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summary: james gets rather drunk during a party and attempts to make a move on you.

the entire room filled with cheers as the gryffindor quidditch team walked in. we'd finally won the house cup, against slytherin. it was a tight game, but we did it.

you held your butterbeer to your lips, taking light sips as you observered the room around you. sirius was making out with a random girl in the year below us on the couch. remus was hiding away in the corner, talking to peter. marlene was dancing as if she'd never hear the sound of music again.

none of those people were the ones you were interested in watching though. don't get it wrong, you loved your friends. the marauders, as you all loved to call yourselves. but you'd fallen a little more every year for the one the group referred to as prongs.

as you continued to search the room, you finally saw him. taking shot after shot of firewhiskey off of a party table. you glanced back over to remus in the corner, and the two of you looked at james and back at each other, knowing tonight could end in so many different ways.

about an hour passed, you'd gone through a butterbeer or two, and now you found yourself leaning against a wall, talking to alice about frank.

"yknow, he brought me to hogsmeade last week and everything! it was honestly just perfect y/n, i wish i had taken some moving pictures to show you-" she said, but was interrupted. alice always seemed to talk more and babble when she was tipsy, but you didn't mind.

"y/n." james slurred your name, dragging out the last letter. he walked over and wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing a messy kiss to your forehead.

"james, you're incredibly drunk." you say, looking up at him.

"and you're incredibly hot." james said, looking down and smirking, placing a hand against your jawline. remus had been watching this scenario go down from a far, and began to make his way over to help, until sirius stopped to talk to him.

"james, i appreciate it-" you began. you more than appreciated it, but he was drunk, and there was no way in hell you were taking advantage of that.

"y/nn, you should come upstairs with me." he said, pulling you in closer. you wanted it, more than anything, but not like this. you wanted it sober, to be all of him, the regular james.

before you could reply, or call remus over faster, the taste of fire whiskey hit your tounge. james was pressing his lips to yours, pulling your head closer to his by gripping your hair.

you pressed a simple kiss back, but pulled away. "james, i'd love this, more than anything. but you have to understand, this is only happening if you're sober." you say, holding his two hands in your own.

"i'll make you a promise, if you still want it all by tommorow morning, you come and find me." you compromise, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. he gives you a simple nod, too wasted to even make out anymore words, before remus comes and pulls him away.

"y/n, i'm sorry i couldn't come over sooner- yknow, padfoot was just being his usual self and-" you cut him off before he could finish. "moons, don't worry about it, it's fine." you smiled.

the boys took care of james that night, and you went to bed, wondering if tommorow morning, james would have any memory of the night prior.

the next morning, you headed down to breakfast. you sat down, a few minutes earlier than the rest of the group. you were picking at your plate of waffles and bacon, when you feel warm lips on the side of your cheek.

"good morning, beautiful." a warm voice mumbled into your ear.

in that moment, you don't know if you'd ever had a wider smile across your face. remus and sirius walked across the other side of the table, watching it all. the boys all loved seeing you happy, so this was as good for you as it was them.

"you seriously remember?" you say, turning around to face the messy, raven-haired boy.

"i remember it all. such a shame you didn't go upstairs with me." he chuckled. he really did remember. you leaned forward, pressing a simple and sweet kiss to his lips.

"will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, softly. you nodded a quick yes before pressing another kiss to his lips.

"he remembers all this, but couldn't remember how much of a hangover he got last party, so he decides to do it all again." remus says from across the table, chuckling.

sirius and peter were both passed out next to each other, heads on the table, suffering from the consequences of their own alcoholism.

you smiled, knowing that your hogwarts years were always going to be some of the best years of your life.

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