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summary: slughorn teaches a lesson on love potions, and you end up smelling a certain someone in yours.

"oh, shut up sirius" you say laughing as you walk into professor slughorn's lesson, the rest of the marauders trailing not far behind you.

"c'mon, his hair is greasier than a pan of bacon. you gotta admit." sirius throws his hands up in self defense, referring to severus, or snivellus as the nickname the group teased him with.

you walked over to your table, remus, your partner sitting down next to you. you've known all of the marauders since the first day of first year. you received the displeasure of their compartment being the only one with a seat. you've been stuck with them ever since, but unfortunately, you love them.

"welcome students, today's assignment is going to be a fun one. we will be brewing the amortentia potion, also known as the love potion. as you can see, you already have pots of the brew in front of you. i would like to start this lesson by having everyone share what they smell." professor slughorn explains to the class.

"it smells so good!" a hufflepuff next to peter exclaims.

"yes, it should. each pot smells of what, or whom you deeply desire." slughorn says with a chuckle and smile. "now, everybody may lean forward and smell the brew, and share to your partner what you smell."

you smile over at remus. "you or me first?" you ask him. "you, definitely." he quickly replies, a flash of worry evident on his face.

you choose not to question it, before leaning forward and inhaling the contents of the calderon. the smell of chamomile tea, milk chocolates, and wool sweaters fill your nose.

"i smell, tea, like the one you make for us when we're sick." you start off. a blush creeps over your cheeks, worried you may be smelling your partner, the same boy you've been pushing down feelings for since first year. he smiles over at you, he thought to himself, that maybe his hopes were coming true, even after all these years.

five years later, here you were, smelling his fragrance out of a love potion. "i smell chocolates, the ones james and sirius are always stealing." your eyes begin to widen, realizing what's unfolding in front of you. you turn your head towards remus, and a pink is fainting over his cheeks as well.

you lean over the brewing pot one last time. picking up the strong smell of the wooly fabric, the same smell as the ones remus wears lounging around the common room.

"um- erm. i smell, wool sweaters. like the ones you wear in the common room." you say quickly. you bounce your head away from the pot, and try to avoid eye contact with the boy next to you.

all remus could do was smile at the embarrassed expression painted upon your face.

"alright then, my turn." he says. he leans his face forwards, before lifting it after a second. "do you think you could take a step back? all i can smell is your perfume." he states.

you shoot your head up quickly. "remus- i didn't have time to put on perfume this morning." you say. it was his turn to be embarrassed.

"OH SHIT MOONY HAS A CRUSH." james shouts from the potions table diagonal to yours. he must've picked up the last part of your conversation.

"let me guess prongs, your pot smelled like gardenia and strawberries." you reply.

"shut up y/n/n" he says turning away from you, quick and sassily, the iconic james potter way. all you and remus next to you could do was laugh together. the embarrassment and confessions can come later.

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