Chapter 20: And They Were Roommates (oh my god, they were roommates)

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I'm sorry this is so late! It was for some reason really hard to write smoothly and I wanted to upload something worth reading (depending on what you consider worth your time, lol).


"I have to tell you something." I said and surprisingly managed to keep Adam's gaze, even with my nerves and sweaty palms and his hand still in mine.

Adam's eyebrows scrunched as he questioned, "What'd you do?"

"What?" I asked, not sure I heard him right. Was my heart pounding that loudly or was I really that predictable and reckless?

"What'd you do?" He repeated.

"Nothing! Why do you think I did something?"

"Well, normally when you're this nervous, you've done something and need help fixing it." Adam explained. Then he raised his eyebrows and added, "You didn't do anything?"

"No!" I took a deep breath, circling back to the topic at hand. "I just want you to know something."

"Okay, now I'm actually concerned."

"It's nothing bad, Adam, don't worry." I tried to reassure him.

"You used my real name though." Goddamn, nothing ever gets by him, does it? "It's serious?"

"Yes," I finally looked away, unable to keep his gaze.

Oh shit... I was really about to do this.

"Charlie, what is going on?"

"I..." am bisexual? I like you? How do I say this- what do I say?

I got up, letting go of Adam's hand. I dragged a hand through my hair and paced the room. Adam stayed silent and watched me as I moved.

"I don't know how to say this," I groaned.

"Then just say it," Adam suggested quietly. "You know what you want me to know, right? Just tell me then, even if it's just a jumble of words. I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything."

I stopped, glancing at him. "I mean, I don't know! Normally I just blurt shit like this out and hope for the best, but this time it isn't really something you blurt out!"

"Well, who cares, Charlie," Adam said, standing too. "Just say it. When do you ever do anything the normal way?"

"I don't know if that's a compliment or..."

"Just say it, Char." I took one last deep breath and tried to scrape together whatever courage or dignity I could find.

"I'mbisexualandIlikeyouandI'msorryforjust-springingthisonyouandthatthisissosudden,butthere,I-saiditandnowI'moutofbreath." I had to put my hands on my knees to breath again.

'Whoa.' Was my only coherent thought.

"Wh-What?" Adam looked so overwhelmed he was pale. "Too fast." He whispered and closed his eyes, shaking his head. "Too much, too fast. I didn't not mean a literal jumble of words."

"Sorry," I apologized sheepishly. Then, with a sudden burst of confidence I took his arm, so he would meet my eyes. If he caught any of that, he wasn't running away screaming which was a good thing. "I'm bisexual..." I said slower.

Too Scared To Say Something Sooner - TMD [Mainly Chadam]Where stories live. Discover now