Chapter 16: The Calm Before the Storm

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The rest of the week leading up to the game on Friday was good. I had no more nightmares, Charlie and Alex were actually semi-friendly. Not friends per se, or even friendly, but they weren't fighting or throwing punches. I took that as a win.

I was still doing well in school so far, and now so was Charlie. He had started drinking coffee every morning after Connie recommended it as a stimulant to try and help keep him focused during class.

She suspected he had A.D.H.D, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and I didn't think she was wrong. It made a lot of sense as he showed a bunch of the symptoms for it. Zoning out, short attention span, restless and fidgety -and more so when he's anxious, impulsiveness, disorganization, weird temper, etc.

But the caffeine in the morning allowed him to be able to start writing his own notes while only missing one or two things, if even that, actually start doing the work in class, and paying more attention to what's going on around him.

It was a big improvement from his 'this-is-boring-so-I'm-going-to-think-about-literally-anything-else,-probably-hockey-plays' thing he had going on.

Practices had been rough and hard all week leading up to the game since the opponent, the Lions, were a rough and hard team to play against. Their school,  Lakeville High Sports Prep, was a school that prioritized and valued their athletes, as they were a sports school.

They were of the top hockey teams in the area and it would take a miracle to win. Or a Hell Week, which is what practices have become. At least they might pay off, although even then I didn't think so. The entirety of the Lions players were the size of Portman and Fulton if not better. It would be like playing Iceland all over again. It wasn't a home game either so we'd be on their turf.

I was freaking out come Friday and Charlie caught on easily. He was always able to read me most of the time, despite my mask I've worked so hard to perfect. It was quite annoying sometimes. Charlie didn't say anything though, other than that we had this, even after I explained how much they were like Iceland.

"We beat Iceland though, didn't we? Why not these guys?" He had said as we walked through the hall together after Bio. He patted my back after giving me a quick side hug before heading off to the Spanish room. It wasn't much comfort but being reminded of that made the later game seem a little less intimidating. 

Now, I wasn't so sure.

"Oof," I grunted and hissed in pain. I was slammed into the boards for what seemed like the hundredth time that night since the start of the game. "Damn 87..." I mumbled straightening my helmet before sprinting to get the puck back.

"Watch Banks!" The Lions Coach shouted when I came behind and stole the puck back from Durman, 93, right before he could make a pass to score. I turned and skated as hard as I could down toward the opposite goal and shot the puck over to Guy down the line before I was slammed into the boards again.

This was getting old.

My nerves from earlier had gone away, now replaced by frustration and anger. I hated always feeling and being smaller than other people. Especially when we were down a point and couldn't seem to tie a fucking thing.

Guy rode with the breakaway, skating faster than I think I've ever seen him skate. It was him and the goalie, Burne, 62. Everyone was screaming and cheering.

I hefted myself back on my skates and pushed forward to follow him. One of the Lion enforcers was following Guy too, sprinting almost as fast as he was.

"Pass it, Germaine!" I yelled after him. The enforcer, Fern, 34, was gaining on him.

"Here, Guy, I'm open!" Averman called from up by the net on the left wing. Guy hesitated for a second, but passed it anyway to him. Averman got the puck and slipped it in the net right under the goalie's glove.

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