."  A chorus of curious whispers passed through the group before I finally asked the one person who could actually answer.

"What do ya' mean, Coach?"

"You'll see soon, Banks. You all will. But for now, I just had a four hour flight and an hour bus ride. Do you guys know what time Jan-?" Coach was cut off by a beep from a car pulling up from down the street.

"Gordon!" Jan called from the driver's seat. "Ducks!" He waved to the team then gestured back at Gordon to get in the car.

"Speak of the devil..." Coach chuckled softly and held up a finger to say in a second. His eyes scanned over the group again, a fond expression etched over his features. "I wish it wasn't so late, or at least not a school night 'cause then we might be able to play a small game o'hockey. But tomorrow you guys are free, right? Orion told me he had to cancel practice."

"Yeah," Charlie answered before anyone else did.

"Up for a scrimmage?" His question was followed by excited cheering and Coach nodded, satisfied. He ruffled Charlie's hair, at which he returned with a half-hearted glare to cover up his smirk.

"Bye, Coach!" We all yelled, waving as Jan pulled into the road. Coach stuck his head out the window and twisted in his seat to wave back. Our next stop was Mickey's diner, even though we just ate. No one could ever say no to ice cream, even me.

Too Scared To Say Something Sooner - TMD [Mainly Chadam]Where stories live. Discover now