❤️ Episode 10: Here comes Cure Peach!

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️ Intro

Aoi: Hello! Aoi Tategami here!
Makoto: And I'm Makoto Kenzaki!
Aoi: Makoto and I are Pretty Cures!
Makoto: Not only that! We're also idols from the Idol Group called "Miracle Beat"!
Aoi: So, Makoto, what is it feels like if you have friends who are also Precures?
Makoto: Exciting, I guess? If they get to become one, will they join us?
Aoi: I bet they will, Makoto. I wonder who will be first to be our Precure teammate.
Makoto: Who are you referring to, Aoi?
Aoi: Whoever else? Our five friends! It would be cool if those five get their powers together. Soon, we will become a Septet!
Makoto: If this happens, it would be a miracle, just like our Idol Unit Name says.

❤️ Scene 1 ❤️

*On the streets (Yotsuba, Japan)*
*Love takes a walk*
Love: My Quiz was really hard. I hope it will be better by next week. *checks the phone*
*Love watches Cures being interviewed on TV*
Reporter 1 (man, on the video): Thank you for saving the kids from being attacked by a criminal!
Cure Gelato (on the video): Don't mention it!
Cure Sword (on the video): That's what Precures must do!
Reporter 2 (man, on the video): Anyways, ever heard of Miracle Beat?
Cure Sword (on the video): Uh, what is Miracle Beat?
Reporter 1 (man, on the video): It's an idol group Aoi Tategami and Makoto Kenzaki are in. They are now as popular as both of you. They sing very well.
Cure Gelato (on the video): Uh, I've never heard of Aoi or Makoto before, but since we're popular, they must know us. Ha, ha, ha!
Love: *laughs very hard* Reporters didn't actually know that Aoi and Makoto are talking about themselves! I can't stop myself from laughing!
Love: *stops laughing* What? *looks at someone* AHHH! *dodges Flappy*
*Flappy crashes into the ground*
Love: What is going on here? *turns off the video*
Flappy: Ouch! *gets up* My head hurts ~rapi!
Love: A FAIRY?!
Flappy: *looks at Love* Shh! Don't say this out loud ~rapi!
Love: Why? Oh! I know why! You're a fairy from... Where are you from?
Flappy: I'm from the Land of Fountains ~rapi. Princess Filia sent me here to find a partner who can save the day ~rapi.
Love: You mean, you have to find a person to be a Precure with you as her partner?
Flappy: YES! Wait. How come you know about Precures ~rapi?
Love: Because I used to be a Precure.
Flappy: Very well! *transform into a Crystal Commune* Go and transform, uh... What is your name ~rapi?
Love: Love Momozono, and you are?
Flappy: I'm Flappy!
Love: Sorry, Flappy, but the enemy is not here right now. Can I do it next time?
Flappy: Right! Sorry! *transforms back into his normal form* I have nowhere else to stay, Love. Can I stay in your house ~rapi?
Love: *grabs Flappy* Of course, Flappy!
Flappy: YAY! Thank you ~rapi!
Love: No problem!

❤️ Scene 2 ❤️

*A few minutes later*
*In the living room in Momozono Household*
Flappy: Love, is this your house ~rapi?
Love: Yeah. My Father works in a Wig Company, while my Mother is a Housewife. My Sister is in another country.
Flappy: I see ~rapi.
Love: Anyways, I want to go to the concert on Saturday evening.
Flappy: Whose concert ~rapi?
Love: Miracle Beat! That is an idol group my two showbiz friends are in.
Love: Mhm! The names are Makoto Kenzaki and Aoi Tategami. They bicker much, but they love each other like sisters.
Flappy: How sweet!
Love: Yeah! Being an idol is my dream. My teacher, Miyuki Chinen, is one of the dance coaches who can teach dancers the dance steps. But, my singing voice is awful so I only stick with dancing.
Flappy: Oh.
*someone knocks the door*
??? (woman's voice): Love, open the door!
Love: Flappy, hide!
Flappy: Okay! *runs under the chair*
*Love goes towards the door way and opens the door*
*Ayumi (Momozono) and Keitarou (Momozono) enters the house*
Love: Hi, Mother! Hi, Father!
Keitarou: Good afternoon, Love. How come you're here so early?
Love: My dismissal is early, Father.
Keitarou: I see!
Ayumi: Anyways, how is the quiz?
Love: They're okay! I got an average score, as in not too high and not too low.
Ayumi: That's good.
Love: Mother, can I ask you a favor?
Ayumi: Sure. What is it?
Love: Can I go to my friend's concert on Saturday evening? It will be held in Aozora City.
Ayumi: Of course, as long as your friends are with you. We won't allow you to go if you're alone.
Love: Right.
Keitarou: Once you are there, you must behave, okay?
Love: I will, Father!
Ayumi: I have to cook dinner. It's almost 6 PM. *goes towards the kitchen*
Love: Great timing! I'm hungry!
*While under the chair*
Flappy: *To himself* Until how long can I wait ~rapi?
*The next day*
*In Love's classroom (Golden Star University)*
*Some of Love's classmates are doing their own thing*
Ririna: So, you're planning to attend the concert of Miracle Beat tomorrow, huh?
Love: Yes, Ririna.
Tanjiro: Who is your idol, Love? Aoi or Makoto?
Love: I can't really pick between the two. Both of them are cool.
Sasuke: Tanjiro, you should go easy on Love.
Tanjiro: Fine.
Ririna: Aoi and Makoto also revealed their Precure idols in one interview. Makoto idolizes Cure Gelato, while Aoi idolizes Cure Sword. I'm an original fan of Makoto. I first knew her as "Makopi".
Love, Sasuke, and Tanjiro: Woah!
Love: I have a trivia! I know who Gelato and Sword are!
Sasuke: Really? Who?
Love: Gelato and Sword are-
*Teacher Kazaguruma (woman) arrives on scene*
Teacher Kazaguruma: Hello, students! We will start a class.
Love and her 34 students: Alright, Teacher Kazaguruma!
*The 35 students (including Love) go back to their seats*
Love: Phew! I would have exposed Aoi and Makoto's cover if my teacher didn't come.

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