Chapter 10: Adam Lied About Looking Bad In Glasses *Cue The Bi Panic Again*

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Coach Bombay was flying in today! The whole team was buzzing with excitement at practice for his arrival, the exception being Scooter, Nick, and Brian. Even Coach Orion seemed happy at the chance to see his old friend.

But for now, it was practice. And I really had to stop losing my focus. There were just too many things happening. I was so distracted by all of it running in tune with my thoughts.

"Alright, Ducks!" Orion yelled, effectively ending the game of Round Up that Dwayne had started. "Time to drill! I want the defenseman in two even lines on either side of the goal, shooters make a line in front at the other goal facing the defense. Julie The Cat, you're with defense! We aren't keeping score, today." Once Orion was done with his instructions, we all broke off into our respective groups.

Fulton and Portman went to the defensive side because of their job as enforcers, even though they've scored plenty of goals together. They stood with Goldberg and Brian on the left side. On the right was Nick, Scooter, Julie, and Averman.

Averman was put with the defense because they needed one more man to make the lines even. He volunteered, but still looked fairly uncomfortable with the older (former) Warrior kids.

I stood behind Charlie in the shooters' line with Guy, Connie, Kenny, Russ, Dwayne, and Luis. The drill was one on two. The defense could do anything legal to stop the shooter from scoring, same deal with the scorer. If the defense got in control of the puck, caused the shooter to lose control, or time ran out, the match would go to them. If the shooter scored, the match went to them. But no one would technically win, as it wasn't a drill meant to keep score.

It went on for about twenty minutes, with very mixed results. Everyone was in their respective areas of skill, so the matches were quite even, it was just a matter of whatever Duck got paired with whatever (former) Warrior to defend with.

It was hard work going up against two defenders with no one to pass to or help you get it to the goal. Still, it was fun being able to keep going, even if you missed in your last match, trying to figure out different ways to score.

The rest of the practice was basically drills like that. Defense, defense, defense.

"Kill me now," Goldberg groaned, still in his pads as he lay down on the bench once we got to the locker room. Averman clapped him on the back as he stepped passed him.

After his whole encounter with the kids in his History class, Averman's been more jumpy. Not around the Ducks, but even just being bumped into in the hallway scared him a little.

I hate to say that I was able to relate to this. A little too well.

The Ducks, being the team we are, now form protective circles around him in the halls during passing. It was subtle, I don't even think Les himself noticed, but it seemed to do the trick of keeping him somewhat safe. There was also at least one Duck in all of his classes, so whoever was with him made sure he was okay.

"Sorry, Goldy," Russ said, patting his shoulder as he passed him. "but I'd prefer we have our back-up goalie and best defensemen."

Goldberg gasped dramatically, sitting up. "A compliment coming from Russ Tyler? I must have already died on the ice."

"Don't let it go to your head, Greg." Russ glanced back over at him from his locker. "I'll take it back and trample you over with Dwayne's horse."

Too Scared To Say Something Sooner - TMD [Mainly Chadam]Where stories live. Discover now