Chapter 2. 1875 

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Garrett smiled, picking up her left wrist that had her dance card attached with a dusty pink silk ribbon. "Well then, I believe the first dance and the final dance of the evening belong to me."
Rachel smiled back. "I believe they do."
Their eyes remained locked as Garrett signed his initials into the first and final slots of Rachel's dance card. Their dances would be the quadrille and the waltz. One dance would be fast and filled with energy. The other would be slow and intimate.
Garrett cleared his throat. "I believe the quadrille is about to begin."
Rachel noticed the quintet of violinist beginning the first dance of the evening. "I believe you're right Lord Bradford."
Over the course of the next 30 minutes, Garrett and Rachel danced while conversing. They discovered that they were both the youngest of three siblings, and both shared a love of the arts and literature. They enjoyed horseback rides through Hyde Park and walks through beautiful gardens. They also discovered that they had lost their fathers about the same time, five years prior to their encounter.
Garrett. "At least we still have our mothers."
Rachel. "Indeed, I am grateful for that. And I am very happy for your brother Benjamin."
Garrett smiled. "Thank you, I am happy for him as well. Felicity Hawkins is a lovely young lady, and my nephew and niece are adorable. They are going to be a very happy family indeed."
Rachel. "My oldest sister Margaret and her husband Arthur have been married for six months, but want to wait until I am married to begin a family. Margaret says that she wants to experience motherhood with me."
Garrett. "That's a lovely idea. And what of your middle sister Vivian?"
Rachel grimaced as they moved across each other. "My middle sister Vivian is a rebel compared to me and Margaret. She wants everything her heart desires, and doesn't care how she receives it. She has quite literally thrown herself at several young men just to gain their affection."
Garrett grimaced as the quadrille came to an end. "She sounds just like my middle brother Richard. He has five children from three different mistresses."
Rachel. "Thankfully Vivian doesn't have any children. She is currently involved with a young gentleman by the name of Roger Franklin. He is a very wealthy landowner."
Garrett. "If I may ask, how wealthy is he?"
Rachel. "He makes 5000 pounds a year."
Garrett's eyes widened. "5000 pounds a year?"
Rachel. "Yes. Vivian believes that is plenty enough to live off of."
Garrett. "I suppose if Mr. Franklin has a small estate, 5000 pounds is sufficient enough. What does he do for a living?"
Rachel. "He is in the trading business. He trades diamond and silk for spices."
Garrett nodded, leading her out onto the terrace. "I see. How long have your sister and Roger been together?"
Rachel. "One month. They met in April of this year. Vivian is absolutely smitten with Roger. Margaret and I believe the two of them are moving too fast."
Garrett looked at her. "Why do you say that?"
Rachel shook her head. "Roger and Vivian have already been spotted, unchaperoned might I add, out together on several occasions."
Garrett grimaced. "Good Lord, and they haven't been reprimanded for it?"
Rachel. "Oh believe me, they certainly have. But they have both ignored it and continued. My mother Margaret and I believe that Vivian is being reckless, but she simply ignores us."
Garrett. "I do hope you don't mind me speaking so plainly, but I don't believe you to be very reckless."
Rachel gazed at him. "Thank you Lord Bradford. And, if I may say so, I don't believe you to be reckless either."
Garrett smiled, his fingers itching to reach out and caress her cheek. "Thank you. I must say, you dance beautifully."
Rachel smiled. "Thank you, as do you."
Garrett. "Thank you."
They stared at each other, fireworks exploding between them. They quickly turned their eyes toward the sapphire blue sky that was sparkling with stars, their bodies on fire. It was quite clear that they were attracted to each other, very strongly attracted.
Three hours later, Garrett and Rachel had just finished their final dance for the evening, a beautiful waltz, when they noticed Vivian walking briskly toward them. She, like Rachel, had chestnut brown hair, but her eyes were honey brown.
Vivian. "There you are! I've been looking for you all night!"
Rachel tried to refrain from rolling her eyes. "And why were you looking for me?"
Vivian adjusted the skirts of her gold gown. "Because I was wondering who you were dancing with. He's quite handsome. However, he's not as handsome as my Roger."
Rachel made a face at her sisters endearment toward her lover. "If you must know Vivian, i'd like to introduce you to Lord Garrett Bradford."
Vivian's eyes widened. "You're a lord? Let me guess, you're a Barron or a Viscount?"
Garrett shook his head. "No, I am simply the third son of a duke."
Vivian's mouth dropped. "You're the third son of a Duc? My word, you are handsome."
Rachel glared at her. "Vivian, don't you have to return to Mr. Franklin?"
Vivian smiled. "Thank you for reminding me Rachel, I do. If the two of you will excuse me." She turned and walked away.
Rachel glanced at Garrett. "Please forgive my older sister, she can be a very big flirt."
Garrett chuckled. "It's all right, Richard is the exact same way."
Rachel. "It seems you and your oldest brother are very close."
Garrett smiled. "Benjamin and I are very close."
Rachel. "Margaret and I are very close as well."
As they walked back toward their carriages that were waiting for them, their conversation continued flowing smoothly like a waterfall. It was quite clear that they didn't want to leave one another's company, but decided to meet again the following day. A carriage ride through Hyde Park was brought up, and it was decided that they would both enjoy that particular activity.
Garrett assisted Rachel into her carriage. "I look forward to getting to see you again tomorrow Miss Martin."
Rachel smiled, her heart fluttering as she felt Garrett brush his lips against her knuckles. "Likewise Lord Bradford."
Giving each other one last smile, they separated. They were anxious to see each other again the following day, knowing that their bond of friendship was going to become stronger.

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