❤️ Episode 4: More Friends in New School!

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❤️ Intro ❤️

Aoi: Hello! Aoi Tategami here!
Makoto: And I'm Makoto Kenzaki!
Aoi and Makoto: We're Precures!
Aoi: Guess what? Makoto and I believed that we're the perfect duo.
Makoto: We fight because of our opposite personalities, but we became stronger than ever.
Aoi: Now that we have a stronger bond. We have a question in mind: Are we best friends?
Makoto: I think we are, Aoi. We're already close. We have a lot in common.
Aoi: Lot in common? Like we both love music and idols?
Makoto: Yes, that!

❤️ Scene 1 ❤️

*In a bedroom in Tategami Household (Ichigozaka, Japan)*
*Makoto sits on a chair, looking at her own picture with Princess Marie Ange*
Makoto: Please watch over me, Marie Ange. I got kicked out of a Condo last Saturday. If you were alive until today, I wouldn't be lonely. I remember the good times you and I eat in a dining room together.
*7 years ago*
*In the dining room (Trump Kingdom)*
*Makoto/Sword and Princess Marie Ange are eating dinner*
Marie Ange: *To Sword* When I become queen, I want you to be my Lady-in-Waiting.
Sword: Me?
Marine Ange: Yes! My Papa sent me to Royal School in order to become a Proper Princess. Sword, why don't you study in Regal Academy?
Sword: I can't say "Yes". I have to ask permission from my Adoptive Aunt.
Marie Ange: Sword, please! Come with me to Regal Academy. It will be fun. Promise!
Sword: Okay! I'll come with you.
Marie Ange: Really?!
Sword: Yes! I will do anything to make you happy, Marie Ange.
Marie Ange: YAY! *hugs Sword* Thank you, Sword! You're the best friend in the entire universe!
*flashback ends*
Makoto: I guess I'm fine living in Aoi's house, but I still missed Oogai Town.
*Aoi arrives on scene*
Aoi: Makoto, we're going downstairs to eat.
*Makoto still stares at the picture*
Aoi: Hey, Makoto! Yoo-hoo! Can you hear me?
Makoto: *looks at Aoi* Oh, uh, Aoi! Sorry if I keep on gazing on a picture. I suddenly remember the good times I have with Marie Ange, my old close friend.
Aoi: Until today, you still think about Marie Ange?
Makoto: *nods* I didn't get to see her again after I fled to this country. Aoi, I wish it didn't happen to you like what happened to Marie Ange.
Aoi: What makes you say that? Makoto, I won't be gone from you. If you need a friend, I'm here. I bet Marie Ange will be happy for both of us.
Makoto: Thank you, Aoi.
Aoi: Come on! Let's eat dinner, and after that, we have to fix ourselves to school tomorrow.
Makoto: Okay. You can leave me here first because I'm gonna fix my things. I'll be right there.
Aoi: If you say so, Makoto. *walks away and leaves the room*
*Makoto keeps the picture in a drawing and goes out of the room as well*
*Marie Ange's spirit appears and watches on Aoi and Makoto's things*
Marie Ange: I'm so proud of you, Sword. I hope your new friend watched over you.

❤️ Scene 2 ❤️

*The next day*
*In the school hallway (Golden Star University)*
*Many students (including Aoi and Makoto) watch the billboard*
Makoto: Yeah. I was quite sad, but we can still be classmates in some subjects.
Aoi: But I wished we were classmates in all of our subjects, not just 2 or 3.
*Saki appears on scene*
Saki: Makopi, Aoi, you two are here?!
Aoi and Makoto: Huh?!
Aoi: Saki! You studied here?
Saki: Of course! It's been a while since I've seen you both in Yuunagi.
Makoto: Good thing you remembered us, Saki.
*Nao appears on scene*
Nao: I'm so happy that you two are here again.
Makoto: Nao! It's so nice to meet you!
Saki: Hello there. Are you the friend of Makopi and Aoi?
Nao: Yes, I am. Who are you?
Saki: Saki Hyuuga. What about you?
Nao: Nao Midorikawa.
Saki: So, Nao, welcome to the first day of school.
Nao: Thanks. I suppose you're happy that you're here.
Saki: Yeah!
Aoi: Ahem! Are you two done? I think Makoto and I must go to the gym now.
Makoto: No! You should go ahead. I'm waiting for my classmates.
Aoi: But, Makoto, we took the same course.
Makoto: Yeah, but we're in different sections, Aoi. We can see each other in the Management Building.
Aoi: *sighs* Alright. Take care! *walks away*
Nao: *To Makoto* Looks like your friend is in a rush. I can feel it.
Saki: Makopi, where will you stay right after this?
Makoto: I don't know, Saki, but I will wait for my classmates. If they won't come, you two can hang out with me.
Saki and Nao: Really?
Makoto: Of course!
*In the outside of the building*
*Rin approaches 5 girls while bringing a box of cookie pops*
Girl 1: *To Rin* Hi there, Miss. How much are the cookie pops?
Rin: It costs 50 yen. Wanna buy?
Girl 2: Yes! I want 3.
Girl 3: I will take 2.
Girl 1: 2 for me. I hope you don't mind.
Rin: Okay!
*30 seconds later*
*The three girls eat their own cookie pops*
Rin: Thank you for buying cookie pops. You know that my family needs to repair my shop.
The three girls: It was nothing!
Girl 3: Thank you for the pops. It was delicious.
Rin: See you soon, Girls! *walks away*
*A few minutes later*
*In the school lobby*
*Rin counts the money*
Rin: Now, many buy my cookie pops. Now, I have 5 left. I wonder who will buy it.
*Aoi appears on scene*
Aoi: Hello there, Rin! Do you still have cookie pops?
Rin: Oh, yes! How many will you buy?
Aoi: All 5 of them!
Rin: WHAT?! Are you serious, Aoi?
Aoi: Yes! I'm serious. How much is the cookie pops? I will give the other one to my best friend, Makoto.
Rin: Uh, sure!

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