Chapter 15.5: Everyone Knows (even the one who has been here for two seconds)

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"I..." Charlie's voice trailed off and he broke Adam's unusually fierce stare as he took in the rest of the Ducks, most of us staring at the two. "Come on." He finally said, taking Adam's hand and pulling him out to the hall outside of the dining hall.

"So..." Averman started. "What was that about?" Julie smacked his arm not so lightly and glared at him. "Ow!" Les exclaimed dramatically and rubbed his arm. Guy and I glanced at each other and laughed.

"Jules," Goldberg spoke up from across from Averman. "You know I'm all for bullying Averman," to which Averman stuck up his middle finger at him in response, "but it was a solid question."

"Goldberg," I warned. "I'll smack you for her."

"Shutting up now," Goldberg said, shoving a couple of chips in his mouth.

I thought for a second about Averman's question anyway. "You know," I said to no one in particular. "they have been arguing a little more recently, right?"

"Hm," Russ snorted. "You think those dumbasses will finally figure it out?"

"Figure what out?" Goldberg asked through a mouthful of food.

"Dude," Fulton gave him his 'isn't-it-obvious?' look.

"Didn't you and Averman make a bet?" Dean asked.

"Oh!" Goldberg exclaimed, finally realizing what we were talking about it, still through a mouthful of food. Julie glared at him. She never liked seeing people's food while they ate, but honestly who would?

"Yes, we did." Averman said, rolling his eyes.

"But I don't know..." Guy said from next to me, answering Russ' question. "Maybe not on their own. If we leave them to their own devices I don't think anything good will happen."

"Oh, definitely not." Linda said, setting a tray down in between Averman and Julie.

"Hey, Linda!" All of greeted her and the ones who were eating waved.

"Hey, guys," she smiled. "But you all know them both," She continued. "Adam will bottle everything up and it will end up as fuel for his anxiety. Charlie will do something stupid because he's too impulsive and then cause Adam to freak out even more, which will cause Charlie to freak out too and then you got yourselves one hell of a shit show."

"That... sums it up really well, actually." Kenny said with a nod.

"Ah," Luis was smiling wide and he nudged Kenny's arm lightly. Pointing to the glass door of the dining hall, he said, "Look, they're hugging now!"

"Lu..." Kenny looked at his friend disappointedly. "Really? Don't spy on them."

"What?" Luis looked at him with a small smile and Kenny rolled his eyes.

"Hey, gang," Larson greeted us. He was standing behind Dean, a tray in hand. "Can I sit with you guys?" We all glanced at each other, having a silent conversation. The only one who didn't know what was going on other than Larson was Linda since she didn't know about him.

Even though the Ducks that came after the Hawks didn't know Larson, they knew what the Hawks did to Adam and of Larson.

Too Scared To Say Something Sooner - TMD [Mainly Chadam]Where stories live. Discover now