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summary: sirius helps you through a panic attack.

sitting on the bathroom floors of james potter's family home isn't at the top of your favorite places to be. especially not with a tight feeling in your throat, tears brimming in your eyes before falling down your cheeks, and uncontrollable breathing.

one of james summer parties had gotten to be a bit too loud and upbeat might you put it. the entire house felt as if it were shaking from the sound waves of the music. the walls around you, the floor, the counters, everything felt like it was shaking and crumbling beneath your feet.

as the floor shook beneath you and you held your head in your hands, knees tucked right up against your chest, knocks came on the bathroom door. "y/n, let me in please." you knew that voice. you knew that tone, specifically. he knew what was wrong. he always did.

you stumbled your way over to the bathroom door, on top of your emotions tonight, you had to admit you had a little more than you'd like to say to drink. a tall, raven, messy headed brunette walks into the room. a leather jacket hanging loosely off his shoulders, the smell of his cologne present from even a few feet away.

"sirius.." you mumbled. before you could say anything else, the smell of the cologne became stronger as a pair of strong arms worked their way around your figure. they held you tight and comfortably. your favorite hugs, your favorite hugger, your favorite nickname for him. he always claimed he hated the name, but he would never tell you how much it secretly meant to him.

you sat back down on the bathroom tile, against the wall. sirius had one of his pinkies latched onto yours, a simple way of the two of you showing affection, nothing too much, but still enough to keep the two of you bonded together. the same way he'd never admit how much he adored the special pet name you had for him, you'd never admit how much you love this simple gesture of affection.

"what happened out there tonight? you were doing good for a while. i know how it gets, but you were even taking shots with james and remus for merlin's sake." he joked, gently elbowing you in your side. you let out a small chuckle, but the feeling of anxiety inside of you wouldn't shake itself.

"i don't know, i guess it was just a lot. a lot of people, a lot of music, a lot of drinks, yknow." you say quietly. sirius had known about your history with panic attacks, he was practically the only person you trusted to help you when you were having them. hell, he's seen you have over half of them.

"well, if we sit up here, just us, maybe it won't be two much. see, just the two of us, sitting on the bathroom floor." he holds you in his arms, and points at the two of you in the bathroom mirror, smiling slightly.

you huddled in closer to his warmth. your eyes began to flicker shut. it had been a long, exhausting, and drunken night. you smiled one last time at the sight of you in sirius's arms in the bathroom mirror before dozing off to sleep, the strong smell of sirius's musky cologne being the last scent to enter your nose before you were out.

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