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summary: remus gets drunk and mutters a few certain words, words he hadn't said before.

the term was coming to an end, the group of friends you'd grown up with were all ready to see themselves out of hogwarts and move onto the so called 'real world'.

james and sirius decided it would be a great idea to take everyone drinking after exams had finished, and today had marked the final day of testing.

here you all were, scattered around a table in the back of three broomsticks, taking shots of firewhiskey and swigs of butterbeer. it was safe to say that the guys had all had a little more than their limit, especially your boyfriend remus.

at this point, the man was next to you, arms glued around your waist, gentle kisses all down your neck, and sweet nothings whispered into your ear. remus was never much of one for PDA when he was sober, but he was quite frankly the opposite when drunk.

"i love you." hot breath whispered into your ear.
words he'd never said sober. his fingers were toying with the fabric at the hem of your shirt.

"love, i think you've had enough tonight." you say standing up, grabbing his hand to pull him along with you. "lily, marls, do you have the boys covered?" james and sirius were currently arguing over whether you should dip your fries in ketchup or pour it over.

pete had left an hour earlier, tired of dealing with the drunk guys, not having an intrest in drinking himself. "i think we can handle them, good luck with him." lily says smiling towards you.

as you walked out of the three broomsticks, back towards the castle in the distance, remus still had an arm draped around your waist. he was able to walk alright, still stumbling every couple steps or so.

"i meant it yknow, i love you." he says again.

"i'm sure you do, but we're lucky if you remember any of this in the morning, darling." you reply, leaving a small kiss on the corner of his lips.

"we'll have a proper talk about this in the morning if you can remember." you affirm him.

as you make it make to the castle, remus follows you into your room. you already knew he had no plans on leaving.

as you changed into pj's, he pulls off his shirt and climbs into bed next to you. he's barely been able to keep his hands off you the entire tonight.

"goodnight princess." he breathed against your neck, before falling into a deep sleep.

you wake up the next morning, facing remus. he was staring at you, tracing symbols against the bare skin on your waist.

the first words that you could think to say were, "do you remember?"

he pulls you tightly against his warm chest, before pulling your lips against his, and softly whispering your favorite words you've ever heard him say.

"i love you so much."

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