❤️ Episode 3: Friendship Over for Aoi and Makoto?!

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❤️ Intro ❤️

Aoi: Hello! Aoi Tategami here!
Makoto: And I'm Makoto Kenzaki!
Aoi: Makoto becomes a Cure, and the two of us become Precure Teammates!
Makoto: Yeah. Aoi and I instantly get along even as warriors.
Aoi: But what would happen if our friendship breaks because of our different personalities?
Makoto: Positive, Aoi. That won't happen as long as we promise to have each other's backs.
Aoi: I suppose you're right, Makoto. Do you think we can be best friends?
Makoto: Maybe, but I hope we were.

❤️ Scene 1 ❤️

*In Aoi's bedroom, Tategami Household (Ichigozaka, Japan)*
*Aoi talks to Makoto through video call*
Aoi: *To Makoto* Makoto, once first day of school strikes, you should stay here.
Makoto (on the phone): I'll think about it.
Aoi: But, haven't you pay the bills for your stay in Condo? I can't lend you a money because my parents doesn't give me one.
Makoto (on the phone): Don't worry about me, Aoi. I'm fine!
Aoi: You're fine?! Or you just pretend that you're okay?! Don't lie to me!
Makoto (on the phone): What are you trying to say?! I'm a liar?!
*In Makoto's room in Condo (Oogai Town, Japan)*
Aoi (on the phone): Whatever else?! You're hiding something from me! You know that I'm concerned about you!
*Dabyi arrive and hide to overhear Aoi and Makoto's argument*
Makoto: You know what? It's useless if I'll explain everything to you, Aoi. You don't believe in what I said.
Aoi (on the phone): Well, if you have problems, I won't help you! EVER!
*The phone call ends*
Dabyi: Makoto, what is going on here ~byi?
Makoto: Dabyi, don't talk to Aoi! I hate her! *drops her phone and walks away*
Dabyi: Makoto, wait!
*Back in Aoi's bedroom in Tategami Household (Ichigozaka, Japan)*
Aoi: What was Makoto thinking? She isn't open to everything!
*Mitsuyoshi (Mizushima) appears on scene*
Mizushima: Good morning, Miss Aoi! I cook breakfast for you. You should come downstairs.
Aoi: I am in a bad mood. I don't want to eat.
Mizushima: Why?
Aoi: It's because... *cries* I... I have a fight with Makoto! *covers her face with a pillow as she cries even more*
Mizushima: Oh! *approaches Aoi* I see that you fight with your new friend, huh?
Aoi: Yes. My heart got hurt right now.
Mizushima: Aoi...
Aoi: I don't know what to do to make myself better. Makoto might have hate me now. I say terrible things at her.
Mizushima: Well, if things gets cool down, you can talk to her and apologize.
Aoi: *stops crying* Really, Mizushima? *takes off the pillow from her face*
Mizushima: Yes. You should go to her Condo. I'll accompany you all the way to Oogai Town.
Aoi: Do you think Makoto will understand?
Mizushima: I don't know, but you just try to approach Makoto and talk to her. If you two are real friends, Miss Makoto will forgive you.
Aoi: Right.

❤️ Scene 2 ❤️

*A few minutes later*
*At the Outside of the Condo Lobby (Oogai Town, Japan)*
Dabyi: Makoto, why do you want to cut ties with Aoi?
Makoto: Don't you see, Dabyi? Aoi called me a liar! I don't want to see that girl again! I'm mad at her!
Dabyi: But, she didn't mean to say something bad ~byi.
Makoto: You know how painful it is when your friend called you a liar?!
Dabyi: Makoto, Aoi is concerned of you. She even suggested that we should move to her house because sooner or later, we will be kicked out of this Condo ~byi.
Makoto: What do you mean? Aoi cares about me?
Dabyi: She won't offer you to stay in her house if she didn't care, right?
Makoto: I don't know how to face Aoi.
Dabyi: Makoto, just reminisce the good moments you and Aoi had. I won't let others break their friendships due to one misunderstanding ~byi.
Makoto: Why don't you talk to her, Dabyi? I'm so ashamed.
Dabyi: You must talk to Aoi yourself, Makoto.
Makoto: I'll try.
*An hour later*
*On the streets (Oogai Town, Japan)*
*The bus that Mizushima and Aoi are in is bus*
Aoi: *In her mind* I have to talk to Makoto. If she pushed me away, I won't give up on her. I should value our friendship.
Mizushima: *To the driver* Driver, stop please! My relative wants to get off.
*The bus stops in the waiting shed*
Mizushima: *To Aoi* You should go, Miss Aoi.
Aoi: Only me?
Mizushima: Yes! I can't leave the mansion behind. I have to go back to Ichigozaka right away.
Aoi: What if Makoto will ignore me?
Mizushima: No ifs. You can do it, Miss Aoi. I can count on you.
Aoi: *sighs* Alright. *gets out of a bus*
*The bus leaves*
Aoi: Bye, Mizushima! Don't worry! I won't let you down.
*While in the Nightmare Corporation*
Despairaia: You failed to beat the Precures?! You have to try again!
Kabuto, Kaeru, Hachina, Netto, Yumeko, and Haruhito: Yes, Master Despairaia!
Netto: The Precures are strong even if it's just the two of them.
Hachina: I honestly think that we aren't strong enough without the Dream Collet.
Despairaia: I don't need that stupid Dream Collet. All we need is to defeat those pathetic Precures once and for all!
Haruhito: That means we don't need to find a Dream Collet?
Despairaia: Not anymore! We have Boss to help all six of you!
*Boss appears on scene*
Boss: Despairaia and I will work together along with other villains to take over the world.
Kabuto: It seems that you came for our aid. Hehe!
Yumeko: I hope you don't throw us like garbage once we fulfill your wishes.
Boss: If you do your job well, I won't do that. Just promise me, Nightmares!
Kabuto, Kaeru, Hachina, Netto, Yumeko, and Haruhito: Roger, Boss!
Netto: Anyways, I'll go to Japan and summon the Kowaina! You can count on me.
Boss: Perfect choice, Netto!
*Despairaia and Boss leave the scene*
Kabuto: Good luck, Netto! You must defeat the Precures.
Kaeru: We can treat you some caterpillars.
Netto: Yuck! I hate caterpillars. I want a human food.
Kaeru: That was a joke, Netto.
Netto: Hmph!
Haruhito: I will defeat the Precures from the other parts of Japan.
Yumeko: Me too! Smashing the world is fun!
Kabuto: Good luck, you two!

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