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summary: during the annual winter trip to stay with the potters, you and remus have some unexpected sleeping arrangements, leading to much more.

as it is every year, the potters invited the marauders group to come stay with them for the winter holiday break. you had just stepped off the train, remus holding your bags for you, trailing behind, with the rest of the group running ahead, and being greeted by euphemia and fleamont, or mr. and mrs. potter.

"y/n! look how beautiful you've gotten. it's so nice to see you!" mrs. potter says as she pulls you into her arms.

"it's great to see you too, ms. potter. thank you for having us again this year!" you say enthusiastically, a smile painted upon your face.

she spots remus behind you, your bags in his arms. "have you and remus gotten together yet, sweetheart?" she whispers, but not well enough. remus let's out a smile and chuckle from behind you.

everyone's been rooting for you and remus to get together since first year. from the potter family, to your best friends, to the professors at hogwarts. everyone's just waiting for it to finally happen.

"no ma'am." remus says as he walks over, setting down the bags near your feet, and giving ms. potter a welcoming hug.

"any day now!" euphemia says waving her finger back and forth between the two of you with a smile. you and remus exchange a glance, and smile at each other, before grabbing the bags and following everyone out of the station.

as you entered the potter home, the smell of euphemia's famous peppermint bark that everyone looked forward to every christmas filled your lungs. as usual, you were rooming with remus, which the two of you swore was part of ms. potter's plan.

the living room was filled with a beautiful christmas tree sitting in the corner, decked out in lights and ornaments. a small calendar sat on the wall, showcasing that today was december 24th, christmas eve.

you and remus begin walking up the old wooden stairs, the same creaky ones that had been there since the house was built, while the others split off to their guest rooms. sirius and peter bunking together, as well as lily and marls.

you approach the room, the door painted with beautiful floral designs touching every corner, the one you've become familiar with every holiday break.

"can you get the door?" remus asks, the bags filling his hands.

you hold the door open for him, and the two of you look inside. it's the same room the two of you have bunked in the last four years, but this year, it's been remodeled. instead of the two twins and a bedside table in the middle you had become familiar with, the room was filled with a queen-sized bed and two tables lining each side.

"of course she did this." you say laughing at the sight in front of you.

"can't say i'm shocked." remus says with a chuckle.

"do you want me to go sleep on the pullout in lily and marlene's room instead? i get it if you're not comfortable-" you start but get cut off by him.

"y/n, we can share a bed. it's no big deal." he says resting a hand on your shoulder and the other against your cheek.

"alright, if you're sure." you say, a smile creeping onto your face.

as everyone's caught on, you've had feelings for the brunette boy since you were kids. the two of you had acknowledged your feelings for eachother, but always pushed them aside because 'the time was never right' or some other excuse the pair of you had made up.

you unzip the suitcase you had broughten along and fill the dresser with your clothes and belongings.

the sun had already set, and by now you were ready to pass out the second your head hit the pillow.

you woke up to a screaming james and sirius, the sheets being stolen from you. you find an arm draped around your waist from behind you, one you know not to have been there the night prior.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS! MOONY, Y/N/N! WAKE UP." james screams, pulling the comforter off the two of you. he was sixteen and still acting like a four year old on christmas morning.

you rub your eyes groggily before tapping on remus and pulling on his hand to get him up. "i'm coming, i'm coming." he says sleepily.

you follow the running james and sirius down the flight of stars, meeting a tired lily and marlene next to you. "merry christmas." the three of you exchanged sluggishly.

you're greeted downstairs to the smell of waffles and scrambled eggs in the kitchen, and sirius's hand dragging you to the tree.

"let's open presents! cmon, cmon!" he rushes you.

"pads, calm down." you say laughing.

as you sit down, you're met with a pair of warm hands sliding around your waist. a blush spreads lightly across your cheeks, but you continue opening the present that james forced into your hands. sirius and marlene share a glance, implying that the two of them saw the same thing.  james was too busy trying to get lily to open her present from him.

a few minutes later, when remus knew practically everyone was watching, he placed a hand under your chin and pulled you in for a kiss. "merry christmas, y/n." he whispered. you covered your cheeks and face with your hands, trying to escape the rosy color that had fallen over your cheeks, but it was impossible. you were smiling brighter than the sun.

the entire living room erupted into woah's and yelling.

"JAMES! 5 GALLEONS!" marlene says, holding out her hand towards him immeadiately.

"DAMN IT. YOU TWO COULDN'T HAVE WAITED TILL AFTER WE GRADUATED?" james yells at the two of you jokingly.

"nope. sorry." you say smiling sarcastically towards the raven-headed boy, leaning your weight back against remus's chest.

you turn to see euphemia clapping. "finally! i've been waiting for the past five years! i'm so happy for you two." she says smiling brightly. "see fleamont, i told you so." she says pointing her finger to the two of you.

turns out, this holiday was a lot better than you had anticipated :)

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