❤️ Episode 7: Makoto returns to Trump Kingdom!

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❤️ Intro ❤️

Aoi: Hello! Aoi Tategami here!
Makoto: And I'm Makoto Kenzaki!
Aoi: Makoto and I are Best Friends!
Makoto: We always have petty fights, but we got along so quickly.
Aoi: Thanks to Dabyi. Hmph! That cat thinks we're little kids.
Makoto: Yeah. Anyways, we mustn't show to our 5 friends that we bicker or else....
Aoi: Alright, alright! I get it, Makoto! You don't need to lecture me like that!
Makoto: I didn't really, Aoi. You just said that because you're Stubborn!

❤️ Scene 1 ❤️

*In the downtown (Oishiina Town, Japan)*
*The townspeople are running*
Nakewameke (Baseball Bat): Nakewameke! *fires multiple balls at the townspeople*
Houto: He, he! We can smash things again! *To the Nakewameke (Baseball Bat)* Right, Nakewameke!
*Gelato and Sword are running towards the Nakewameke (Baseball Bat)*
Dabyi: There's a monster on the loose ~byi!
Cure Gelato: That Nakewameke is going to destroy Oishiina! *To Sword* Let's punch the monster together! *jumps towards the Nakewameke (Baseball Bat)*
Cure Sword: Oka- *trips into a rock* AH! *falls into the ground*
Dabyi: Sword, are you okay ~byi?
Cure Sword: I'm okay!
*Gelato punches the Nakewameke (Baseball Bat) multiple times*
Nakewameke (Baseball Bat): Nake! *prepares its attack*
Cure Gelato: HUH?!
*The Nakewameke (Baseball Bat) fires multiple balls at Gelato*
*Gelato takes a hit and flings*
Cure Sword: Gelato!
*Gelato crashes into the ground*
Houto: *laughs* This fight is so easy!
Cure Sword: *To Gelato* Are you alright?
Cure Gelato: I'm fine, thank you!
Dabyi: You guys have to do something ~byi.
*Gelato and Sword stand up*
Cure Gelato: Don't be so bossy, Dabyi. You should go easy on us.
*The girl cries when the Nakewameke (Baseball Bat) approaches*
Cure Sword: That poor kid! *runs towards the girl*
Cure Gelato: Hey! Where are you going?
*Sword hugs the girl*
The girl: *To Sword* You came to my aid? Thanks, Precure!
Cure Sword: You're welcome!
Nakewameke (Baseball Bat): Nakewameke! *tries to smack both Sword and the girl using it's arm*
The girl: I'm scared!
*Gelato freezes the Nakewameke's (Baseball Bat) leg using the Candy Rod*
Nakewameke (Baseball Bat): Nake?
Cure Sword: Gelato, thanks!
Cure Gelato: Hurry, Sword! You should purify the monster right away!
Cure Sword: Okay! *lets go of the girl*
Cure Sword: Love Heart Arrow!
*The Love Heart Arrow appears in front Sword and holds the said weapon*
*Sword inserts a Loveads on the Arrow*
*Sword touches 4 different colored hearts, thus making the heart on top shines in color purple*
Cure Sword: Pretty Cure, Sparkle Sword! *pulls the Arrow's trigger and fires her attack at the Nakewameke (Baseball Bat)*
*The Nakewameke (Baseball Bat) takes a hit*
*The Nakewameke vanishes as the diamond evaporates*
*The baseball bat turns back to normal*
The girl: *To Sword* Yay! Thank you, Precure! *runs off*
*Gelato and Sword reunite*
Cure Gelato: I bet that girl is okay now.
*Sword nods*
Houto: Well, I'm quite surprised that your BFF is as weak as a kitten. Cure Sword, that is?
*Sword got depressed*
Cure Gelato: Take back what you said! Don't call her weak!
Houto: Whatever! It's true that she didn't do anything. Anyways, I give you the happy life for now. *leaves the scene*
*Every damage turns back to normal*
Cure Gelato: *To Sword* Don't mind what he said, Sword! He simply wants to let you down.
Cure Sword: No, Gelato. He is right. *bursts into tears* I couldn't defend anyone. *hugs Gelato as she cries more* Aoi!
Cure Gelato: Makoto. *hugs Sword back*
Dabyi: Please don't cry ~byi.

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