❤️ Episode 6: Let's play in Town Carnival!

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️ Intro

Aoi: Hello! Aoi Tategami here!
Makoto: And I'm Makoto Kenzaki!
Aoi and Makoto: We were Best Friends!
Aoi: Makoto and I formed an Idol Group together called Miracle Beat!
Makoto: Our fans may like the Aokoto Pair. Aokoto is the mixture of mine and Aoi's name.
Aoi: Indeed! Many said that my voice is Alto and Makoto's is Soprano.
Makoto: I hope that our 5 friends will join our idol group, Aoi.
Aoi: Why not? I bet all of them are talented.
Makoto: Even if all of our five friends become our bandmates, I wish you and I are still partners and best friends.
Aoi: Same. I still prefer you as my partner, too, Makoto.

❤️ Scene 1 ❤️

*In the plaza (Aozora City, Japan)*
*The crowd watches on Aoi and Makoto singing*
(The song "Bestie" sung by Yuka is played)
Makoto (singing):
Saikin no topics wa?
Jitsuwa nette iu mae kara kao o mireba
Zenbu zenbu wakatteru
An'na yatsu nanka ni nakasa reru sujiai nante nai dakara kyō wa
Cheat day hadaare nante kinishinaide

Aoi (singing):
Anata ga ite watashi ga iru

Aoi and Makoto (singing):
You're my bestfriend
Naite mo ī nda yo
Mayottatte ī nda yo
Daijōbu kotaeha mōde terukara
Call me anytime mayonaka datte kankeinai okoshite yo
Itsumo itsumo arigatō ne
(song ends)
*The crowd gives a round of applause to Aoi and Makoto*
Makoto: Thank you, everyone! Thank you!
*The crowd puts their money on the bag*
*A minute later*
*The bag is full of money*
Aoi: *To the crowd* That's all for now, everyone. Thank you for listening to our song!
The crowd: Aww!
Girl 1: I wanna hear more!
Boy 1: No fair!
*The crowd leaves*
Aoi: *To Makoto* We have a lot of money now, Makoto. *grabs the bag full of money* What if we sing in every place we're in?
Makoto: Maybe next time, Aoi. We should prioritize our studies.
Aoi: Right.
Makoto: The reason why we're here in Aozora City is because we'll go to our classmates' house for school project, not to sing and collect money.
Aoi: I see. At least, we're lucky that we earn a lot through singing.
*Dabyi appears on scene*
Dabyi: You two are great! You attracted so many fans ~byi.
Aoi: Thanks, Dabyi!
Makoto: Well, Dabyi, Aoi and I will go to the carnival on Saturday. We will not sing there. We will be there to enjoy.
Aoi: Mhm!
Dabyi: I guess you two deserve a break from the spotlight ~byi. Will you invite your other 5 friends ~byi?
Aoi: If you mean Love and the others, of course!
Dabyi: Yay! I can't wait to talk to them ~byi.
Makoto: Not a chance, Dabyi.
Aoi: You know that you might get into trouble if you say a word.
Dabyi: Right! *from her mind* Hmph! You two are so controlling ~byi.

❤️ Scene 2 ❤️

*30 minutes later*
*In the living room in Tsumugi's house (Aozora City, Japan)*
*Aoi, Makoto, Tsumugi, and Emika are sitting on the floor while looking at the laptop*
Tsumugi: I made a video about "Aokoto Moments". I posted it in CureSta!
Emika: And I made photo edits as well! The alternate CureSta account I used is "aokoto_fangirls".
Aoi: So, you two are a fan of me and Makoto as a duo, huh?
Tsumugi and Emika: We are!
Makoto: Ever since I formed an idol group with Aoi, people no longer call me "Makopi".
Tsumugi: Fans like us got used to calling you "Makopi", Makoto, but then you wanted us to call you by real name.
Emika: Aoi, how come you became an Idol Singer instead of a Rock Star?
Aoi: I wanted to step outside my comfort zone. I wonder if Misaki noticed me when I became one.
Makoto: Misaki?
Aoi: Misaki Ayane! She used to be in a band called "Ganache", but now she's a solo artist. I was her fan!
Makoto: Cool! I met her 3 years ago. Misaki and I have sung together at the karaoke party last year.
Aoi: Really? I didn't know you had a past together with Misaki.
Makoto: If you came to her party, you and I would have met there.
Emika: Ahem! Aren't we supposed to make a school project?
Aoi and Makoto: OH, YES!
Tsumugi: So, who will type the documents?
Makoto: Me! *grabs the laptop*
Emika: Good luck, Makoto!
Aoi: I can't wait to go to the carnival on Saturday. I'm getting fired up!
Tsumugi: Me too! I'll introduce Emika to my elementary friends. *To Makoto* Are you excited to go to the carnival, Makoto?
Makoto: Of course! I was the one who planned for it. Aoi must treat me.
Aoi: Me? No fair, Makoto! You're the one who came up with that plan, and then I'll treat you?
Makoto: You're two months older than me, Aoi. You should see me as your baby sister.
Aoi: I don't care if you're younger than me, Makoto! You must treat me because you plan it!
Makoto: It was just for once.
Aoi: Fine, but let's play Rock-Paper-Scissors. If I win, you must treat me.
Makoto: Deal!
Emika: *To Tsumugi* Makoto and Aoi had a petty fight, huh?
Tsumugi: Yeah.
*In Noir's Headquarters*
Cherry: We failed again. The Precures are invincible!
Julia: Especially that Pink and Yellow Warrior! They're stronger.
Randy: I think we must abandon this freaking plan of ours.
Valerie: What plan? To steal the Kirakiraru from humans?
Randy: Whatever else, Valerie!
Minty: Look, guys! Master Noir will be mad at us if we give up! We're all six of us, so we can beat those Precures easily.
Toffee: Oh, really? Our monster got even defeated by one Cure. Don't you see?
Julia: Now you're making Master Noir upset.
*Noir appears on scene*
Noir: Indeed, I am!
Toffee, Randy, Julia, Cherry, Minty, and Valerie: *look at Noir* AHHH! Greetings, Master Noir!
Toffee: We lost to Precures again.
Valerie: Yeah! We need a piece of advice.
Noir: Is that what you need, Valerie? All you have to do is to make an friends with others.
Cherry: Again with this lousy idea?
Minty: I don't think we get along so well with others.
Noir: Do not complain! If you don't want Precures to win, deal with it! Is that clear?
Toffee, Randy, Julia, Cherry, Minty, and Valerie: Yes, Master!
Noir: Good!

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