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summary: remus dreaded his birthday every single year, but you were determined to make his seventeenth one for the books.

you knew how much remus hated his birthday. every year, he wanted to sit in his dorm all day and read. he wanted to pretend it was just another day.

you were determined to give him a good seventeenth birthday. it would be his last birthday at hogwarts, after all.

"rise and shine, hun." you say, pressing a kiss to your sleeping boyfriend's forehead. you watched as a gentle smile grew on remus's lips. you felt two hands meet your waist, as remus pulled you down on top of him.

"good morning, darling." he mumbled, his raspy morning voice reaching your ears. he pressed his lips to yours, giving you a passionate kiss.

"happy birthday." you whisper, a smile still present on your face. you watched as his dropped a bit. you pressed one more soft kiss to his cheek before hopping out of the bed. "come on, get dressed."

the brunette boy raised an eyebrow at you. "where are we going? it's a saturday." he asked, sitting up slightly in the bed. "don't worry about it yet, just get dressed." you reply.

as you're fixing up your hair, remus walks over ready to go, a loose sweater hanging from his shoulders, his hair still a bit messy. "i'm ready." he says, his raspy morning voice still present.

as the two of you walked into the common room hand in hand, you're met with a group of fully dressed teenagers whom you called your friends. you were honestly shocked they were able to follow directions and be awake and ready this early.

"happy birthday moony!" james shouts first, followed by cheers and other congratulatory gestures. you watched as a smile crept onto your boyfriend's face. his gaze turned towards you and you watched as he mouthed a silent 'thank you'

you stood next to him and leaned against him slightly. the group stood around for a moment, looking at one another. you were proud of your friends for how much they truly cared, and that they were just as excited as you were to help him celebrate his birthday.

"well, what are we waiting for? let's go." lily exlaims, leading the group out of the portrait hole and down the moving staircase. moony still didn't truly know where he was going, but he trusted his friends, as well as you.

the walk to hogsmeade was full of smiles and laughter. from james tripping over a curb to sirius trying to flirt with almost any girl who passed by, you couldn't stop laughing, and neither could moony. you were thrilled to see him so happy on his birthday, especially because you'd known it was the first time in years.

the eight of you approached the small sit-down diner on the east side of hogsmeade. there were tables pressed up against the window, overlooking the spring breeze moving through hogsmeade.

lily walks up to the short, brunette hostess standing behind a counter. "good morning, we have a reservation for eight under evans." lily said politely. the woman smiled at your circle of friends. "right this way." she said, grabbing an assortment of breakfast menu's and leading you to a long table towards the back of the restraunts.

"my name is taylor, let me know if there's anything i can get for you guys." the hostess said politely before walking away. you see remus beaming at group as they sat down in their seats. "i can't believe you guys went through all this trouble for me."

"trouble? for our moony? we wouldn't miss this for the world." james says, lighting pushing his shoulder in a joking manner, a grin written across his face.

"there's nowhere we'd rather be." you say, reaching across the table and squeezing your boyfriend's hand gently. he smiled at you and mouthed your three favorite words. a soft and gentle 'i love you.'

"happy birthday, babe." you say, causing a joking gag to escape marlene and sirius's lips, but you didn't care.

the only thought crossing remus's mind in that moment was he couldn't have gotten luckier when it comes to his friends, let alone his girlfriend. he couldn't imagine spending his life with anybody else.

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