❤️ Episode 5: An Idol Duo Unit is decided!

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❤️ Intro ❤️

Aoi: Hello! Aoi Tategami here!
Makoto: And I'm Makoto Kenzaki!
Aoi and Makoto: We're Precures!
Makoto: Aoi and I are now best friends!
Aoi: And also, we formed a friendship with Love, Elena, Saki, Nao, and Rin. We didn't expect them to get along instantly.
Makoto: Yeah. I wonder if they will watch our first idol performance together.
Aoi: They will be, Makoto. If they don't watch us perform in person, they could watch it online.
Makoto: If we become popular idols, we should try our best to hide our identity as Precures.
Aoi: I KNOW RIGHT?! It will be disastrous if they also know us as Cure Gelato and Cure Sword.
Makoto: You said it, Aoi.

❤️ Scene 1 ❤️

*In a school garden (Golden Star University)*
*Aoi writes something on a notebook*
Makoto: How was it?
Aoi: *stops writing* My songs are lame, Makoto!
Makoto: Let me see! *grabs a notebook and takes a look at the pages* Hmm... It isn't that lame, Aoi. The lyrics you wrote are great.
Aoi: Great?! *grabs a notebook from Makoto* But the song's genre is rock, not pop. I was always the one who wrote songs for my former band.
Makoto: Actually, I don't really mind the genre.
Aoi: Look, Makoto! We will debut in a week. We haven't practiced singing just yet. That's why I have to finish the lyrics as soon as possible.
Makoto: I suppose you're right.
Aoi: Now that we'll perform together next week, how do you feel?
Makoto: I'm nervous. It's about time where I go out of my comfort zone. I'm now the part of an Idol Group.
Aoi: Same here. This will be my first time to sing a song that isn't rock-themed.
*Aoi and Makoto giggle*
Makoto: Don't pressure yourself to write pop songs, Aoi. You should take a break.
*Love, Saki, Nao, Rin, and Elena appear on scene*
Rin: *To Aoi and Makoto* Makoto, Aoi, what are you doing?
Aoi and Makoto: AHHH!
*Aoi quickly hides her pen and notebook into her bag*
Makoto: It's, uh, nothing!
Saki: Don't tell me... You two will debut as a Duo soon?
Aoi: Yes, Saki! We're unprepared for anything. We don't have songs together and a group name yet.
Love, Saki, Nao, Rin, and Elena: Oooh!
Saki: I see.
Love: Will you dance in your idol group debut?
Makoto: We will. Aoi and I decided to find a dance coach.
Elena: Woah! That would be nice. My brother, Touma, grew to love idols after he woke up from being unconscious.
Nao: Unconscious? As in he passed out?
Elena: Yes! It's hard to explain, Nao. Touma used to be a gloomy boy, but now he has changed to become joyful just like me and my parents do.
Rin: Whoever Touma is, I'm happy that he likes idols.
Love: *To Aoi and Makoto* Aoi, Makoto, are we invited to go to your concert? I bet there are lots of songs you will sing.
Aoi: Of course! We can't spoil anything about our upcoming song, Love.
Love: Jeez! Now you're making me sad, Aoi!
*Makoto, Saki, Nao, Rin, and Elena giggle*
Makoto: Patience, guys! You will see that in our first performance together.
Nao: Right, then. Anyways, let's eat lunch together!
Saki: Good idea, Nao! Let's go!

❤️ Scene 2 ❤️

*A few hours later*
*In the bedroom in Tategami Household (Ichigozaka, Japan)*
*Aoi lies into a bed*
*Dabyi approaches Aoi*
Dabyi: Aoi, are you okay?
Aoi: Kind of. I don't think I can write new songs anymore.
Dabyi: Say what now ~byi?
Aoi: I'm not good at writing pop songs, Dabyi. Makoto and I have little time to practice. Do you think we manage to memorize the song within a week?
Dabyi: If you believe you can do it, Aoi. I have trivia for you ~byi.
Aoi: What is it, Dabyi?
Dabyi: Makoto practiced a single song in just one day ~byi.
Aoi: *gets up from the bed* REALLY?!
Dabyi: Yes! Even before the destruction of Trump Kingdom, Makoto managed to sing perfectly ~byi.
Aoi: Great. She told me that she sang a song to impress the crowd.
*Someone knocks the door*
*Dabyi transforms into a Lovely Commune*
Aoi: Come in!
*Naomi enters the room and approaches Aoi*
Naomi: Hi, Aoi!
Aoi: *grabs a Lovely Commune* Uh, Hello! Do I know you?
Naomi: Of course! Makoto asked me to help you both. I'm the dance teacher who works for Bella Company. I'm Naomi Tachibana.
Aoi: Sorry if I didn't finish writing a new song, Teacher Naomi. I wrote a friendship song, but it turns out to be lame.
Naomi: What do you mean lame? Makoto said that the lyrics are good. I find the lyrics you wrote to be perfect.
Aoi: You really think so, Teacher?
Naomi: Yeah. My friend will compose a song. Is that okay for you?
Aoi: Yes, please!
Naomi: It will be in pop genre. I hope you don't mind.
Aoi: Okay!
*In the Dark Portion of Trump Kingdom*
Luxuria: We failed again! Proto Jikochuu will be mad!
Acedia: Yeah. We're all doomed.
Invidia: I guess Proto Jikochuu is right. We must take our mission seriously.
Superbia: Well, speaking of that, we must make boring friends from other worlds.
Avarita: I know right? Proto Jikochuu stinks.
Invidia, Luxuria, Superbia, and Acedia: Excuse me?!
Invidia: Don't say that out loud, Avarita. Proto Jikochuu might hear us.
Avarita: I suppose you're right, Invidia.
Superbia: We should practice our powers so that we're expert at summoning the Jikochuu.
Luxuria: We've been practicing this for ages, and yet the Precures win.
Acedia: Don't lose hope, Girls. We will win someday.
*Proto Jikochuu arrives on scene*
Proto Jikochuu: *To the Selfish Group* Well, did you come up with the plan to destroy the Precures?
Superbia: Yes, Proto Jikochuu! The five of us are done brainstorming.
Acedia: Now, I have a plan to lure and eradicate the meddling Precures.
Proto Jikochuu: Excellent, Acedia. *To the rest of the Selfish Group* All of you must make friends with villains from other dimensions. You must keep it to your mind. Is that clear?
Invidia, Luxuria, Superbia, and Acedia: Got it, Proto Jikochuu!
Proto Jikochuu: Good!

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