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summary: remus had always had plans to marry you. the two of you shared an inside joke throughout hogwarts for years, and today was the day that inside joke became a reality.

you were pressed up against remus on james and lily's brand new couch in their new home in godric's hollow. the smell of lily's cooking from the kitchen drifted into the living room. the fresh scent of warm sourdough bread and a variety of spices filled your lungs.

"so when's the wedding?" sirius asks from the floor, looking at the two of you on the couch. he's quickly met with a beating to the back of head by a newspaper in lily's hand. "sirius! what have i told you!"

"lils, it's okay, i swear." you say, rubbing a gentle hand across your boyfriend's chest. he laughed as lily dragged sirius out of the room and into the kitchen by his ear.

"no, but seriously, what's going on with you guys? everyone in hogwarts swore you two would be married by the time you turned 18." james said from the corner of the living room, adjusting the vinyl that was spinning on the record player.


"i love you." you whispered, breaking the kiss, your mouths still inches apart. a smile grew across your boyfriend's face. the two of you had been together since fourth year. you were the couple that caused most of gryffindor tower to believe in love.

"i can't fucking wait to marry you one day." he whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. he reaches up and presses a kiss to your temple.

"i'd marry you with paper rings, you know that." you say, sitting yourself in his lap, your back pressed against his chest. he chuckles softly. "i'd never let that happen."

"why not? i don't care about an expensive ring." you say, turning your neck to look at him." he smiled gently at you. "i'm not proposing until i find the perfect ring for you. that's a promise."


after all this time, you knew that you'd wanted to marry remus, and that he had wanted to marry you, but you always thought he was waiting for the right ring. in reality, he was waiting for the perfect time.

he knew how much you loved the simple idea of getting married with paper rings, or at least the idea of love so strong that a materialistic object didn't matter.

"what are you waiting for?" james asks. you turn your head up to look at remus. in all honestly, you didn't know the answer yourself. your mind had stuck with the fact that he didn't find the right ring yet.

"there's no better time than the present, you know." lily chimes in from the kitchen. sirius glanced at her as he continued setting the table. the friend group knew not to get on lily's bad side, otherwise you'd be stuck doing household chores, without magic.

"well then." remus says, standing up. a confused look falls upon your face. what was he doing? was he leaving? before you could open your mouth to speak or ask either of those questions, you watched as your boyfriend of six years kneel down on one knee in front of you.

"i've been thinking about the perfect time to do this, and just as lily said, there's no better time than the present, surrounded by our best friends." he pulled two heart shaped paper rings from his back pocket. "i made these back in sixth year, just in case i didn't find that so called perfect ring. you told me you'd marry me with paper rings, and that's when i knew how much i really loved you."

"so, (y/n) (y/l/n), will you marry me?" a few happy tears rolled down your cheeks. it took you a moment to speak, before you stood up off the couch and jumped into his arms. "of course." he lifts you up and presses a passionate kiss to your lips. cheers from james, sirius, and peter echoed their way through the downstairs. lily ran over to hug you as soon as your fíance put you down. "congratulations!"

"i can't believe that just happened." james said, standing in the same corner he was before, leaning up against the wall. "you basically are the reason he just proposed." sirius chimes in. remus rolls his eyes in a joking manner at the two of them.

remus leans down and whispers into your ear, "i have a real ring, i bought it right after making the paper ones. i've always known that i'd marry you, the paper rings just made it even better." you can't help the wide smile that grew across your face.

"i can't believe we're getting married." you say, pressing another kiss to his lips. you were surrounded in the room full of your future maid of honor and groomsmen.

"i called dibs on being the flower girl!" pete calls out. the five of you turn to look at him. "oh, pete that's not really how it works-" you start to say before james cuts you off. "just let him have this one for now." he says, causing laughter to erupt from all of you, surely loud enough to be heard from a mile away.

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