Chapter 10. 1875 

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Smiling like a schoolboy, Garrett slid the ring onto her left ring finger before rising and pulling her into his arms. His lips came down hard on hers for another sweet kiss, one that she quickly reciprocated. At last, he had his wife.
Rachel intertwined her arms around his neck, kissing him with equal passion. Finally, she had found the love of her life. Pulling away, she smiled down at the elegant ring. "This is beautiful."
Garrett smiled. "Thank you, it was my mothers."
Rachel. "I love it. You know me very well for being a simple yet elegant woman."
Garrett burst out laughing. "So you don't want an extravagant diamond?"
Rachel giggled, shaking her head. "Not at all, the ring you have given me is absolutely perfect."
Garrett kissed her softly. "I'm glad you love it my darling."
Exchanging several more sweet kisses, they made their way back to the party. They couldn't wait to announce their engagement. Their marriage, they both knew, was going to be a marriage of love.
The following morning, Margaret Vivian and Rachel were sitting at the breakfast table, enjoying scones and tea. The news of Rachel's engagement to Garrett had spread like wildfire, and Margaret and Mrs. Martin were very thrilled. But Vivian was jealous.
Vivian. "So, you are engaged to a Viscount, Margaret is married to a Barron, and I only have the title of Mrs. Franklin. That's not fair!"
Margaret. "Vivian, be grateful that you are married at all. You're no longer a single young lady."
Vivian. "Yes yes I know, but I don't have a noble title like the two of you."
Rachel put down her tea cup. "Vivian, Garrett only proposed to me last night. Our marriage isn't going to take place until September."
Vivian. "I know that, but that does not give you the right to gloat about your engagement!"
Rachel's mouth dropped. "I am doing no such thing, you know me better than that."
Vivian. "Your diamond ring says otherwise. It's much larger than mine."
Margaret. "Vivian, keep your voice down. Mama is still sleeping. And, if my memory serves me correct, your diamond ring is much larger than both mine and Rachel's combined."
Vivian glanced at both of her sisters' rings, noticing that Margaret had a small round diamond and Rachel had a medium sized one. She then glanced down at her own large diamond and smiled with satisfaction. "You would be correct Margaret. However, I know that both of you are going to have much finer carriages than me."
Margaret. "Vivian, don't forget, Roger makes 12,000 pounds a year. You are going to have the finest of everything he can purchase for you."
Vivian growled. "I know that, but doesn't Arthur make 14,000 pounds a year? And Garrett 15,000 pounds a year?"
Rachel. "Money isn't everything. Be fortunate and grateful that you have a husband who adores you."
Vivian rolled her eyes before finishing her tea. "Speaking of my husband, I believe it's time I returned to Franklin Park. I look forward to your wedding Rachel."
Margaret and Rachel watched as Vivian stood up from her seat and walked upstairs to prepare her suitcase for her departure. They exchanged a glance, knowing full well that Vivian would make sure Roger spoiled her. They knew that Roger would give Vivian everything her heart desired.
Margaret smiled at Rachel. "I am so happy for you sister. You and I are going to be ladies of society together."
Rachel smiled back. "Yes we are. But I must ask, are you sure you don't mind me being above you in status?"
Margaret shook her head, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand. "Not one bit. I cannot wait for you to be married and become viscountess Chester. I am also looking forward to becoming a mother and experiencing all of that with you."
Rachel. "I am looking forward to all of that as well. I'm surprised Arthur is being patient."
Margaret giggled. "He's been wondering when you were going to be getting married. It seems he and Garrett are very close friends, and he wants the two of them to do things together. That includes becoming fathers."
Rachel burst out laughing. "Well, we won't have to be waiting too much longer."
The sisters smiled at each other before finishing their scones and tea. They heard Vivian come back downstairs, and gave her tight hugs before watching her leave Martin Park. It was clear all three sisters had a bright and beautiful future ahead of them.
Margaret. "When did you want to begin looking for your wedding gown?"
Rachel. "I'm not sure, probably in the next few days. I was thinking of going to the modiste to purchase some fabric."
Margaret smiled. "That sounds like a lovely idea. Why don't we go the day after tomorrow? That way the dressmaker can have enough time to make it."
Rachel smiled brightly. "Perfect. I will tell you however, I don't want anything elaborate. Simple and elegant are more my style."
Margaret giggled. "I know they are."
After making sure that their dirty dishes and tea cups were taken care of, the sisters made their way into the garden to take a walk through the flowers. Wedding preparation's had already begun, and they couldn't wait for the day to arrive.

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