❤️ Episode 8: Aoi backs out from Photoshoot?!

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❤️ Intro ❤️

Aoi: Hello! Aoi Tategami here!
Makoto: And I'm Makoto Kenzaki!
Aoi: Makoto and I are Warriors called "Pretty Cures"!
Makoto: Indeed! Being Precures is what makes me and Aoi close even more.
Aoi: Say, do you think we will gain a Precure teammate?
Makoto: I guess so, Aoi, but I bet we will have. We can't beat stronger enemies with just the two of us.
Aoi: True. We need more help, Makoto. If only our 5 friends become Precures like you and me.
Makoto: I guess we didn't meet them by coincidence. We met them by fate.
Aoi: Yeah! Isn't this crazy, Makoto?
Makoto: Of course it is!

❤️ Scene 1 ❤️

*In the conference room (Bella Company)*
*Aoi and Makoto are sitting in front of the audience while being filmed on camera*
Hiroshi: When will be your next concert?
Aoi: In 2 weeks! Makoto and I will perform in Aozora City.
Makoto: We won't tell you the details until we sing the song.
Hiroshi: I see. Anyways, Cure Sword and Cure Gelato fought the monster the other day. Their battle video reached 7 million views.
*The video of Cures Gelato and Cure Sword battling the monster are shown on screen*
*Aoi and Makoto become nervous*
Hiroshi: Tell me your reaction to this video. These two Precures are now popular.
*Aoi and Makoto start to shiver out of fear*
Aoi: Uh... Well... You see...
*In Aoi's imagination*
*In the park (Pikarigaoka, Japan)*
*Aoi and Makoto got surrounded by the crowd and the reporters*
Aoi and Makoto: Eh?
Girl 1: Miracle Beat are Precures?!
Girl 2: Unbelievable!
Reporter 1 (Woman): *To Makoto* Cure Sword, can you tell us how you become Precures with Cure Gelato?
Makoto: Sure. We should have a strong will to protect everyone.
Reporter 2 (Man): *To Aoi* You, Cure Gelato! How did you and your best friend work well in battle?
Aoi: No comment!
Makoto: I'm so overwhelmed. *To Aoi* AOI, RUN!
*Aoi and Makoto start running away from the crowd and the reporters*
Aoi and Makoto: HEEEEELP!
*Back in reality*
Aoi: The... The Precures are great!
Makoto: I agree!
Aoi: In case you didn't know, I was a big fan of Cure Sword!
Hiroshi: That's great to hear, Aoi. *To Makoto* Makoto, who is your Precure idol among the two?
Makoto: Well, mine would be Cure Gelato.
Hiroshi: Thank you for telling us about your Precure Idols, Miracle Beat.
*The audience gives a round of applause to Aoi and Makoto*
*A few hours later*
*In the park (Pikarigaoka, Japan)*
Aoi: I was so scared!
Makoto: Me too! I don't know what to answer earlier!
Aoi: *panics* What if... WHAT IF PEOPLE KNEW THAT GELATO AND SWORD ARE US?! We're popular in both Civilian and Cure forms now!
Makoto: Chill, Aoi! That won't happen as long as we are careful.
Aoi: Right. Say, I got offered in a Fashion Photoshoot. I will go for a photoshoot tomorrow.
Makoto: I'm glad that you got your first solo idol activity, Aoi.
Aoi: Thanks! If not for you, Makoto, I wouldn't step outside my comfort zone.
*Minori (Hyuuga) appears on Scene*
Minori: *To Aoi and Makoto* Hi there, Aoi, Makoto!
Aoi and Makoto: Hi!
Makoto: Do we know you?
Minori: Don't be so forgetful, Makoto! I'm the younger sister of Big Sis Saki, remember? You two even visited PANPAKA Pan last time.
Aoi and Makoto: Minori!
Minori: Yes. Anyways, I saw your interview on TV earlier.
Makoto: That's good to hear, Minori!
Minori: You two seemed scared when the host talked about Cure Gelato and Cure Sword.
Aoi: About that, it's because we don't have ideas on what to say, Minori.
Minori: I see. I'm now a Big fan of Miracle Beat. Big Sis Saki also watched you both in person.
Makoto: Yeah!

❤️ Scene 2 ❤️

*The next day*
*In Aoi's classroom (Golden Star University)*
*Aoi, Satoru, Emika, and Mei sit on a chair (they're all wearing PE Uniforms)*
Satoru: *To Aoi* So, you will go to the photoshoot later, huh?
Aoi: Yes, Satoru! This is my first solo idol activity. I was also cast as the Protagonist in the movie.
Emika: We're all sad that your Best Friend Makoto isn't the part of that movie.
Aoi: Yeah, but who knows? Maybe we will get a TV show or a Movie both Makoto and I were the part of someday.
Mei: I can't believe that we will merge with Section B again. We will play against Pharmacy.
Aoi: Isn't Pharmacy the course where we study medicines?
Satoru: It was.
*Makoto, Tsumugi, and Lara (who are all wearing PE Uniforms as well) arrive on scene*
Makoto: Hello there!
Mei: Hey! Aren't you all supposed to be in a gym?
Lara: We were about to go there, Mei, but Makoto said that we should check up on you all.
Tsumugi: I'm so nervous!
Makoto: Me too, but we can get through this.
Emika: Yep!
Aoi: Anyways, we should all practice so that we will win!
Makoto: Last week, Aoi and I went to my hometown to make myself better. Aoi told me that I shouldn't give up on trying.
Tsumugi: Alright!
*Satoru, Mei, Emika, and Lara nod*
*A few hours later*
*In the studio lobby (Kibougahana, Japan)*
*Aoi and Elena are sitting on a chair*
Aoi: What shall I do now? I'm now popular as both Idol and Warrior.
Elena: Well, Aoi, don't say a word. When people talk about Gelato and Sword again, don't react.
Aoi: Okay. How come you decided to accompany me, Elena? You're supposed to watch over your family's shop.
Elena: I did, but then my brother is summoned to be the background model for your photoshoot, Aoi. Anyways, I have to go to my Elementary Friends. Ciao! *leaves the scene*
Aoi: Bye!
*Dabyi arrives on scene*
Aoi: Dabyi, what are you doing here?
Dabyi: Makoto asked me to check up on you, Aoi. She was busy doing a vlog about fashion ~byi.
Aoi: I knew it!
Dabyi: Makoto was already in the town square. Her classmate films for her ~byi.
Aoi: I see.
Dabyi: I can't stay here for too long. I have to clean the studio in Bella Company ~byi.
*Miss Sumiko appears on Scene*
*Dabyi pretends as a stuffed toy*
Sumiko: *To Aoi* Hello! You must be Aoi Tategami, right?
Aoi: I am!
Sumiko: Anyways, I'm the owner of the Fashion Brand called "Camille". I think you're perfect to be the model.
Aoi: EH?! Sumiko Minamino?!
Sumiko: That's me! So, are you ready to photoshoot, Aoi?
Aoi: Ready as I'll ever be. *looks at Dabyi* Can I bring this cat to my friend outside?
Sumiko: Sure, but don't get too long!

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