Chapter 5. 1875 

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The ride from Martin Park to Hyde Park took half an hour, but Garrett and Rachel didn't mind. They spent the better part of the journey talking of their favorite books, artists, musicians, and their favorite hobbies. It turned out they both had a love of writing poetry and short stories, as well as getting enough exercise.
Garrett leaned forward across the carriage. "Do you have any embarrassing childhood stories?"
Rachel giggled. "There was an event that took place when I was five years old. I was attempting to go across the lake in front of our house, and that lake had several large stones. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying much attention, because I was focused on the flowers and birds around me, and I slipped and fell into the lake. Thankfully I wasn't harmed, but I did get sick for the next week."
Garrett chuckled. "That sounds traumatic, but I'm glad you were all right."
Rachel. "Do you have any that you would like to share?"
Garrett. "There was an incident that took place when I was nine years old. I thought I could climb one of the large trees that are in front of York Park, but it was wishful thinking. I ended up falling and twisting my ankle. I had to stay off of it for two weeks. My mother wasn't pleased."
Rachel. "At least you didn't break any bones. My mother wasn't pleased that I came into the house soaking wet."
They started laughing as they approached Hyde Park. After passing through the gate, sweeping countryside and large tall trees surrounded them. Birds flew across the clear blue sky.
After several minutes of peaceful silence, Garrett turned his attention to Rachel. He took a breath. "I actually have some news that I need to tell you. Nothing is set in stone just yet, but it will be next week."
Rachel became nervous. "What is it? I do hope it's nothing bad."
Garrett shook his head. "Oh no, nothing bad I promise you. It's quite good news in fact."
That peaked Rachel's interest. "What is it?"
Garrett gazed at her, his eyes bright. "My brother Benjamin has just told me that I am to inherit one of our fathers titles. Well, be given one of our fathers titles by Queen Victoria next week."
Rachel gasped, her eyes going wide. "Really? What title are you going to be given?"
Garrett. "I shall be given the title of Viscount Chester."
Rachel. "That sounds like a lovely title for you. I'm glad your brother is willing to share it."
Garrett. "I am as well. And, before I even begin my new life as a Viscount, there is a question I would like to ask you."
Rachel raised one eyebrow. "And what is that question?"
Garrett leaned forward, his warm breath flowing across her face. "Will you allow me to court you?"
Rachel felt as if her insides would explode from heat. Garrett Bradford had just asked if he could court her. Her, and no one else. She gave him a soft smile. "Yes."
Garrett smiled and took her hand. "Wonderful."
Their conversation continued as the carriage moved through Hyde Park. It was clear that, despite Garrett and his soon to be new rank, that their relationship wouldn't change. At least, they were hoping it wouldn't change once he became a member of the ton.
The following week, Garrett stepped out of the Bradford carriage and walked into Buckingham Palace. It was the day that he would see Queen Victoria, and officially become Viscount Chester. He wasn't nervous, not by any means. He was ready to accept his new title with open arms.
The palace Butler stepped aside as Garrett walked into the massive house. He took the young gentleman into the throne room where Victoria was waiting. He cleared his throat. "Lord Garrett Bradford your majesty."
Victoria was seated on her throne, her dark brown curls fixed into a chignon and her body enveloped in a white silk gown. Her dark brown eyes scrutinized Garrett. "Thank you Jefferson, you may go."
Jefferson turned and left the room.
Garrett dropped to one knee, giving Victoria's hand a soft kiss. "Thank you for seeing me today your majesty."
Victoria gave him a soft smile. "It's no trouble. Your brother the Duke wanted me to do this for you."
Garrett smiled. "My brother is one of the most wonderful people you will ever meet."
Smiling, Victoria reached over and picked up a magnificent sword from a deep red velvet pillow. The handle of the sword was gold, crusted with various gemstones of rubies and emeralds. She gazed at Garrett. "Please kneel."
Garrett knelt in front of her, his head lowered. His heart started pounding as he felt the sword become placed across his shoulders. This was it, the moment he had been waiting for.
Victoria. "I,  Queen Victoria of England, here by bestow upon you the title of Lord Garrett Bradford, Viscount Chester."
Garrett felt his heart fly against his ribs. He felt power explode through him at the title now given to him. He was no longer the third son of a duke. He was no longer simply a Lord. He would forever be known as an official member of the London ton.
Victoria smiled. "Congratulations. "
Garrett slowly rose. "Thank you your majesty. I am forever grateful to you. "
Victoria. "I am flattered. "
Giving Victoria one final bow, Garrett turned and stepped out of Buckingham Palace.

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