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summary: you, remus, james, and lily happen to stumble across some old memories on moving day.

you were finally out of hogwarts. 18 years old and you and remus had decided to move in together. the two of you found a quaint little cottage in the heart of godric's hollow.

it was moving day, and you and remus, as well as james and lily who volunteered to help out, we're moving cardboard boxes inside the empty house.

"moony! come help me with these!" you hear james yell from outside. you and lily were moving boxes down the hall into what would soon be you and remus's bedroom.

you set down the box, with lily setting hers down next to it. the two of you looked around the room together. "i can't believe we'll be neighbors. we'll have dinner parties and-" you began but we're interrupted by the crashing of a box.

the boys walked into the soon-to-be bedroom and tripped, causing the box to come tumbling out of their arms and the contents to be sprawled across the floor.

any normal person would've been shocked, but over your seven years at hogwarts, you and lily were more than used to it.

"i'm sorry-" james began, and remus just let out a sigh and a laugh. you and lily looked at each other before breaking out into laughter of your own.

you glanced at the floor, and that's when you noticed what had filled the box. it was a box of photos and poloroids from your years at hogwarts.

"come look at all of these." you say, leaning down and picking up the first one you saw. it was a picture of the group at the three broomsticks in sixth year. you had all been celebrating sirius's birthday with a couple rounds of butterbeer.

you watched as the moving picture showed the laughter erupting from all of you, sirius and james chugging down two glasses of butterbeer. the date was marked november 3rd of 1975.

"oh god, that feels like it was merely yesterday." james says, leaning down next to you. within minutes, all four of you were sprawled across the floor, sifting through old memories together.

remus lifted up another poloroid, marked february 14th of 1974. it was your first valentine's day together, and it was a picture marlene had snapped of the two of you sharing a kiss on the gryffindor common room's sofa.

"we were so young." you say, resting your chin on moony's shoulder. he smiles and presses a kiss to your temple. "i've only loved you more everyday since then." he mumbles.

james and lily overheard, with james making a gagging face in reply and lily putting a hand over her heart as to how sweet it was. the two were polar opposites but couldn't have been more perfect for each other.

in the box was a camera, the same one you'd used for a majority of the photos filling the cardboard container.

lily picked it up. "what do you say we add one more memory for the books?" she asks with a smile.

you lift up the camera and turn it on all four of you, snapping a cute picture of all of you on the wooden floor. you pulled out a sharpie that'd fallen into the mix and written the date as well as a message onto the back.

"september 17th, 1978. moving day."

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