Chapter 3. 1875 

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Shortly after arriving to York Park, Richard told Benjamin and Garrett that he was going out. He wasn't tired, and was wanting to spend his evening with his mistress.
Benjamin. "And which mistress is this?"
Richard rolled his eyes. "My newest one. Her name is Caroline Lawson. I met her about two weeks ago, and we have hit it off."
Garrett. "What about Bernadette, Patricia, and Victoria? Not to mention your five children? Don't you care about them?"
Richard. "My other mistresses and children have the money they need to survive. I don't need them. I'm ready to move on. Besides, I believe Caroline is the one I am wanting to spend the rest of my life with."
Benjamin. "I hope you're right brother. I want you to be smart with your decisions. Don't force Caroline into marriage simply because you're infatuated with each other."
Richard stuck his tongue out. "We are quite infatuated with each other Benji, but I will be smart this time. And what about you and Felicity? When are you getting married?"
Benjamin glared at him as they walked into his office. "My marriage to Felicity is none of your concern brother. I have not even asked for her hand yet."
Richard. "Very well. If the two of you should need me, I shall be out with Miss Lawson." he turned on his heel and left the house.
Benjamin slumped into his desk chair, rubbing his face. "What am I going to do with him Garrett?"
Garrett took a seat across from his eldest brother, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't know Benji, but I am simply hoping he is going to change his ways and take Miss Lawson as his wife."
Benjamin. "I am hoping for that as well. However, I don't want to think about our brother at the moment. There is a matter of which I would like to speak to you about."
Garrett looked at him questioningly. "What is it?"
Benjamin opened the top drawer of his desk, pulling out a single sheet of paper. He gave the paper to Garrett. "This was fathers last wish before he died. Aside from wanting us to split the inheritance evenly, he wished for the three of us to have his titles."
Garrett took the piece of paper, scanning it. His heart nearly stopped, his eyes going wide as he saw the titles laid out on the paper before him. "Father had all of these titles?"
Benjamin nodded. "Yes he did. The Duke of York, the Marquis of Dunbar, and Viscount Chester."
Garrett. "You already have the first one."
Benjamin chuckled. "I do, but the Marquis of Dunbar and viscount Chester still remain. I was hoping that Richard would take one of them, but he refuses to do so."
Garrett. "Why has he refused?"
Benjamin rolled his eyes. "He doesn't want the responsibility. He says that he is perfectly fine with the 15,000 pounds I have given him and nothing more."
Garrett. "We both know what he has done with those 15,000 pounds."
Benjamin grimaced. "We certainly do. Which is why I would like you to have one of those titles."
Garrett glanced over the trio of titles one more time before looking up at his brother. He smiled softly. "I believe the title of viscount Chester would suit me nicely. The Marquis of Dunbar should go to Anthony."
Benjamin smiled. "That's what I was hoping you would say. I'll send a letter to Queen Victoria, and by next week you will be dubbed Lord Garrett Bradford, viscount Chester. "
Garrett smile proudly. "Thank you Benjamin. You don't know what this means to me."
Benjamin returned his smile. "You're very welcome my brother. And, not only do you now have Bradford Park here in Mayfair, but you also have a country estate, Chester Park."
Garrett smiled even wider. He now had a townhouse and a country estate. Visions of himself and Rachel occupying both houses swam through his mind. He couldn't wait to tell her of the wonderful news when they next saw each other. After the following week, he would no longer be just the third son of a duke. He would be among the London ton as a viscount.
Benjamin. "I do hope you're happy brother. You are officially going to be among the London elite by the end of next week. "
Garrett smiled. "I am over joyed brother. I cannot thank you enough."
Benjamin. "I'm so glad. So, please tell me about the young lady you were dancing, and speaking with, all night tonight. "
Garrett chuckled. "Well, her name is Miss Rachel Martin. She is the daughter of a landowner. She is a very beautiful kind humble generous and quite intelligent young woman."
Benjamin. "Do tell more. "
Garrett. "She is the youngest of three sisters. One of them, the oldest Margaret, is already married. The middle daughter, Vivian, isn't married yet.  Rachel is very well-versed in literature languages and music."
Benjamin. "It seems the two of you have quite a lot in common. "
Garrett. "We do. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I am nearly finished purchasing 10 Royal Crescent in Beth. "
Benjamin. "Really? Well, you and I are going to be neighbors. I am in the process of purchasing 12 Royal Crescent. "
Garrett. "Wonderful, it seems we are going to be neighbors. "
Benjamin. "We certainly are. "
The brothers continued discussing various topics of conversation. They spoke about Rachel and Felicity, their new homes that they were purchasing, and the fact that they would be among the London ton together.
Garrett rows from his seat. "I believe I will turn in early brother."
Benjamin. "That's perfectly fine, I have some paperwork that needs finishing anyway. I'll see you in the morning."
Smiling at his brother, Garrett turned and made his way upstairs to his chamber. He couldn't stop thinking about Rachel. He was anxious to see her again the following day, to tell her the news that he was going to be Viscount Chester and no longer simply the third son of a duke. He was hoping and praying that, when he did relay the news, that she would be pleased and wish to continue their friendship. And possibly allow it to blossom into more.

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