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summary: the annual summer trip to your childhood home with the marauders.

every summer break, the marauders and you all stayed in your childhood home together as a getaway. over the course of your six years at hogwarts, it could be considered an annual tradition, and what's the start of summer without a barbecue, s'mores, and a pool party.

it was your first night there, the smells of sausage and peppers filled the house from the backyard grill. as you walked downstairs, the kitchen was already filled with your mom bouncing around chopping up ingredients for a salad, and sirius stealing bits and pieces of the desserts before they were ready.

"padfoot, seriously?" you said, grinning and swatting his hand away from the various dishes of desserts.

"i can't help it." he replied, his mouth already stuffed with a chocolate brownie.

the air on the outdoor patio was warm, the sun was shining vibrantly down on your backyard. there was never anything you looked forward to more than summer break and the getaway trip.

you turned to see remus laying out on a patio chair, a book in hand. "how is it so far?" you ask him.

"really good, hoping to finish it by tonight, but your boyfriend keeps splashing water over here." he jokes.

"of course he does." you laugh, playfully rolling your eyes.

james and peter had been messing around in the pool all afternoon. you could hear the splashes of cannonballs and water gun fights all the way from your bedroom.

remus makes a face while looking at you, and before you have time to react, a pair of soaking wet arms snake themselves around your waist.

"james!" you shriek. it was more frightening than annoying to you in the moment.

"hi darling." he says softly with a smirk on his face. you and remus couldn't help but smile. peter was standing nearby drying down with a towel, helping your mom prepare the dinner table.

the strong arms move from your waist, to under your knees, carrying your bridal style.

"james! what are you doing?" you ask him, giggling throughout it.

"you're coming in with me!" he shouts as he jumps into your pool, you still in his arms.

you bounce your head out of the water at the same time, moving all the hair from your eyes, but smiling and laughing all the same.

"oi! mr. l/n! the lovebirds are at it again!" sirius shouts out with a laugh towards your dad.

"let them be sirius!" he calls back, chuckling as he went back to ready the daily muggle newspaper.

by the time you'd changed into some dry clothes and fixed yourself up, everyone had prepared the dinner table in the backyard, along with the firepit for smores.

the smell of fresh barbecue and bonfire smoke filled your lungs, and while it may not sound appealing to everyone, it was by far at the top of your list.

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