❤️ Episode 9: Let's Celebrate Party with Fans!

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️ Intro

Aoi: Hello! Aoi Tategami here!
Makoto: And I'm Makoto Kenzaki!
Aoi and Makoto: We're the best of friends!
Makoto: Aoi and I are like sisters, and of course we're closer to our 5 friends.
Aoi: Don't forget about Dabyi. She's our friend, too!
Makoto: I guess we should accept that our 5 friends won't get to be warriors.
Aoi: Yeah, but we should still maintain our friendship with them, Makoto.
Makoto: We need a new group name consisted of all 7 of us. Any ideas, Aoi?
Aoi: Hmm... We need to figure out what we all have in common. Those 5 can't sing well like we both do.
Makoto: They're good in Sports and Dancing. You and I are good at that, too.
Aoi: Oh, yeah! How did I forget?

❤️ Scene 1 ❤️

*In the plaza (Nanairogaoka, Japan)*
*Yu (Natsuki) and Ai (Natsuki) eat an Ice Cream*
Ai: Too bad that Big Sis Rin didn't give us money.
Yu: She's always busy in our family's shop.
Ai: I wonder if Big Sis Rin is also signing up for Dance Troupe. She's always hanging out with Makoto and Aoi.
Yu: Are you talking about Makoto Kenzaki and Aoi Tategami?
Ai: Whoever else? I was a big fan of Miracle Beat, their idol group. About about you, Yu?
Yu: Same, though I liked Aoi more than Makoto.
Ai: Oh. My idol would be Makoto then.
*Aoi and Makoto arrive on scene*
Aoi: Did you guys say "Miracle Beat"?
Yu and Ai: Yes...
Ai: AH! Are you two the friends of Big Sis Rin?!
Makoto: Big Sis Rin? Who's the Rin you're talking to?
Ai: I'm referring to Rin Natsuki, my older sister.
Aoi and Makoto: Ohhh!
Ai: I'm Ai. *points at Yu* And this is Yu, my twin brother.
Yu: Hello there! It's so nice to meet you, Miss Aoi and Miss Makoto.
Makoto: You don't have to call us "Miss" since you two are Rin's siblings. Just call us "Big Sis" instead. Both of you.
Aoi: Also, treat us like your older siblings starting today.
Yu and Ai: Okay!
*A minute later*
*DB (Dabyi's human form) is driving a car Aoi and Makoto are in*
Aoi: Why do you have to drive all the way home, Dabyi?
Makoto: Yeah. It would be easy if you let Aoi drive the car. *To Aoi* I noticed that Dabyi acts like our own mother.
Aoi: For real. She's just a cat.
DB: Did you two say something?
Aoi and Makoto: Nothing!
Aoi: Anyways, Rin's siblings invited me and Makoto to attend to their friend's birthday party on Saturday. Maybe we can contribute there.
Makoto: They said that they will invite Rin and the others as well.
DB: Aren't they Nao, Elena, Love, and Saki?
Makoto: Of course. The venue of the party is in the Grand Hotel in Oshiina Town. The theme is Superheroes.
DB: I see. I guess you two need another break from your idol career, huh?
Aoi: Who says idols don't need break? We're all tired for exercise and training, Dabyi. I can't form a band if my friends aren't good at playing instruments.
Makoto: I can play Percussion Instruments, Aoi. I guess I'll go with Drum or Tambourine.
Aoi: Really? But I've never seen you playing one before, Makoto.
Makoto: I'll buy a Drum. Once I buy one, we'll play our own song.
Aoi: Good idea! Let's play it for the party.
Makoto: Sure, but first, we should ask permission to the birthday celebrant.
Aoi: Let's call Rin then! The party will be happier if there's a band.
Makoto: If you say so, Aoi.

❤️ Scene 2 ❤️

*2 days later*
*In the school garden (Golden Star University)*
Aoi: We aren't been allowed to play instruments.
Rin: Really?
Aoi: Yeah. I texted the birthday celebrant's mother. She said that the slot is already full.
Makoto: There will be next time, Aoi. Besides, I haven't start practicing yet.
Aoi: Me either.
Rin: It's probably because the celebrant already prepared for everything.
Aoi and Makoto: Right.
Love: If you guys want a singer for your written songs, maybe you can hire me.
Saki, Rin, Nao, and Elena: NOOO!
Love: Why not?
Nao: Don't tell me you wanted to sing in front of the crowd.
Saki: Yeah! You made my ears ringing when we hear you sing during the concert.
Elena: I know you want idols, but to tell you frankly, you aren't that good in singing.
Aoi: Why don't we give Love a chance to improve?
Saki: But, Aoi-
Makoto: Aoi is right, Saki. If Love has a passion for singing, she needs practice. *To Love* Love, meet us in Bella Company every Friday, if you're interested.
Love: You mean, I WILL GO THERE?
*Aoi and Makoto nod*
Love: Yay! Thank you, Makoto, Aoi! I really wished to be an idol.
Nao: I guess we'll give you time to improve.
Elena: Yeah. Who knows? Maybe you will be better at singing after practicing.
Love: You bet, Elena!
Aoi: Oh! Time is running out! Makoto and I have a class! Bye! *To Makoto* Let's go, Makoto!
Makoto: Sure!
*Aoi and Makoto walk off together*
Love: I wish my parents support me.
Rin: Where?
Love: In everything, not just my passion for dancing.
Elena: Do you think I will fit to be the singer?
Nao: You can sing?
Elena: I do, Nao!
Saki: Why don't you give us the sample then?
Elena: Maybe later. I haven't even memorized a single song yet. What shall I sing?
Rin: I guess any songs you'd like, Elena.
Love: Or maybe try sing Miracle Beat's song!
Elena: Good idea!
*A minute later*
*In the classroom consisted of 75 students*
Miss Asakura: Good afternoon, class!
The 75 students: Good afternoon, Miss Asakura!
Miss Asakura: Anyways, where do we left off?
Lara: We're in Lesson 3, Miss!
*Aoi and Makoto arrive and immediately sits beside each other*
Miss Asakura: Miss Tategami, Miss Kenzaki, you're late! Where have you two been?
Aoi: Well, we're taking lunch with our friends.
Miss Asakura: I see. Next time, don't be late, okay?
Aoi and Makoto: Okay!
Emika: You two are late again. I guess you two are busy talking about your idol activity.
Tsumugi: Miss Asakura will mark you both absent.
Makoto: Sorry about that, Tsumugi. Aoi and I are invited to our friend's party.
Emika and Tsumugi: Really?
Makoto: Yeah! *To Aoi* Aoi, if we get to perform in the party, what shall we sing?
Aoi: Hmm... "Blue Sky Alright", if it's okay for you.
Makoto: Sure. I don't mind.

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