❤️ Episode 2: The Idol Singer, Cure Sword, arrives!

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❤️ Intro ❤️

Aoi: Hello! Aoi Tategami here!
Makoto: And I'm Makoto Kenzaki!
Aoi: Makoto and I are a great duo, and it's strange that we're close despite being polar personalities.
Makoto: But we'll work things out now that both of us are Precures.
Aoi: I became Cure Gelato again. Now people are counting on me to save the day.
Makoto: If I become Cure Sword like before, perhaps I can help Aoi around.
Aoi: You must, Makoto! I need help!
Makoto: Alright. I hope that miracle awaits me.

❤️ Scene 1 ❤️

*In the park (Oogai Town, Japan)*
*Makoto sits on a chair while Dabyi is hovering*
*Makoto and Dabyi watches the video of Aoi*
(The song "Blue Sky Alright" from Kirakira Precure Ala Mode is played)
Aoi (singing):
Yes shippai nante osorezu Try again

Ki ni shite cha hajiman'nai yo
Hito no me kara nigeru dake tte tsuman'nai
No genkai nante shiranai Anything

Jōshiki ni torawarenaide
I'm here I'm here koko kara
*Makoto stops the video*
Makoto: Aoi surely is good at singing.
Dabyi: Why don't you scout Aoi then ~byi? You and her will be a perfect duo ~byi.
Makoto: If she enters showbiz.
Dabyi: Right.
Makoto: Anyways, I don't really have plans to form an idol unit with someone. Plus, being in showbiz is way both exciting and tiring.
Dabyi: If only you didn't give up your Loveads. Maybe you can still be Cure Sword until today to help Gelato last Saturday ~byi.
*Aoi appears on scene*
Aoi: It's fine by me if I will work solo as a Precure.
Makoto: Aoi, I'm glad you came.
Aoi: Sorry I arrived late. I got stuck in a traffic jam.
Makoto: It's okay, Aoi. I just got here from my Condo.
Aoi: Condo? So you lived there?
Makoto: Yes, just near here. I will soon be kicked out if I don't pay the bills.
Aoi: You don't have money anymore?
Makoto: *shakes her head from side to side* I'm running out of money because I never got offered in any movie projects.
Aoi: Oh. Well then. You should stay in my house!
Makoto: Are you sure?
Aoi: Yes, Makoto. You can stay there whenever you liked.
Dabyi: Woah! How nice of you, Aoi. Don't worry. We won't give your family a headache. I promise ~byi.
Aoi: Don't worry, Dabyi. I can count on you. *To Makoto* So, Makoto, what are we waiting for? We have an enrollment to our new school.
Makoto: Of course! Let's move then!
*Aoi grabs Dabyi*
*Aoi and Makoto start walking*
Dabyi: I wonder what your new school looks like ~byi.
Aoi: You'll see, Dabyi.
Makoto: You can roam around the school while we're on class.
Dabyi: Aww!

❤️ Scene 2 ❤️

*30 minutes later*
*On the streets (Pikarigaoka, Japan)*
Makoto: Pikarigaoka is surely the capital of this Metropolis.
Aoi: Yep! Most of the universities are here.
Makoto: I missed my old friends.
Aoi: Who?
Makoto: They're many so I can't enumerate, but they're mainly from Oogai.
Aoi: I hope Dabyi have a nice sleep inside your bag. We had a long train trip earlier.
Makoto: Yeah.
*Love (Momozono) appears on scene*
Love: *To Aoi and Makoto* Hello there! *surprised* Are you Makopi?!
Makoto: Now you've guessed it, Miss. Are you a fan of me?
Love: Kind of. I saw you perform in Yotsuba, my hometown. Anyways, I'm Love Momozono. Is that girl your non-showbiz friend?
Aoi: Now you've guessed it. I'm Aoi Tategami!
Love: Hi, Aoi. It's so nice to meet you. I suppose both of you are here for enrolment, huh?
Aoi: Yes. We will both enroll to Golden Star University.
Makoto: That school has a high standard.
Love: EH?! I will go study there too! Let's move now, shall we?! *drags Aoi and Makoto at the same time*
Makoto: You surely are so excited...
*10 minutes later*
*In the school hallway*
*Most students are walking through the hallway*
Makoto: I'm glad Love brought us here.
Aoi: Who could have thought that there are many students here?
Makoto: I guess no one.
*Dabyi gets out of Makoto's bag*
Dabyi: Where are we ~byi? I just woke up.
Makoto: Oh! We're now in the school.
Dabyi: I see.
*Uzuki and Iori appears on scene*
*Dabyi hides inside the bag*
Uzuki: *To Aoi and Makoto* Well, well, well! It's been a long time, Makoto.
Makoto: Uzuki, Iori, please don't make a scene here.
Iori: Your song is awful and your clothes are tacky. Our song is better than yours.
Aoi: Ahem! Watch your mouth, Miss.
Uzuki: And who do you think you are? Ah! So, you're the girl from the cooking video with Makoto.
Iori: Please don't meddle our conversation, Dummy. Back off!
Aoi: I never really have plans to join into your conversation in the first place, but I won't shut my mouth up if you dare insult my friend. And please, don't call me "Dummy"! I know what I'm doing! Also, I will back off. Are you happy now?
Makoto: Aoi, leave them alone. They're just bitter. Let's go! *drags Aoi*
Aoi: Okay!
*Aoi and Makoto walk off*
Uzuki: *To Iori* It seems that those two are here for enrolment.
Iori: Yeah. I have to choose Financial Management. You?
Uzuki: Accountancy.
*Nao (Midorikawa) sees Aoi and Makoto from afar*

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