❤️ Episode 1: Cure Gelato will save the day!

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️ Scene 1

*In the Concert Hall (in Yotsuba)*
*Everyone cheers for Makoto*
Makoto: *To the audience* Thank you for all the support, everyone! I hope I can give more songs in my next concert.
Girl 1: MAKOPI!
Boy 1: Makopi, we love you!
*Makoto bows*
*Makoto gets off the stage*
*A few seconds later*
*In the backstage*
Otoha: You really are the greatest, Makopi.
Makoto: Thank you, Otoha. I've practicing this concert for months.
Taro: Say, why not you're going to form an idol unit with your fellow idols out there?
Makoto: I'll think about it.
Otoha: Come on. Just try it!
Makoto: You know what? I have to go home.
Taro: Right now?!
Makoto: Yes. I need to rest.
Otoha and Taro: Okay...
Makoto: Tomorrow is a biggest day for me. I have to go to the Yuunagi to make desserts.
Taro: If that's the case, we're looking forward to it, Makopi.
Makoto: Thank you, Taro.
*An hour later*
*In the Hotel (in Yotsuba)*
Dabyi: So, you miss Oogai Town, huh?
Makoto: Yeah. It's been months since we never visited there.
Dabyi: Are you sure that you wanted to make a dessert ~dabyi?
Makoto: I could say why not? After all, I've already done so many activities in the past.
Dabyi: I know that, but which store shall we make desserts?
Makoto: I'll make that dessert in PANPAKA Pan Bakery. That store is famous.
Dabyi: WHAT?! But that store sells bread and cake ~dabyi.
Makoto: That's what I was trying to tell you, Dabyi. Are you in?
Dabyi: Fine! I'm in ~byi.
Makoto: Thank you, Dabyi. I couldn't done it without you.
Dabyi: Do you miss your days as Precures ~byi?
Makoto: Nah. I prefer to live a normal and happy life. And besides, since Proto Jikochuu is gone, there's no reason for me to become a Precure again.
Dabyi: Oh. I see.

❤️ Scene 2 ❤️

*The next day*
*In the living room of Aoi's house (in Ichigozaka, Japan)*
*Aoi fixes her things and puts them inside her bag*
Aoi: Darn! I'm going to be late!
Mitsuyoshi (Mizushima): But, Miss Aoi, the Volleyball Competition is in the afternoon.
Aoi: Oh. Sorry!
Mitsuyoshi: I was wondering. Why do you want to go to Yuunagi so early?
Aoi: I just wanna stroll around.
Mitsuyoshi: All by yourself? But Yuunagi is a wide place, Miss Aoi.
Aoi: I know that. That town is near Sukoyaka City. We've been there together when I was little, remember?
Mitsuyoshi: Yeah. I remember that, Miss Aoi.
Aoi: See?
Mitsuyoshi: But still, Miss Aoi. Going there all by yourself is dangerous. What if there's a kidnapper, a smuggler, or something?
Aoi: I'm not a kid anymore, Mizushima. Why don't you just let me be?! BLEH! *grabs her bag and runs away*
Mitsuyoshi: Miss Aoi! Come back here! *sighs* This girl still hasn't changed!
*10 minutes later*
*In the bus station (Ichigozaka, Japan)*
*Aoi arrives*
Aoi: I'm here at last. Now, which place in Yuunagi shall I go?
The bus driver: Yuunagi! Let's go! In a few minutes, we will leave this place for Yuunagi!
Aoi: *sees a bus* That must be it!
*Aoi gets on a bus and sits in a front row*
*20 minutes later*
*The bus is travelling*
Aoi: I prefer to be lived in a smaller house rather than in a mansion. I wonder if I could be a celebrity like- Oh, wait! Makopi! *grabs her phone and watches her video*
Makoto (on the phone): Good evening, everyone! You wanna hear my new song?!
The audience (on the phone): YES!
Makoto (on the phone): Okay. And tonight, I will sing a song named "~SONGBIRD~". In case you didn't know, this song was made 5 years ago.
Aoi: That song is 5 years old?! *turns off the phone* Unbelievable!
Woman: Well, Makopi sang many songs already, Miss.
Aoi: Right...
*Another 30 minutes later*
*On the road near the ocean (Yuunagi, Japan)*
*Makoto takes the look at the ocean*
Makoto: I think I have to turn down the plan of making a dessert in PANPAKA Pan Bakery. After all, I don't have an ingredients just yet.
*The bus arrives*
*Aoi gets out of the bus and looks at the ocean*
*The bus leaves*
Makoto: Well, it's simply a waste of time if I came here though. I wish I'll go back to Oogai Town.
Aoi: Why?
Makoto: Because I don't know which dessert I will make. *looks around* Huh?! Did someone talk to me?
Aoi: It's me who's talking to you!
*Mokoto looks at Aoi*

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